Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Jishrim] Mothman


don't sit on ladybugs
Lore Staff

Minecraft name: uhavebeengalaxyd
Character name: Mothman


Overall Tier

Spell Points
3 Per Day

Prepared spells per day
1x Divination
2x Ruin

Tier: 1
Divine: Universal
Action: Ritual
Components: S, V, M
Cost: 1sp
Duration: C
Spell: With a ritual based around their chosen divine(such as lighting candles or incense, giving an offering, etc), a blessed may ask a single simple question - And are given a sign of some kind in return. This is limited to once per OOC week and may take several days for a response. At the lowest tier, it can be very vague and the response may not be given, verbal, or clear that one was granted at all. As the blessed grows higher in tier, the responses become clearer.

Tier: 1
Divine: Alignment Evil
Action: Touch
Components: S
Cost: 1sp
Duration: Permanent
Spell: Touch one object to ruin it with the following effect: break, rust, crack, shatter. Limit: Must be something one can lift or hold. Cannot be anything imbued by Enchantments, Arcane or Divine magic.
Tier: 1
Divine: Jishrim
Action: Thought
Components: S
Cost: 1sp
Duration: One Minute
Spell: Light sources in a 10b radius, centered around the Caster, begin to flicker on and off. The Caster can will it to move along with them, or remain in one area. This Includes: candles, small fires, torches, glowstone and redstone lamps. The sources of light return to normal after 1 minute.

Tier: 1
Divine: Universal
Action: Ritual
Components: S, V, M
Cost: 1sp
Duration: C
Spell: With a ritual based around their chosen divine(such as lighting candles or incense, giving an offering, etc), a blessed may ask a single simple question - And are given a sign of some kind in return. This is limited to once per OOC week and may take several days for a response. At the lowest tier, it can be very vague and the response may not be given, verbal, or clear that one was granted at all. As the blessed grows higher in tier, the responses become clearer.

Tier: 1
Divine: Universal
Action: Incantation
Components: S, V
Cost: 1sp
Duration: One minute
Spell: Enact a divine vision that is thematic to your deity in the mind of another. It creates vivid imagery within their imagination, urging thoughts of glory or terror depending on alignment. The recipient must be conscious and without aggression.

Gaseous Poison
Tier: 1
Divine: Alignment Evil
Action: Incantation
Components: S, M
Cost: 1sp
Duration: 24 hours
Spell: Poison a litre vial of liquid with an incantation. Inside, a gaseous poison will form- taking on the color of the Caster’s Deity. The vial can be tossed within a 10b radius, in which it will disperse a gas within a 3b radius of its location. If inhaled, the targets will feel nauseous and mildly poisoned. If it touches the skin, targets will feel an acidic, burning sensation. The effect of the gas lasts for one combat round. The gas becomes expired and loses vigor if not used within 24 hours.

Tier: 1
Divine: Alignment Evil
Action: Thought
Components: S
Cost: 1sp
Duration: 1 combat round
Spell: Choose a target within speak range. The caster makes a hysterical action that another is forced to display. You laugh, they laugh. One has the ability to laugh, scream, cry, be angry, or fearful. Must have intent on only one person of madness. If there is an attempt at physical harm on the subject, the spell breaks.

Tier: 1
Divine: Alignment Evil
Action: Touch
Components: S
Cost: 1sp
Duration: Permanent
Spell: Touch one object to ruin it with the following effect: break, rust, crack, shatter. Limit: Must be something one can lift or hold. Cannot be anything imbued by Enchantments, Arcane or Divine magic.

Aura of Unease
Tier: 1
Divine: Alignment Evil, Neutral
Action: Thought
Components: S, V
Cost: 1sp
Duration: Concentration
Spell: A glow emits around the Caster’s head for the duration of a speech, or held conversation. It can be visually thematic to a color of whichever neutral/evil god they worship. Players around in speak range will feel uneasy and unsettled. Effect doesn’t work on characters feeling extremely violent.


Passives(s) or Sustained Effects:

Current Divine Status:

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don't sit on ladybugs
Lore Staff

I was renamed Mothman. No it was not my idea. Yes it's official.​