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[Jax] Mathieu de Courtnay


Bored Brit
- J A X -

Mathieu de Courtnay



You shall chase all opportunities, to better thy standing;

"Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained."

Take all that is given, and give back only what you must.

You shall not reveal your entire hand in one play.

All that glitters is gold, and thou shall pursue it for its likeness.

Status: Establishing himself as a merchant of high

value and repute. In doing so, he's exploring thve
faith of Jax and where he might stand within it.

Tier: Blessed of Jax [T2]

Spell Points: [] [] [] [] [] / [] [] [] [] []

Passive: The blessed regularly finds coins laying about
that no one else would’ve found. They have a good poker face.


Divine: Jax.
Tier: 1
Action: Prayer.
Cost: 1SP
Duration: As long as required.
Spell: The caster summons their coin purse out of thin air with a poof of gold glitter into their hand. It may contain
any type of currency, but nothing else beyond that. The size is limited to the average large coin purse. They may dismiss
it at will. The coin inside remains inside, it does not vanish or change as it is willed and dismissed. The ‘cost’ and ‘cast’
of this spell is each time it is summoned.

Divine: Jax.
Tier: 1
Action: Prayer and Touch.
Cost: 2SP
Duration: Permanent.
Spell: The caster may touch any object up to the size of a tankard to coat it in a layer of gold. Can be used on flesh but the gold
will flake off and leave them with a brief ache. This does not turn the entire object into gold, though it could be melted down.

Divine: Jax.
Tier: 1
Action: Prayer and the payment of one golden coin that disperses upon the cast.
Cost: 2SP
Duration: One day.
Spell: The caster curses an individual with bad luck and misfortune. The target finds that for the rest of the day they will, at the
choice of the caster, be given one of the following outcomes for the rest of the day:
[Clumsy] They bump into chairs, tables, walls, doors, and so on - As if everything has moved a few inches in the wrong
direction and they never noticed. They even spill their drinks half the time. Wasteful.
[Loser] They lose every gamble they make, find that they have lost half their coin purse amount, and one of their normal possessions
has abruptly been left at home or somewhere else entirely. Such as a boot, or a sword, or a cloak. How could they be so careless?
[Forgetful] They call people by the wrong name and make a fool of themselves for it, gaining a faint stutter and stammer that they
surely didn't have before. They might have had a meeting to go to, or a delivery to make, but they've simply lost track of time.
Note: This cannot be used to sway the outcome of combat but the player may factor it in if they desire to do so.

Divine: Jax.
Tier: 1
Action: Prayer.
Cost: 1SP
Duration: Permanent until broken.
Spell: The caster summons forth a golden quill and scroll of parchment from thin air with a poof of gold glitter, and it writes up
a contract as spoken by the caster. The target can then take the quill to sign it, and the contract is sealed. Should this agreement
or contract be broken in any way, the blessed witnesses the contract tear itself up in front of them, and the target is plagued with
misfortune for the next week in a similar line to [UNLUCKY].
Note: The contract states explicitly what will happen if the terms are not met. The signee is fully aware of the consequences.
The contract cannot be altered once written.
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Bored Brit
- Born "Mathieu de Courtnay II" to Maceo de Courtnay I and Marie du Lavoyarde only a few weeks before the event in which Crusade would take Maceo's life. Thus he is born into a long line of noble lords and a life of great wealth.

- He is baptised by his father on the day before he left. He is marked with ash upon his forehead and named 'A gift of God'.

- He is brought up in the Ignis Capital of the world; Haven, with his sisters; Arielle and Alys. When Marie leaves and takes Alys, it is only he and Arielle that remain in Haven. Their studies are wildly different for he is taught by Podric and Fleur's tutors, not by Charlemagne.

- He is, for a long time, told that he is the heir to Le Havre, even though it is Pod's primary Religious holding. For many years, he does not see outside of the castle and the town. During this time, he is relentlessly tutored toward the Law and to pay great attention toward its wording as, with enough attention, you can make the law work for you.

- Whilst Fleur's tutors teach him of the Law and how to use it, Podric teaches him of Glory and of his father. He tells him of the day that he will take on the mantle of Lord of Courtnay and how he must be different to his father, not act so harshly to the world. They pray before the Temple in Haven.

- Whilst Mathieu grows up, he gathers all of his family's claims. He is determined to become the best Lord of Courtnay and to make such great riches. In doing this, he begins to realise just how much land the law supposedly entitles him to. He thanks Ignis in prayer for everything he has is by the Grace of the Light.

- When he becomes of age, Mathieu travels to Queensport to put his grand strategy into motion. He vassalises under Kane of Kaltstadt, that he may grow in reknown and use their resources to regain his Eberlands.

- He lays claim to Wellenbrecher and, in prayer, informs Ignis Synnove that he intends to build a monument to her and a tower to remember the Anhalder heritage. It sits on the Western Coast of Gottland and is thusly in a perfect position to see the sun rise.

- Attends a Joust in the Kaltstadt to honour his vows of vassalage. Whilst Mathieu does not win, he dedicates his progress to both of his Lieges; Katherine Kane and Ignis Synnove. He decides to step out of the runnings once he had already beaten the accomplished jouster; Thure Hardanger, for he did not consider there to be further glory to be won against Amateurs that would outweigh his beating one who has training in the art of jousting.

- He joins Podric's Cult. It is undergoing changes, but its worth noting that he is an Ignis Cult member.

- By exploiting the law and playing the part of a spoiled child, Mathieu earns legal exemption from tax and decides to offer a tithe (one tenth) of the produce that will be gained during this time of exemption to the Church of Ignis Synnove, in thanks for Her holy assistance.

- A Glory seeker, through and through, Mathieu begins to plan for an adventure- but first must gather those who are likeminded and wish to please the Light. [+]

- Mathieu also seeks to gain prestige and Glory by embarking on a scouting mission, alone, into the disputed lands of the Eberlands, wherein he will find the Truth of his enemies and thus plot his reclamation.

- Mathieu undertakes a journey into the Sorrowlands with the Hardanger Household. Armed with a sword and no armour, he took to fighting the undead for Glory. Victorious against the damned undead, Mathieu almost leaves the excursion unscathed save for a scar on the side of his face- that is until an opportunist Skraagite attempts to murder him. He survives, massively injured but alive.

- In his most controversial action yet, Mathieu demands to secede from the Kaltstadt upon hearing of Thure's demotion. It is a motion that is immediately denied, causing Mathieu to declare open revolt. This results in a very tense standoff. A duel is called. Its end is inconclusive- Asher's throat is pierced and Mathieu loses an eye and a chunk of his nose.

- Mathieu and Asher have negotiations. Mathieu's oaths are reinstated and the shortlived rebellion is exactly that. He heads back to his lands, to pay tax and levy where he must but to avoid the court and intrigues therein. Mathieu is shelved. [02/11/20]

[Mathieu still believes in Ignis but has since realised that following in her footsteps will just lead to him becoming his Father. It would be better for him to carve his own path with one of her angels whom he has already taken to emulating in the past and is quite the fit to his ambitious and greedy personality.]

- Mathieu is unshelved. [8/12/20]. He begins planning his takeover of the Eberlands with increased vigor. As though the lands are already his, he begins making trade deals with neighbours- creating contracts that depend on capital and produce he does not yet have. One such deal is the [Blackrush Trade Deal].

- Mathieu enters a trade deal with Astrakhan with the expectation for it to become a more permanent agreement once the first exchange of goods is complete. He now plans to trade these goods elsewhere. [Astrakhan trade deal].

- Mathieu enters a trade deal with Veraci with the expectation for it to become a more permanent agreement once the first exchange of goods is complete. He now plans to trade these goods elsewhere. [Veraci trade deal].

- He's taken to thanking Jax for his assistance during his trade brokering for he believes that the angel definitely looked down and appreciated his efforts.

Mathieu has gained the right to a trade license and to privateer for the state of Kaltstadt. He has taken to researching and commissioning a ship whilst also looking for workers to rebuild Wellenbrecher's dock so that his eventual fleet has a place to moor. He has also purchased licenses to trade alcohol, opium and other vices within the Kaltstadt.

- Uriel dedicates duel with Vara d'Arras to Jax as it is a great gamble- putting his life on the line for his entire future. Doing so earns Ignis' curse: Mathieu finds himself feeling as if the sun itself burns him upon the morning of the duel for his dedication to another. He will feel half as warm from any heart source, and the sun is always just a little bit too bright to be considered pleasant.

- Mathieu wins the duel with d'Arras and takes control of the Eberlands and finally starts his grand business schemes.

- Mathieu establishes the East Kaltic Trading Company, based off of the licenses he has garnered from the Crown so that he can act under a name that demands those who would cross him, think twice about who they attack.

- Mathieu commissions two ships to begin his trading fleet. The KTV Risktaker and the KTV Intrepid Chance.

- Mathieu works toward partnering with the Kegheart family to create a subsidiary company of the EKTC to gain further profits. He brokers a deal in which he receives a hefty cut of the profits in exchange for their working under his trade licenses.

- Mathieu attends a sea expedition wherein he falls from the mast of the foresail and almost died. With the help of a Jax spell, his fall is broken by a stray rope wrapping about his arm whilst he fell. Upon reaching their destination, he avoids the fight. A Jax blessed vyre is killed by his hand for threatening him. Consequences are avoided, for now, with Mathieu heading home with his share of the loot and a warning from the expedition's captain that the Jax crew will come for him.

- Mathieu has his friends join him as the crew of his new ships. He writes up the articles therein and readies himself for a journey.

- Mathieu bets on a few fights in the landing and then attends an event in which he helps a merchant caravan, drifting and spiritual, find peace in the afterlife. [Artifact Gained.]. Two iron daggers are offered to the shrine.

- Mathieu gains [T1] via a sign involving dice at the Tavern. Two ordinary, cool looking dice, are gained.

- Mathieu casts [Unlucky] on Candice Kane for CRIMES! committed against the Misfits. He also makes a [Contract] with Glenn. He'll stock the Clubhouse with liquor and booze in exchange for Glenn's absolute loyalty to the crew when at sea.

- Mathieu and Mira Laranja have more issues.

- Mathieu and Lana Wake make a deal. He recieves a deposit of 30k with a [Binding Contract I] dictating that Lana will pay him another 35k within a week of gaining it. A hefty order is agreed to.

- The second instalment of Lana's deposit is paid- putting him at 65k without any work being actually done yet. He also makes profit off of a personal strife- by using the law and his titles to demand the one who wronged him to pay compensation for damages to a cannon. The first instalment of this compensation: 4000/25000 is made.

- Mathieu opens up the EKTC for investors. His finances and the company's are officially separated but he remains the merchant head of the company and the one operating its day-to-day. [+] Having given all of his funds (73,170r) he recieves far more in overall investments (107,250).

- In order to further his standing and chase opportunities, Mathieu seeks out and achieves a position in the Storm's Landing Council as treasurer. Whilst he is not elected, nor does he have a vote in council measures- he has access to the treasury and is in charge of its distributions and providing financial and economic advice to the council.

- He captains the first voyage of the KTS Intrepid Chance. A passenger route from Storm's Landing to the Far North, he is set upon by pirates. They are dealt with, earning Mathieu experience at sea and spoils that he intends to keep for the rest of his life- a memento of his first command and the adventure that it was.

- He requests that the Kaltstaat make him aware of any pirates plaguing their routes, to better protect his interests and to assist in a long-term plan of his. He begins preparations for that voyage- wondering which ship would be best to use and how best to utilise it.

- He begins planning the first Shareholder's meeting for the East Kaltic Trading Company, to discuss its first set of returns and future business plans.

- Knights Gunter. He is placed under a [Contract] to serve Mathieu at pain of losing the title and any lands if he fails.

- Mathieu begins a war with the Southgate Meadery company, to acquire land.

- Mathieu makes some changes to Storm's Landing legislation to assure it makes more money.

- Mathieu and the crew of the KTS Intrepid Chance took on the pirates of The Drowned. With victory, Mathieu enters a new ship into his personal fleet.

- Mathieu has reached [T2].

- Mathieu is named the Lord Admiral of the Kaltstaat Kingdom and Kaltic Empire, increasing his standing.

- Mathieu is named Quartermaster of the Storm's Landing Guard putting him in control of SL's entire finances.
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Bored Brit
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Bored Brit
Assets:Description:Cost per Harvest:Income per Harvest:Current Stores:Per Annum:
Eberbau | WarehouseA warehouse to store goods in Eberbau.N/AN/A4 Stacks of Raw Iron.
2 "Stacks" of Spices.
2 "Stacks" of Dyes.
Eberbau | ArmouryAn armoury to store weapons in Eberbau.N/AN/A1 Iron Warhammer.
1 Iron Cutlass.
2 Iron Shortsword.
3 stacks of Wool Fiber.
1 Iron Bardiche.
2 Iron Maces.
1 Iron Halberd.
Eberbau |
Wheat fields of Eberbau.One quarter of the Crop per Harvest in taxes.
(8 stacks of Wheat)
33 stacks of Wheat per Harvest.50 stacks of Wheat.
(Base Worth: 500r)
(Base: 1000r)
Eberbau |
Hops fields of Eberbau.One quarter of the Crop per Harvest in taxes.A fair quantity of Hops.A fair quantity of Hops.[/]
Ackerland |
Wheat fields of Ackerland.One quarter of the Crop per Harvest in taxes.
(24 stacks of Wheat)
96 stacks of Wheat per Harvest.142 stacks of Wheat
(Base Worth: 1420r)
(Base: 2840r)
Ackerland |
Potato fields of Ackerland.One quarter of the Crop per Harvest in taxes.
(3 stacks of Potato)
13 stacks of Potato per Harvest.20 stacks of Potatoes.
(Base Worth: 200r)
(Base: 400r)
Ackerland |
Carrot fields of Ackerland.One quarter of the Crop per Harvest in taxes.
(3 stacks of Carrot)
13 stacks of Carrot per Harvest.20 stacks of Carrots.
(Base Worth: 200r)

(Base: 400r)
Ackerland |
Beet fields of Ackerland.One quarter of the Crop per Harvest in taxes.
(2 stacks of Beetroot)
7 stacks of Beetroot per Harvest.14 stacks of Beetroot.
(Base Worth: 140r)
(Base: 280r)
Ackerland | HopsHops fields of Ackerland.One quarter of the Crop per Harvest in taxes.A small quantity of Hops.A small quantity of Hops.[/]
Ackerland | HorseHorse pasture of Ackerland.N/A.[X] Foals each Spring.A rather large quantity of Horses, work and war.[/]
Ackerland | CattleCattle pasture of Ackerland.N/A.Roughly 4 Calves each Spring.2 Dairy Cow
3 Beef Cow,
1 Bull.
Queensport | WarehouseA warehouse to store goods in Queensport.7200rN/AN/A[/]

-=] I [=-
Mathieu becomes Tier 1 of Jax.

DM: *Reality, most scholars agree, is most normally a regular, constant thing. It is predictable, it is governed by laws. Forces, gravity, causality, et cetera. Except when it isn't.*
MATHIEU: *Mathieu makes to to help Kinsey go wherever she has to go.*
DM [DICE]: *Exists. More precisely, it exists suddenly on the table before Mathieu.*
MATHIEU: *Mathieu would've stood and then sees these dice appear before him.*
MATHIEU: ".." *He glances to the others and then to the dice. He reaches out with a vaguely amused smirk.*
VALTAE: "uh... that wasnt here before."
MATHIEU: "No.. They weren't."
MATHIEU: *One hand comes to a locket around his neck as he attempts to pick up the dice with other.*
DM [DICE]: *Even more precisely, it is a pair of six-sided die, solid, with a weight to them that seems to draw the eye. The numbers, carved heavily upon them, hold a gravity to them. The dice are foreboding.*
DM [DICE]: *And they exist now on the table before Mathieu.*

KINSEY: *Kinsey bit the inside of her cheek- watching this. She looks as though she's going to cry, again.*
MATHIEU: *He would try to scoop them up, so that he could give them an idle roll.*
VALTAE: "Matheu.. Kinsey wants to go home."
KINSEY: "I-It's fine- It's fine-"
DM [DICE]: *Mathieu, unheeding of the warning bells that surround this pair of mysterious dice, takes them up and tosses them.*
DM [DICE]: *Roll me two d6s, separately.*
(d6) You've rolled 1
(d6) You've rolled 2

VALTAE: * the healer pulls up one of the bloodied rags to try adn cover the dice but.. god dammit
AELYTH: *She looks to them playing a normal game of dice.*
AELYTH: *She orders mint tea with honey.*
DM [DICE]: *...One of the dice shows a two. The other shows a grinning skull, adorned in the peaked cap of a jester.*
MATHIEU: *He leans in, somewhat, to look and then looks to the others present. He is rather amused.* "Do you think anyone would mind if I took these?"
KINSEY: "I-I don't want to know what those'll do-"
KINSEY: *She held her quarterstaff close to herself, in her good hand.*
MATHIEU: *His hand goes so far as to reach for a second scoop.*
KINSEY: "M-Mathieu? No."
VALTAE: "Uh. I dont think that's- " probiblay too late
DM [DICE]: *The dice make a decidedly un-dice-like sound as Mathieu picks them up; the clink of gold changing hands, piles of it shifting across tables and across seas, the cacophony of the beast of economy.*
KINSEY: *Kinsey looked around, afraid.*
MATHIEU: *Mathieu stumbles back a tad, at that. His hands tighten and his eyes absolutely widen in pure amazement.*
KINSEY: *She quickly stepped over to Mathieu's side- trying her best to understand what was going on.*
DM [DICE]: *And then it is silent, and they are ordinary dice. A challenge has been accepted, a pact has been entered. Mathieu feels something immense smile upon him for but a moment, overwhelming him, and as the feeling fades just a trace of it lingers.*
DM [DICE]: *He feels... just a bit lucky, for the experience.*

MATHIEU: *Mathieu lets out a sort of choked noise.*
KINSEY: "Are- are you okay?!"
VALTAE: "... Be careful. Things dont often come without a price."

DM [DICE]: *Mathieu is now a T1 blessed of Jax.*
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Bored Brit
an entirely unnecessary note to say mathieu hit the 100k+ IC funds mark which marks uh, over 50k made purely by IC endeavours which is cool as fuck.

that said, i need to rework some of the tables to start to include his harvest plugin stock- so i can explain where his materials to make things comes from, marking their depletion when new items are created and sold : )


Bored Brit
fully removed the income table and transferred it over to google sheets to make for less human error