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James_Longstreets Character Profile


Carolus Rex
James Longstreet is the first Vyres to step foot into Altera, He holds a small Mansion in the Altera Northern Lands with the rest of his brethren. He goes by the name of James, Vyres, Nightstalker or BloodLetter.

James has jet black hair but it has started to grey, his eyes are usually red but on occasion he has been seen with Green eyes or blood red eyes when in a blood lust, He has a black beard. He is about 1.80m tall and about 70kg. His distinguishing features are the Fangs that stick out from his mouth. He is usually seen in a Black cloak but of late he has been seen in the White Cloak he was hung in.

James has two different personalities depending on his blood lust. James is usually a calm, kind mannered, chivalry and charming, He is known to charm women as much as he can. He has also been known to have a thing against Elves always calling them "female or Feminine. James when he has starved himself of blood for a long period of time becomes a ravenous beast attacking anything and everything he sees, he does not distinguish between friend or foe he just attacks and tries to feed, this has been known to cause a lot of trouble for James and the people of Altera. He has been suffering from images and ghosts of his past.

James at the age of 24 was a farmer and a part time thief he lived with his wife Rose and their daughter Lilly. During the seasons of bad harvest James was forced to steal and rob to survive that winter, Rose had known about James's side job but she understood the meaning of food on the table and wood on the fire. It was one night when James was in the local pub, a man came up to him and asked if he was interested in a job that would pay out 10,000 Radiants, James eagerly accepted and followed the man to the house he was to rob. When they arrived James walked up to the house and went to pick the lock but the lock was open, James took this as a sign of luck and walked in only to find himself surrounded by guards.
The man who had "hired" him was actually the local Baron, he had been set up in an effort to bring him to justice. James was cuffed and he thought to himself that he would be taken to the court room, but the guards did not take him to the court room they took him to his farmstead. James looked in horror as he saw the guards tying his wife and daughter up whereupon they threw them back in the house and lit it on fire. He watched helplessly as his whole life burned infront of him, he closed his eyes and let the tears of anger, sadness and helplessness flow. When the screaming stopped the Baron ordered James strung up near his farmstead. And with the snap of the rope James's Heart stopped and his final breath taken. Or so he thought.
As he waited for judgement from the gods a voice called out to him, the voice identified its self as Kilrox the god of blood.
He offered James a chance, a chance at revenge and the settling of his soul. The only catch was that James had to serve Kilrox as a Bloodletter, a creator of havoc a Vyres. He was to serve him until Kilrox had been satiated with the blood of James's foes. With this James accepted at the chance to get revenge, when he opened his eyes and sucked in air, he was surprised to find himself on the ground in his white cloak, which now was covered in blood.
He no longer felt his heart beat but his mind was on the task at hand. Revenge. He went in to town and found the baron. James uttered one word "Bleed" and with that he jumped the man and tore him limb from limb slowly, making the baron suffer for everything. But James found no comfort in the gore, and so he traveled the lands looking for a place to settle to make friends and become apart of a community. He found that place and has now settled in those Northern Lands, he made a home and is now living in peace and quiet, only leaving to find and kill those Kilrox wills. He has been plagued recently of images of his wife and child.
He is yet to find peace with himself in this world and so the list of his enemies grow his friends are dwindling but those that stay he knows are loyal.

Good with a bow
Good with a sword
Good at sneaking
Good Leader
Hard to take down
Night Stalker

Holds a grudge
Quick to anger
Not very fast
Hates getting close to people
Blood Lust



... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
You can't necro a character profile unless the writer is gone from the forums and the server.
I did not know this...

Also, awesome! Mori thinks that Vyres are just a story invented to scare little children, so it would be interesting to roleplay with you.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
You know, it would be kind of interesting to roleplay with James. Mori thinks that Vyres are a story thought up to scare little children.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Well, yes, but Mori doesn't believe that. He'll think he's a mad man up to the point that James proves he is a Vyre.