Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Island] {Moderate} Linlea


IRL Visage Worshipper
IGN: 0men13.
Character Name: Izzinid Tel'Yorh.
Profile Link: [X].
Occupation/Seeking Occupation: No occupation, though in pursuit of one.
Would you like to join our house?: Not directly at this time, but potentially in the future.
Additional Notes: He's a new character, so there isn't much to him just yet. Mostly just looking for a place to stay, here. :^)


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner

The Isles - Grey Lady
Cold and quiet, a grey mist lingers around the Grey Isles every dawn. Corpses buried properly and within crypts will remain inert despite any necromantic tampering, unless something violent occurs to displace them. Spirits that do rise and fall by mortal means will pass peacefully to the Afterrealm within these bounds. Natural fires near graves and the Temple will flicker a color of ethereal white and grey-blue, but retain their normal warmth. Strangers are treated as strangers would anywhere else, but Vyres and those Blessed of Skraag especially become unsettled upon visiting, finding a shivering chill within them until they leave the premises. Despite the coldness, there comes a sense of bliss. Upon cloudless, starry nights- colors of purple, white and grey will ribbon across in stripes of aurora lights- reflecting the Sea of Souls in the Afterlife.

An unceremonious hanging took place at dawn. Any hearing of it know of a silver elven woman's attempt at assassinating the high priestess. The name is unclear. Word from the Citadel spread of a message of un-faltering will in times of chaos. Those who are involved will know loud and clear.

+Updates. It's the little things
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object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner


Linlea's Citadel closes its gates one evening. A temporary curfew is setup upon the isles. The docks will open at sunrise and close one hour after sunset immediately. Any wandering ships looking to port will be sent away unless given approval by the Tol'fen. The Veil University will remain with doors open only for its students and those the Headmistress invites. Citizens are asked to head home at the end of their shifts and report any suspicious behavior.

The south gate to the Citadel is lifted and closed. The east gate in the Citadel remains closed but will open for any visiting for business or have approval to head in. Those entering will be checked and monitored for Vyrism by the Tol'fen'ke herself. (Poke me if you're attempting it)

Those arriving through the Ashlands will be turned away unless they have a permit and explanation of their travelling there. Beacons of fire are lit around the walls of the fortress to light the night.