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Horror games


Lord of Altera
I looooove horror puzzle games sooo much. They make me think and keep me questioning what's going on even after the game's over. Keep in mind that these games have horror themes with violence and sometimes sexual references, they're not for kids.

All these games can be downloaded here: they're free and have been made to play for free :p, these are just the translated versions.

Ib - Incredible game, more puzzle than horror really, but still twisted.

Witch's House - HORROR. It's amazing, so easy to die, the puzzles are so much fun.

Mad Father - This game is.. it's my absolute favourite, it gives you what's happening straight up, but it has an amazing gameplay and story.

Misao - Can't remember too much about this one, but it was a lot of fun.

Crooked man - Haven't finished this one, it's hard to get through, but has some good scares

Paranoiac - JUMP SCARES EVERYWHERE. This one's amazing if you just want to flinch in horror-

Mermaid Swamp - Translated recently, great game, freaky and the puzzles are fun

Hello?Hell...o? - Also recently translated, this one's just a bunch of jump scares and I got bored with it before getting the proper ending, but it's alright.

Other websites:

Desert Nightmare - Fun game, I remember getting stuck a lot but it's great.

The desolate hospital - Very short game and full of jump scares. Still pretty fun.

One Night: Full Circle - Don't know if I ever beat this one, but it's good

One night - Never beat this one xD couldn't stop dying, but it's a great game.

One Night 2: The Beyond - Can't remember, but it's related to the before games- so it should be good.

The Ancient Mark: Episode one - Brilliant puzzles and very interesting story


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Bah, I have forgotten the name of a game that works in such ways. It's more puzzle that horror, but if you have a good imagination the game is great!

It involves multiple characters that have to obtain certain symbols or the like to stop Cthulu (Or other such harbinger) to life.

It is tabletop however.

Gimme a second, I'll see if I can find the name.



Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Bam! Got it! It's called Elder sign and it turns out it's not so heavily puzzle, but it does require forethought and tactics. And a wee bit of luck.

Here's a video on it, featuring Felicia Day, Mike Morhaime, Wil Wheaton and Bill Prady.

But yeah, if one has a good imagination, this'll be good.



The Anime loving Brony
If you like horror games with puzzles, then I'd suggest Silent Hill 2 + 3 if you haven't already played them. They're brilliant. Silent Hill 3 is more of a horror game than the second, but the second has a fantastic story.


Lord of Altera
I love RPG horrow games, like Mad Father, Misao, and Witches House...
All three have... interesting endings to say the least. And they're all awesome.


Lord of Altera
I like Amnesia and Slender. Doorways looks good, and Outlast looks really really good for a horror game :p