Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Finished Holy Coronation and Burial of Dwarven Kings


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
@Lannis @Arken @BarbarianGaming @Ginger Beard @jakp25 @Jstar @Mitch @MrStarkiller545 @MikeStyles27 @Styles828 @Skuller @The Chef @CatalysTftw @Goldengem25 @Lonespacemarine @xxxLouisRulesxxx @Faelin @Ced @coolblox @Deathmoron
{This event is does not welcome aggressive or violent roleplay of any sort.}

The Dwarves have had some turbulent months behind them...
A Dwarven house created, which rallied the Dwarves to one cause.
From this house a 'King' rose, which was then challenged and slain by another 'King'.
Now, these times of chaos are done, but without these chaotic events, the current peace would not have existed.

The Dwarves of Altera, along with all their allies and friends, are to be present at the event that puts an end to the chaos and sets the first step into a new Era...
The Dwarven Era.
This event is made up out of two ceremonies: The burial of King Krummi and The Holy Coronation of King Jaret, by archbishop Khorug.

All with friendly hearts towards the Dwarves, all allies to Yearnen and Yeradur and all who knew Krummi Stenahurr, from his time of scientist till his time as King under the Ruin, are invited to the burial ceremony at Tahkul-Rimtar, which will take place in the Church of Korog. The guards will let you through and we will gather in the church to await the preaching of Khorug, after which we will go down the catacombs to pay a last hommage to Krummi.

All with friendly hearts towards the Dwarves, all allies to Yearnen and Yeradur and all who know Jaret, are hoped to be seen at the holy coronation. The Holy Crown, representing the divine rule of Jaret as backed up by the Church of Korog, will be placed upon the kings head by the Archbishop. After this, the king will probably have a few words to say.
This is an important event to the Dwarves as it finally establishes a unified and consented rule. We hope to see as many Dwarves, allies and friends to the Dwarves as possible in the Church of Korog (behind the tri-forge in the Emerald Hall, can't miss it ;) )

Saturday 15th of february
19:30 GMT
Tahkul-Rimtar's Dwarven Realm.


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
The Sea of Storms event has been planned in the same time as this event. Nonetheless I'd love to see you all at our Dwarven event :heart:


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
SoS hopefully won't last that long. Could the time here be before or after? If before, I can definitely see a way to potentially have the events work together.


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
SoS hopefully won't last that long. Could the time here be before or after? If before, I can definitely see a way to potentially have the events work together.
If you push it before, you might be interfering with the Earthspawn event, just wanted to remind you guys of that :) so many events in one day... So many.