Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Hiring] Librarian

Princess Wizard Laura

Lord of Altera
IGN: Princess_Potato
Character Name: Evangeline Haddock
Race: Human
Character Qualifications:
  • Knows 3 languages (Elven, Common and Old Arcturian)
  • Had a private tutor for a good majority of her childhood, so she knows reading and math rather well.
  • Has experience in writing (mainly writing music).
  • Knows her way around the different parts of the library.
  • Is already a resident in Thiil. (Not much of a qualification, but it helps~.)
Reason for Applying: I believe my character could have more uses in Thiil rather than just a musician. Music is simply another form of literature, and Eva would like to express her love of literature through the library.
How active are you/is this character: Nearly every day, unless I have after-school activities (but even then I tend to get on later in the evening.)
Timezone: EST
Are you prepared to do inventory once ever week or two?: As long as I have enough notice before we do, then yes, I am.


Lord of Altera
IGN: NotAJacobite
Character Name: Fulgrim Natrizi'ma
Race: Moor Elf
Character Qualifications:
  • Speaks and reads: Common, Elven, Mok'yra, Greyling, Earkzian and Battered Fae
  • Had being a Scholar and a Doctor for 92 years
  • He is Ambidextrous, meaning e can multitask
  • A Calculating mind which can organise and file away with ease
Reason for Applying:
Fulgrim is looking for a place to belong, maybe he would find some solus amond things as quiet as books
How active are you/is this character: Very Much so
Timezone: GMT
Are you prepared to do inventory once ever week or two? I am indeed


Daedric Prince
IGN: HDsnowleopard

Character Name: Aura

Race: Forest Elf

Character Qualifications:
1. A passionate thirst for knowledge, and a strong passion for reading.
2. She used to own a library herself, which means she has experience in keeping one together and keeping every book organized, unharmed, and safe.
3. A Silas worshipper, and only Silas
4. Knows Common & Elven, willing to learn more languages.
5. Knows when a book is missing or not. Always knows.

Reason for Applying: Aura needs something to do, and a job. This would probably be the best choice for her!

How active are you/is this character: It’s my only character, and I’m usually very active.

Timezone: Eastern Time

Are you prepared to do inventory once ever week or two?: Yus!

(I'll apply again just for the heck of it)


Lord of Altera
I think I need to finish RPing with you about the details of running the library. Pad was still considering.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Haha- I might apply for a job in Thiil, but my character probably wouldn't fit the Librarian job ^^;
(She can't read).


Lord of Altera
Lore Staff
This could be the kick I need to get active here again. But itll mean ill be juggling three sites even though im pretty sure one of them is going to die out oops..


IGN: nexscarecrow
Character Name: Artesia Vaneme
Race: Elf
Character Qualifications:
1. She reads a lot
2.She likes books more than people
3.She reads A LOT
4.Shes obsessive, and im also obsessive so ill be taking inventory whenever I can
5.Did I mention she reads a lot? Like she enjoys reading more than talking to people.
Reason for Applying: She needs something to do and has wanted to be a librarian for her entire life.
How active are you/is this character: To be honest I haven't been on in a REALLY long time, this is because a very close friend of mine wanted me to BETA test a site of hers and I spent most of my time with that. But its looking like that site is going to die soon unfortunately, but that means ill have time for hollowworld again. Also I do move about once every 4-5 months and there will be times when I cant get on.
Timezone: UTC for now I move a lot
Are you prepared to do inventory once ever week or two?: Ill do inventory EVERY DAY

Honestly I dont expect to get the position due to my weird activity things but id love for her to be sub librarian or night librarian or whatever.
Last edited:


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
Folks, if you'd like, PM me for times to RP, I'll be around alot this week!


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Sweet dayum Ice how many librarians do you have already!?


Lord of Altera
Oh sure, why not?

IGN: firegirl7892467

Character Name: Rose Ruby Cleary

Race: Human

Character Qualifications: Read almost every book in the Thiil Library, knows how to read and write Common,

Reason for Applying: My character has always loved reading and so do I.

How active are you/is this character: Depends. I may/may not be active sometimes.

Timezone: CST

Are you prepared to do inventory once ever week or two?: Yes.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Anyone who is interested, come to Thiil and RP with either IceFire (Athryl) or myself (Aracena). We have one librarian, but we are looking for another to help her.


Lord of Altera
Lore Staff
Anyone who is interested, come to Thiil and RP with either IceFire (Athryl) or myself (Aracena). We have one librarian, but we are looking for another to help her.
Wanna do this tomorrow? Im very interested.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Any and all interested that have applied or will soon apply, boop me in game for RP! Still a thing!