Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Hiring] Librarian


The Lurker
Retired Staff

-The Grand Library-
-Now Hiring for Librarian Position-

*There are job postings hanging on the message boards of Thiil, The Crossroads, and Tambry*
The Grand Library in Thiil is now hiring! As the Grand Reopening quickly approaches, Mayor Athryl Mithtanil and his wife Aracena hope to select a new caretaker for the vast collection. Any interested and qualified parties should seek out either or both of the Mithtanil's for discussion of employment opportunities.


OOC Application:
If you are interested in applying for the position, please post in THIS thread using the form below. After you have applied, you will need to seek out @IceandFire or myself in-game to roleplay.

Character Name:
Character Qualifications:
Reason for Applying:

How active are you/is this character:
Are you prepared to do inventory once ever week or two?:


OOC Information:
The librarian position is intended for a very active character. The library is a very hoppin' RP spot for Thiil, so the sort of player/character we are looking for is one that would become an asset in Thiil.

Not only that, but we are also looking for someone who is prepared to take on the OOC responsibilities. Right now, Thiil has over 300 books. We do regular inventory, and use spreadsheets/documents to keep record of all the books we have. If you don't mind enforcing our library rules IC and OOC, as well as actually making sure everything is shelved properly, then please do apply!

Note, this is information is only for your OOC viewing pleasure. Anything mentioned here should be RP'ed out with Athryl and/or Aracena. BUT- The lucky hire will also get spiffy living quarters. As such, they will also become a resident of Thiil.

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Lord of Altera
IGN: hollowpirapple
Character Name: Jo Waltus
Race: Moor
Character Qualifications: He's well read, after a tiring night drinking, he went to the library near the crossroads, and just read for days on end.
Reason for Applying: I want to see where I can take this character in the future. I want him to be a librarian because it's a pretty cool and important job to manage and control.
How active are you/is this character: Relatively active (weekdays are harder, but I can come on weekends if I am not overly busy), I as of now, only play this character, but I have an alt which is available as well.
Timezone: PST
Are you prepared for the OOC work that comes along with the position?: Yes, as long as it would not require me to be online constantly.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
I thought you left Thiil, Aracena.
Cena did leave Thiil for a time. However the absence was relatively short. She'll be taking a more administrative role in helping to run Thiil, and as a result, will need someone to more actively look after the library.


Lord of Altera
I know it says "Full-time librarian" but can it also be a part-time one?
Because Mer is technically a teacher at Twilight Falls but that city's been quite inactive lately sooo.....


The Lurker
Retired Staff
I know it says "Full-time librarian" but can it also be a part-time one?
Because Mer is technically a teacher at Twilight Falls but that city's been quite inactive lately sooo.....
If you're interested, fill out the application and hit us up in game. :D Everyone's got a fair shot.


The Brainz
Retired Staff
This looks really interesting. If I had a character that was available to do this I would totally apply. :D

P.S. The library looks /amazing/ in that screenshot. Good job to those who built it.


Lord of Altera
If i were to get the job would i have to move into Thiil and live only there? Or could i also live in say Tambry?


The Lurker
Retired Staff
This looks really interesting. If I had a character that was available to do this I would totally apply. :D

P.S. The library looks /amazing/ in that screenshot. Good job to those who built it.
@Michcat is to thank on the remodel. And a shame you have no available characters! D:

If i were to get the job would i have to move into Thiil and live only there? Or could i also live in say Tambry?
Just a personal preference for myself, with how active the library is, would prefer full-time residency in Thiil. I can't speak for @IceandFire but it's just that it's easier to manage things. However, I wouldn't say it's a deal-breaker. Find Cena and Ath in game and discuss it. ^_^


Daedric Prince
IGN: HDsnowleopard

Character Name: Aura

Race: Forest Elf

Character Qualifications:
1. A passionate thirst for knowledge, and a strong passion for reading.
2. She used to own a library herself, which means she has experience in keeping one together and keeping every book organized, unharmed, and safe.
3. A Silas worshipper, and only Silas
4. Knows Common & Elven, willing to learn more languages.
5. Knows when a book is missing or not. Always knows.

Reason for Applying: Aura needs something to do, and a job. This would probably be the best choice for her!

How active are you/is this character: It’s my only character, and I’m usually very active.

Timezone: Eastern Time

Are you prepared to do inventory once ever week or two?: Yus!
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Princess Wizard Laura

Lord of Altera
IGN: Princess_Potato
Character Name: Evangeline Haddock
Race: Human
Character Qualifications:
  • Knows 3 languages (Elven, Common and Old Arcturian)
  • Had a private tutor for a good majority of her childhood, so she knows reading and math rather well.
  • Has experience in writing (mainly writing music).
Reason for Applying: I believe my character could have more uses in Thiil rather than just a musician.
How active are you/is this character: Nearly every day, unless I have after-school activities (but even then I tend to get on later in the evening.)
Timezone: EST
Are you prepared to do inventory once ever week or two?: As long as I have enough notice before we do, then yes, I am.


Lord of Altera
IGN: Nerdvania
Character Name: Eira Verisiel Rhett
Race: Elf
Character Qualifications:
1. Knows Elven and Common - Willing to learn other languages
2. Devout Silas worshiper
3. Dedicated Reader
4. Passionate about everything literature
5. Always wanted a library for herself.
Reason for Applying: She finds peace in libraries, and among books.
How active are you/is this character: This will give me a reason to make her very active.
Timezone: PST
Are you prepared to do inventory once ever week or two?: Sure! Sounds fine with me.


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
Make sure to poke me or Niah IG and we can start RPing! :D


The Very Best, That No One Ever Was
IGN: SpecialSnowflake
Character Name: Hope
Race: Human
Character Qualifications:
  • Well as everyone else apparently has said. absolutely loves to read.
  • Has experience taking inventory from working at the Silver Serpent hospital... as well as a certain little restaurant that never really took off the ground. (Rest in peace Gallant Gent)
  • Is a dedicated little thing.
  • *cough* Might be willing to add her own collection.
Reason for Applying: Well... as it turns out trying to be a 12 year old doctor doesn't sit well for most people so I should have Hope fall back to her second love, books! Mainly a ploy to get this character active again.
How active are you/is this character: I am generally pretty active and given reason and people, this character can be.
Timezone: GMT -5, or EST
Are you prepared to do inventory once ever week or two?: You had me at spreadsheets. *opens Google Sheets*


Lord of Altera
IGN: LightTwig
Character Name: Reh-Masarra Jahiz
Race: Sooleran/Human
Character Qualifications:
  • Headed a small caravan whose trade prioritised books, scrolls and the like.
  • Speaks common and Marjash, but has an elementary understanding of Elven and Horgaahn, primarily from his years of trading.
  • Masarra is an master occultist, who is aclimatised to spending hours pouring over old tomes under candlelight.
  • Has a goatee, which makes him look smarter than he actually is.
Reason for Applying: I want to get back into roleplaying, I'm really bored most afternoons/evenings.
How active are you/is this character: Funny thing, this character doesn't exist yet! Though, I would be playing on them for at least an hour every day, popping by whenever I have time to hang about the library. I should be able to get in a lot of hours, depending on my workload, up until May it should be pretty chill.
Timezone: GMT (God Bless the Queen)
Are you prepared to do inventory once ever week or two?: No Yes, of course.


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
Applications have closed, we actually found two outstanding folks to work at the library, thank you to all who applied! We will let everyone know here soon.


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
This has opened back up again! Looking for one librarian. If interested, post below!


Lord of Altera
IGN: ratchat620
Character Name: Meridian Longlimbs
Race: Forest Elf
Character Qualifications: He is quite smart and loves knowledge :p
He also knows two languages: Elven and Common
Reason for Applying: I want to RP some more and i always liked the great library so this is the best of both worlds for me and Mer!
How active are you/is this character: I'm not amazingly active but if i have a reason to come online i will definitly come online
Timezone: CEST or UTC/GMT+2
Are you prepared to do inventory once ever week or two?: Yeah sure I don't mind wasting time on virtual chores :p
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