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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Hermious Wrex - Ironhelme has fallen


Hollows Explorer
The first lieutenant standing at the ready, breathed deep to calm himself for this final encounter. All but closing his eyes to attune himself to his surroundings. The grisly Captain, cracked his neck in anticipation. Then as fast as an arrow leaving a bow they were at each other. The flurry of attacks almost invisible to those that watched. The Captain attacked with powerful over hand attacks. All sliding from the firsts rapier, mere inches from his head. With a spin the first tried to slide his blade through his opponents side. Being blocked, by another powerful stroke. The pirate crowd cheering at the move that kept there captain in the fray. Blow after blow deflected as the two men pulsed away and towards each other. It was a beautiful site. The skilled combatants performing a deadly dance, any artist would be envious to match. The sound of blade catching blade after cracking the air made a terrible and lovely song.

The Captain growing angry, began a combination of attacks swiping at all the vital points on the first. A glancing blow catching one of his own in the throat. The crowd stepped back leaving the down man to bleed on his own and only watched as there comrades body went limp. The two fighters paying no attention kept there onslaught. Sweat forming on either brow. A slight miscalculation caught the first off guard and he payed the price with a slice on his cheek. Merely a scratch, he payed no attention as he quickly blocked two more attempts at his life. Neither man slowed for a second. But instead intensified there speed and power. In quick succession, the first stabbed at the Captain, neck, navel, groin, landing a clean piercing shot on the second move. Not deep, but enough to let every one know this fight was between masters. The Captain grabbed his stomach, but only for a second as a new flurry of attacks entered his range. Holding hilt and blade he saved his skin from another set of blows.

Both men breathing heavy now. The Captain increasingly angry at his rivals calm appearance, mocked the First lieutenant.

"I'll tell yeh boy, your good, but even if you strike me down I'll be sure to drag you to the Nether."

The captain didn't as much as glance at his statement, but continued to breath slow and steady. Calming his nerves with every breath. Readying his blade again, he changed stance pointing blade downward. " he needs to find an opening soon," I thought allowed. A mass of activity still happening around me in the bakery, seemingly unaware of the glorious battle outside.

The Captain was outraged at the firsts demeanor, and lunge with all his power at him. Missing by feet he stumbled. Too late he realized his misstep, and lost site of his opponent.

The First seeing the obvious move side stepped and placed himself behind his foe. There was no hesitation as he slid his blade under the pirates left shoulder blade, piercing the mans heart.

The few pirate remaining, still awestruck at there mighty leaders loss, did not move as guards apprehended them.