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Hermious Wrex - Ironhelme has fallen


Hollows Explorer
I awoke on the warm floors of the stronghold. My vision fuzzy and an ache yet to be matched from the back of my skull. At that moment I couldn't make heads or tails of where, or who I was. Ringing in my ears made me def from the screams and growls surrounding me. "Get your wits, lad!" I told myself. My body heavy, I laid there trying to make sense of what was happening. Slowly it came back. I opened my eyes seeing only crimson red and dark shadows. "Something is wrong," as my vision started to regain I realized I was in a pool of blood, my comrades blood, Dwarf blood. Turning my head ever so slightly I coul still make out shadows of something horrible.

Than it all came flooding back, I was Hermious, one of the military aids to Commander Hioghan. And this was my birthplace, Ironhelme. We had been attacked by the foul beasts from the darkness. I could smell charred skin, and hear the screams and warcries much better now, but my head, like I was hit by a hammer.

It took all my strength to pull my head from the now crimson stone, barely making it to my knees. Still dazed I reached for whatever weapon I could find. Too late, a hellspawn noticed me, and had me by my beard. I swung wildly at the beast but he was a vicious foe. I closed my eyes again, still listening to the chaos that surrounded me. Thinking of wife and brothers I took a deep breath. "I will be with you soon, my dear!" A sharp whistle and than...nothing. I was still hearing the screams, still hearing metal carve deep into flesh. "I'm still alive," opening my eyes I saw the an arrow had struck my would be executioner in his throat "Ha, I guess someone wants me to stay love!" seeing my chance I reached for an axe still held tightly in the dwarf next to me. Bashing the creature in his belly with the hilt, I stood. Completely awake from my daze...


Hollows Explorer
I breathed heavy. We were outnumbered, and scattered. Running to a group that was still fighting I noticed the Commanders son with another boy on one of the balconies, he looked frantic as he ran into one of the tunnels. I gave chase, in full dwarves armor I couldn't pursue for very long and lost him. "Hermious!" a familiar voice rang out amidst the clashing of hammer and axe. It was Hioghan, "Glad to see yur still 'round."
"Aye, me too!" I cried back. I headed to his side to help fend off the creatures. Together with a few other elite soldiers, we fought for what could have been hours. Facing immeasurable odds our numbers dwindled till there was but only a handful of dwarf in site.
"Hermious, get the rest of the people ou' o' ere." yelled our commander,"I'm gonna close off the gates so, they canna follow yuh!"
"...but..." I was able to say before he took a stern tone.
"It's not up for debate, go, NOW!"

Orders are orders, and as we left the hall Hioghan closed the giant doors, with the last glimpse of light shining through, I saw as a great man was engulfed by vile beasts. Only twelve dwarf stood before me in the eerily quiet passage.
"Throm, get word out that the commander is dead."
"As for the rest of yuh, head to Karuk-Thol as quick as yeh can and don't look back!"
Nods from the lot showed I was understood. As we left the passage the dwarf went there respective ways and vanished into the frigid air. I stay at the gate for days making sure nothing followed... To be continued...


Hollows Explorer
After several days of keeping vigil on the gate to the now tomb at Ironhelme, I left toward Karuk-Thol. The trip being an uneventful one, gave me time to think on what had become of so many of my comrades. A hatred had started to grow in me for the demons I had never known before.
On arriving to Karuk-Thol, I met with the army and was reassigned to a a small outpost to the East known as Yggsmere, to be effective immediately.

Gathering supplies and getting cleaned up I quickly left towards my new post. I spent several years in Yggsmere. Growing older and more wise in my ways. Playing the same roll I had for a young captain. It was here that I heard of the news of a boy known as Hrothgar was made General. It was also here where I made my greatest friend, an Orc named Krogen Mal.

While traveling back from Port Silver, I had came across a mountain side covered in ash. I could hear the all too familiar snarls of demon in the distance when I stumbled across a lone Orc laying in the open, his body charred from flame and lava. I don't know what had come over me but I fealt pity for this creature and quickly checked for breath. "Gods, he still alive!" tending his wounds I drug him the rest of the way back to Yggsmere. The looks I was given when I entered the Outpost, could have sunk a fleet. Here I am, dragging a grotesque 7 foot tall behemoth through the halls back to my quarters. It took a lot of convincing to get him to stay. The captain being so young was persuaded by using the Orc as a miner making quick work of the upper parts of tunnels too high for us dwarf to reach. In return I tought him to read and write, and kept him company as he cried for the loss of his kin. Creating quite a strong bond between the two of us. For years, he stayed with me taking in the dwarves ways.

One day that darkness that had swallowed Ironshelme and Krogan's clan, made its way to us. We fought day and night, and even the Orc joined in the battle. I will tell you, finding that Orc was the greatest thing I could've done! With dwarven metals and his hulking anger, We were slaughtering beasts as quickly as they could crawl from whatever Nether they came from... We manged to protect our home and push back th scourge.... "let's take a break, an' get another round,"....


Hollows Explorer
*wipes ale from beard*...Allright, where are we. Ahh yes Krogen. Well, when we were attacked by the demon at Yggsmere, Krogen took up arms with us, He was a sight to see, a bloody warmachine I tell you. With so much rage for his family that orc, I believe, turned the tides in our favor. In the final days of the battle the demon coldnt even get into the stronghold and we were able to reenforce the walls with reinforcemants from Karuk-Thol. Ahh, it was a grand victory. But my dear friend had changed, i don't know if it was a blood lust for vengeance or that he had never known peace like this. But, Krogen turned to ale for comfort. You have to remember he wasnt a dwarf like me, so he couldnt really handle himself. He started to fight with his friends, to fight with the people who once accepted him.

One night while I was in court with the Captain. A guard came to the chamber informing us of what Krogen had just done. Angry with the Barkeep for refusing him any more to drink, he lashed out and beat him within inches of his life. When I finally found him in the brig. He looked all but broken. "what did you do, lad?" is all I could choke out. I left him there not visiting for weeks. I should have, Aye, I should. The captain furious with his outburst wanted him put to death at the end of his trial. I'll tell you, it took a good bit of convincing to be more lenient. After a while it was decided that due to his help with the siege that had now past six months prior. That he would keep his life but be banished from the hold. After his hearing, I walked with Krogen to our quarters.
"I am sorry, Herm..."
"No, I'm sorry Krogen, I should ha' chatted with you, tried to speak sense into that ugly face of yours!"
It's all I could say. I gave him some rads, and told him to walk the long trip to Port Silver. Where maybe he would have a chance at peace. With a smile and a nod he left the room and then the hold. I often wondered what had happened to him, missing his conversation and brash humor.


Hollows Explorer
It had been 4 years since the day, Krogen had left. The grey creeping onto my beard. A few spats with elves is all we saw but nothing that matched the demon. We received word that all strongholds were to be abandoned and all were to head to the port city. I have to admit, we all had war on our brains as we left the hold.

Upon entering Port silver we could see the corruption starting to spread. We were told immediately to head to the docks where a portal was waiting to take us to safer lands. In the chaos of people waiting to pass through I lost sight of most of the dwarf. As I'm a little older, a little wiser than I used to be I rested for a bit at the docks. Letting the crowd dwindle before I made my exit. Upon reaching the new lands I couldn't see a dwarf sole in sight. So seeing the opportunity, I ventured on with only my thoughts and memories of my wife and dear friends as company. Eventually I settled on a hillside out side of any city walls where I could live out my remaining years in quiet seclusion. Only seeing the eventual adventurer, I would offer my home as a place of rest to those who needed it.

One day however, a human travelled through searching for me. He had a letter, with a grand city seal on it. I tell you I was surprised by this man searching me out, with this grand looking letter! The possibilities rushed through my head. Was this a letter from the dwarves empire requiring my assistance? Was I to be tried for vanishing from there ranks? The letter was both better and worse than I could fathom. The letter was from Krogen.


Hollows Explorer
Timbervale City Council-

Krogen Mal- Guardian Captain

To my trusted friend, Hermious,

I hope this letter finds you well. It has been a long time my friend, too long in fact. I am writing this to, once again ask for your help. In my travels since Yggsmere, I have seen and done much. I have vowed to honor my kin, as well as you my trusted ally. Coming to the Exodus I have found more happiness than I ever knew. In my travels I had found the town of Timbervale. It is a human city, but in its walls house human, dwarf, and even elf. The people needed protection from the ferocities of the world around. They took me in gave me home, and trusted me without question of my past. This city has become my home. I have been made the Captain of the city guard. I know sometimes I cannot believe it either. Also they have listened to my words and am now an influential person in the community. None of this would have been possible without you my dear friend, and I must thank you deeply. Your teachings and kindess have made me the orc I am today.

That being said, I feel as if I am only half complete on my vows. Yes, I still hear the screams of my kin in my sleep. Begging me to avenge them. This is a task I cannot come back from as you know. So I ask you my dear friend, if this message finds you. Take my position at Timbervale. I know of no one else more deserving of this great role, also no one more cunning in battle. Hah I believe time has softened me, as I feel my jaw tremble for what is to become. I have spoken with the mayor, and council and they all agree to my request and will welcome you with open arms.
If this message finds you meet me by the portal so we can speak more of the details, if I find that this letter does not have a living recipiant, I will meet you in the After.



Hollows Explorer
Aye, I kept the letter, what of it? Well, of course I had to meet Krogen not for the title, but to look upon my old friend. Taking only my most Precious of trinkets I left. Heading back to the Portal for which there is no return, back to Port Silver. As I arrived to the camp set up by the portal I found that an inn had been built. "A good place to wait" I thought. Taking a seat in the inns tavern, I ordered an ale. It had been a long time since ale had touched my mouth. Though it wasn't t he Dwarven made drink, you and I are enjoying now! Aye, the humans make it too sweet and not nearly strong enough! *gulp* Any'hoo, it didn't take long for that Orc to walk in. He was wearing immaculate armor emblazoned with the crest of the town for wich he spoke. Aye he looked very part the noble for which he had become. He spotted me, as quick as I did him, and came to sit next to me.
"That ugly mug has no place in such shiny o' armor!" I said to him.
"At least I have my youth, you look as though death would be a welcome release!" Was his rebuttal.
We laughed long and hard and continued to chat about what we had done since last we spoke. I tried hard puttin off the subject for which he intended.
Eventually we ran out of insults for one another and with being all caught up on each others travels. He started the conversation I tried hard to avoid.
"Well, my friend, You know why we meet?"

"Aye, Krogen, but do you feel so strongly that you will not reconsider?"

"Yes, It has been a long time since I've seen Orc, but yet I hear there screams. I hear them calling me back to avenge my kin."

"But you know you won't return. And yeh canna defeat them by yourself, I know your strength. But too do it would be a mir..."

"I have to try! My friend, you know what I have seen, please don't question me."

"You are free to do what you wish. I canna stop you, I know. But I have to try."

"I understand, Hermious. I would do the same if the tables were turned. So, will you?"

"Aye for you friend I'll take yer seat. Beside, I could use armor that shiny m'self. But you spoke of elf?"

"I did," Krogen laughed. "I t is but a few and they want only peace, one on the council has some of the sweetest breads you will ever taste!"

"True or not, I don know if I..."

"She is on the council and she herself allowed a dwarf in my stead. They are better people than you dwarf give credit for."

"Forgive me, friend I am long set in my ways. However I will give her, and the others a chance. I'm too old for so much hate any how."

"Best saved for the demon, Hermious"

"Aye" I replied.

With that he continued to tell me he left all his possessions in his home in Timbervale. It was all to be mine. I thanked my friend as we got up from the table. With a smile I had never seen on the Orc, he bowed to me in his best attempt of honoring me. I returned the honor. And he left. I watched as my friend removed his city armor replacing it with the Hide and iron of his people. He kept the Axe he was given in Yggsmere. He than turned to me nodded and walked through the portal for the final time.

I know beyond anything he will be waiting with ale next to my wife. Yet I canna feel but sadness for him, the greatest friend a Dwarf could ask for.


Hollows Explorer
I'm sorry, lad. Got a bit choked up there. So, after I watched Krogen leave, I paid my tab and left. I walked over to his armor now laying neatly on the ground and picked up the belt that lay on top. "A little memento of you, comrade." I than turned west, toward the town of Timbervale. After a few days of travel, I could see the high walls of the port city shining through the dense forest like a beacon welcoming me to my new home. The architecture, obviously human, was a marvelous mix of stone and timber. "The human are getting better!" I thought to myself as I crested the edge of the wood. This was an inviting town, a stark contrast to the strongholds of the dwarf. Built to, above all else protect its inhabitants. Not even a mountain in site. Well, lad lets get one more Pint and we'll finish my tale.


Hollows Explorer
Now then, as I walked through the main gate, a city was laid out in front of me. The markets were full of people conducting there daily business, farmers selling crop, the hammer of the blacksmith beating away on the irons, the crior bellowing the news of the day. It was almost overwhelming as I had not laid eyes on so many for quite some time. Following the directions given to me by Krogen I made my way past the markets and inn past the cathedral into an area with houses that could fit an army inside. Behind me a bridge with two old oaks as a gate made way to a hall fit for royalty. I walked slowly up the cobble path, staying close to the garden that split the road, when, there it was a house sharing the lumber and stone as most others in the city. A sign near the door read "Krogen Mal -Guardians Captain-" I smiled for it was a grand house that used to shelter a grand man. Walking the steps I was abruptly by a soft voice behind me. "The master of that home is not in," a sadness in the feminine voice told me this was a friend who knew what had become of the Orc. "Oh, but..." as I turned on my heals I saw the pointy ears of an elf, muffled slightly by locks of long fiery hair. I started to reach for the blade hidden in the crest of my cloak. "they are peaceful," Krogen words had chimed in my head. Lowering my hand, "I know where he is, I'm sorry to say." The thought of it cutting through me as I said those words.
"Ahh, than you must be, Hermious?" the fair creature replied.


"Well that's good to hear. I am Ariadne. Your new neighbor!" she said whites smile, pointing to her home.

"By the gods, Krogen you never said they would be this close." I thought.
"Ahh, well good."

She than did something that took me off guard, my hand immediately returning to the opening of my cloak. She extended her hand.
"what are you doing?!" I said grabbing the handle.
"He said yo might be hesitant, the humans shake hands when meeting a new person. It is a sign of no I'll will, a sign of friendship."

I thought for a second on this, was it trickery? Or was it what it appeared to be, sincerity? I le go of the blade and extended my hand as well. In which she grabbed and ever so softly raised my hand. I can only imagine the look on my face was as odd a sensation as the cold steel of my gauntlet to her.
"Aye, peace?"
"Yes" Ariadne replied

"I will leave you for now, when you get the chance meet me at the hall over there." Pointing to the bridge I had walked past moments earlier. "I have something I need to discuss with you."

With a nod she walked on and I turned back to the finely crafted door of the home. Walking into the house I could see a dwarves fire pit in the center of a sitting room. "he always talked of having one," I said to myself. Looking on, the place was immaculate. Nothing out of place. I climbed the steps in the back to the bedroom. Walking in I noticed a grand map of Altera. I noticed that it still showed Ironhelme and Karuk-Thol. It was an old map, more for decoration than topography. At the foot of a bed large enough to fit four dwarf comfortably was a chest with a note on top.
"Hermious, I took the liberty of having your Captain's Armor made. I hope you haven't taken in too mug mead to make these smaller than they need to be." even from the Nether he taunted me! With a bit of a laugh I open the chest and saw that he had in fact had three sets of armor forged. One, the same diamond armor as I had met Krogen in, a note on a suit made of gold talked of ceremony use. The last an iron I had recognized as dwarven made, runes scribed on the two battlement sets whispered of magical enhancements. Removing each to ensure proper fit, I saw a sight that will always make me smile. Radiants lined the lower half of the chest. A stash any pirate would be happy to bury. After donning the armors I decided to keep on the iron, which fealt of every day use. Looking at the war rack and choosing a diamond axe I left for the hall.


Hollows Explorer
Leaving the house I walked toward the hall. Two gurnards had taken post on either side of the bridge. Walking past them. Both men stood tight raising there swords to there chests. "Captain, it is an honor. Please proceed as the rest of the council have all arrived."
Heh, me a captain, I was always cast in the shadows of Dwarven Captains. Now here I was being greeted by soldiers. As I crossd the bridge, I could make out four individuals sitting in a circle on grand thrones. The lady Ariadne was among them. Making it to the hall. It was more grand than I had first stated. With glass holding back flame in the center of the room. All the wall where open to the elements as well creating such a sight as circling this was the port of the town. The bridge at first slowly started to withdraw into the halls floors. Leaving me stranded with the other occupants. Beside Ariadne, there were three human men all of which obviously of wealth and power. "Come Hermious," the obvious lord of the city spoke. "Have a seat here."
The chair still held Krogen's name plate.
"Thank you, meh lord."

"We are the council of Timbervale. As was Krogen. Firstly, I am sorry for the loss of your friend."
With a nod I acknowledged this man, and looked at the mournful faces.
"I am Lord Thomas Pierce, you have met Ariadne. The man over there is my heir, Daset, the other is Master of Coin, Decimus."
and I made five.


Hollows Explorer
As I came to talk with this council I was now apart of, it became evident as to why Krogen made this his home. All races living in harmony. It was truly a grand idea. And so help me before I pass I will continue my friends work in protecting this town, this way of life.

Days had passed, and as I had done since moving to town I paid my respects to Krogen than walked the town talking with everyone I would come across. Listening to there stories I fell in love with the city and it's many varied inhabitants.

One night while taking inventory with the Master-at-Arms at the fort it became deathly silent. A luminescent glow could be seen over the high walls facing out to sea.

"That makes 27..."

"Silent, lad, something's wrong."

The MAA quit his ramblings. And lifted his head to listen. We stepped out of the fort to look at the docks.

"Bloody pirates!" the man yelled.

With out hesitation he ran to light the warning beacon. As I was without arms I made haste to my house to grab gear. "They are still silent so they have yet to attack," I said to myself bursting into the door. Running upstairs I could see the flames growing from the warning tower. Loud noises started shaking my very home, "Cannons!" It had started. It wasn't long before the town was awake from the barrage. Two volleys than three than countless cannons tore threw the docks. As I left my home, fully dressed and ready for battle I could see towns folk making haste to the council's hall. "Good they had a plan allready" guards had formed at the fork ushering towns folk across the bridge.

"All but a few are accounted for Captain" one lad spoke.

"You and one other cross the bridge and retract it, protect them at all cost!"

"Understood sir,"

And they were off. Snarls and laughs were coming from the ship now, they had just landed and were we're now making there way into the town center.

"Guard find second lieutenant. And turn our cannon on that Damned ship"

"Aye, Captain"

"The rest of you form up and follow me. Pirates don't fight fare so gloves off boys!"

We ran as fast as we could to the center of town, a few shops had all ready seen the torch and many more were being looted as we entered the fray.

"Leave no one alive!" a staunch voice from aboard the frigate shouted.

"Here that men, do the same!" I replied.

It was a sight to behold. Those guards, many never seeing real combat lunged head first at the enemy with a ferocity that had to have taken the plunderers back. Sword met sword. Pirates dropped there loot to take in the joy of battle. We were quite evenly matched with us in the favor. But these were hardened criminals and skilled cutthroats. As I entered the fray, I kissed my axe as I always had before engaging. "This victory is ours Gertrude. It's time I give you the blood you been longer FOR..." with that I took my first swing. Catching a man in his back. Cutting through in one swipe the blood thirstily taken in by my trusted steel. A guard behind me took a blade in the throat, and his gargled scream let me know I was to be next. Pushing the hilt as hard as I could behind me. The next cutthroat caught the tip in his knee. Taking him down. I turned on my heal catching the tip of his blade with my shoulder. "Thank the gods or this armor"

Losing his balance with his swing allowed me the time to rear up the axe backwards and catching the poor sod in the cheek.

The first lieutenant . Finally making it to battle pushed through to me. He was an exceptional master with a sword. Slicing his way through like a dance. He took five souls himself before reaching my side.
"Good to have yuh, lad!" I shouted.
He took my back as we entered the thick center, bodies formed around us the cracks in cobble turning a dark crimson. The shattered armor of guards and skin of both side lay covering the battlefield. Like we had travelled deep into the nether. Both numbers dwindling rapidly.

A thunderous roar ripped through the air. It seemed our own volley had
Missed by mere feet.

Than another and the splinters of pirate ship scattered the bay. Than another and another. I was in awe as the ship started to sink. Unaware of the man sneaking to my side. A sharp pain ran through my torso as a blade was wedged deep into the pit of my arm. The 1st Lieutenant quickly rushd to my aid, all but beheading my assailant.

"Are you alright, Sir?"

"Aye it's but a scratch," lifting my arm. The wait of my axe became immeasurable, dropping my arm. The man knew It was a lie. But we had cleared many of there numbers and our ferocious guard still stayed strong.
"My ship!, you'll all pay dearly for that!"
It had appeared the captain of there crew had come ashore before the final blow had sunk the vessel to the bottom of the bay.
"He's mine" I shouted while trying in vain to raise my weapon a second time.

"Hold fast, Captain." my second in command had stood between me and my impending doom. "I'll take this fight!"

With a nod I agreed to his request. And retreated to the aid of other guards now treating wounded in the bakery. His blade started its violent dance yet again as he cleared a path to the dread pirate. Blood streaming through the air as if it were rain. I took a seat at the window to watch as a man removed my armor and began to bandage my arm.
All the guard had stepped back as it were only a handful of pirate behind there own Captain. "This one be mine!" the pirate captain spoke. His crew obviously fearful of his wrath held back.

The men stared each other down. From ten paces apart. Both took position to attack. It was clear by his stance that the foe for my first' was as skilled as he. Holding a black cutless at the ready, he left little room for a blade to strike him. Still shining it was clear he had yet to take a life tonight.
The blood was running into the hands of the first now. His rapier crimson. he slashed the air to clean it for this challenge. Placing his free hand behind his back proved he was ready.