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[Herald] Magical Laws


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Magical Laws Permits
by Clan Kov’Gra’Sek


Magical Laws
For a time.. Users of any form of Magic used to have permits to use their spells. Any approved are acknowledged to use their magic inside and around protected regions of the Clan, from the Ashlands to the seas. Permits were handed out after notifying authorities of the Grey Isles, Guards, Tol’fen’ko Learornor or Tol’fen’ke Ashna, stating the following

Some permits were handed out if the figure is known or has enlisted to help Linlea (through events). Those not permitted to use their blessings and spells, and not promptly attempted to resolve it, would be apprehended to deal with.

[Revelation II]
After an understanding of the current temperament of the world, that magic is once again vibrant and growing in its different forms, the Tol’fen’ke has decided to remove the need of magic permits, and instead, hold everyone accountable for any amount of power they inherit when used.

This means that warrants are not needed to use magic. Magic used that breaks a Law or is abused within its form against another, or within grounds, will be the point when authorities intervene. Those abusing their abilities will be judged and punished based on what they did. As new variants and methods are learned, more laws may be amended.

The following are additional Laws to {Linlea's Laws} towards those with magical abilities, both Arcane and Divine.

+Core involvement in destroying souls​
+Core involvement in bringing souls back to life, for any reason that does not align with Linlea’s Divine Patron​
+Core involvement in Stealing or Imprisoning souls, unless it is approved by the Ministry or Clan as punishment for high crimes​
+Core involvement in wiping memories without consent of the figure, unless it is approved by the Ministry or Clan as punishment for high crimes​

All other grievances used with magic, intentionally or unintentionally, will be subject to case-by-case basis.​

+The following are Blessed paths that are denied to roam Clan lands and details concerning them. This portion of Magical Laws has not been changed or redacted, as of yet - [x]

Curse of the Mad God - Those of madness and craze are unpredictable, documented to be often killing, torturing or otherwise. Out of concern for citizens, worship is banished.​
Curse of Skraag - Necromancer of Undead. In opposition to the Grey Lady, the prominent patron of Linlea's lands. Out of concern for citizens, worship is banished.​

+Other magical means -
Any magic un-documented and un-learned should be reported to authorities to better inform of either the benefits or threats of conducting them.

Vyrism Outlaw is amended [x]​


Reminded by Blackstone's initiative Jak
We've been planning this a while. I finally have a thread on it Estes241 Edits pending
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Bored Brit
I am on my phone but Uriel would send word in a letter upon hearing about this, just so he has potential jurisdiction to use his spells in KovGraSek lands.

Name: Uriel Valhart
Magical Discipline: Divine - Valiant


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"Citizen of Vyre" or "Enlisted Vyre":
Private Records:
The Seeker @FizzyDrinks​
A quiet change marks in Linlea, not well known elsewhere. There is perhaps some Vyres that may be allowed in areas they are restricted to, if they exhibit control, to roam and attempt to heal their affliction.


Lord of Altera
Name: Eren Abel
Magical Discipline: Divine - Valiant

Eren sends a letter stating this for same reason as Uriel


Based on what?
Retired Staff
Name: Four (Fronslin Menguar)
Magical Discipline: Energy Magic Eviscism

Fronslin would attempt to register while visiting his niece (Illy) At the linlea hospital. The letter would be sent to Ashna's desk for review.
((I don't expect to get a permit, This was a sort of thing where it seemed silly not try to while I was there))

The Cartoon Witch

Lord of Altera
Name: Illyrana Silveria
Magical Discipline: Divine - Grey Lady

(she would have left it on the desk next to her in the hospital for Ashna to pick up if she comes to visit again.)


Lord of Altera
Name: Damien Ulamyar.
Magic Discipline: Arcane - Energy Magic.

(I'd like to try to get an RP in with Ashna soon.)

Ruu Darling

ʕ •́؈•̀ ₎
Aware Single
Retired Staff
Name: Jenette Vow
Magical Discipline: Divine - Shalherana

Jenette would send a letter to Ashna much the same as Uriel and Eren with another sincere thank you for curing her and Jorvun. (I'm assuming this needs RP so I can catch you next time we're both online)


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
Name: Daeron Eldrin-Hawklight
Magical Discipline: Divine - Shalherana

A letter, much like the rest, would be sent to Ashna from Daeron, explaining the potential need to use his gifts for the good of the people of Linlea and for that reason alone.


Lord of Altera
Name: Marceau Laflamme
Magical Discipline: Divine- Ignis Synnove

Another letter is added to the rapidly growing pile Ashna has just been assaulted with, with a small post-script attached inviting her to send for Marceau at her leisure should anything need be discussed further.

All aboard the Bandwagon!


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Another letter is added to the rapidly growing pile Ashna has just been assaulted with

For most of these, you don't need an rp, but for concerning folk/or people that want rp/ppl that she probably needs to catch up with anyways, I'll schedule some time. I like to manage roleplay time to the weekends, preferably friday-sunday. But if there's someone that can't make it on weekends, I'll try to make it after work.


Daedric Prince
Late to the party. Another letter to pile onto the bombardment. Post script is also attached if Ashna has any further questions, due to it being a more or less controversial magic discipline on the Isle.

Name: Lilith Alraun
Magical Discipline: Arcane / Magic of the soul, Animancy.
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There's a book out there on Spirit Blessed saying Ashna coined the term- I swear the term was around in roleplay a while back. Just a disclaimer for anyone confused
+Spirit Blessed will be added to the permit section and lumped under "Magical Variant" with vyres to make life easier. There's a lot of plot lines to keep up with- so without making another poster thread- magical variant characters will be tolerated in linlea if they’re looking for a cure, unless there is hints of being unhinged. There's also news spreading that Grey Lady Blessed in Linlea are willing to cure and explain a cure to willing vyres and visit. Simple

Thanks I am Wake !


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+Magic & Linlea Law updates towards focused crimes
+Permits are lifted
+Vyre outlaw amended

It's hard having to be against mostly everything.. so let's see if trying to amend laws for people to visit is easier.