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Help starting out drawing!


Hey everyone! I've recentley seen a lot of speed paints and artwork all over the internets, and I really wanna know HOW ARE YOU SO GOOD? Practice? Born with it? And could someone give me some advice on how I can bein my journey into the anime world? Thanks! :D

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Well, for artwork, there is a lot of different paths you can take in what you want to draw (still life, distortion etc.) but if you want to draw anime, then that would fall into anatomy (for example, the way a face is made). I would suggest the first step is looking at faces, not necessarily anime faces, as the placement of the features of the face rarely differ between the realistic and anime. Next, you would want to start practicing drawing piece by piece, start with say the eyes, and once you have perfected them, move on to other facial features. Finally, practice and time are two of the most important things that make up a good drawing, as if you try to rush into a drawing straight away, the drawing will look just that; rushed. If necessary, look up some Internet guides on how to draw the anatomy, and most importantly-

Good luck!


Roleplay keeper
Practise, tons of great music peices, current emotions.
That's all I ever needed. And of course, inspiration, that I get through music.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
bettemus99 said:
Practise, tons of great music peices, current emotions.
That's all I ever needed. And of course, inspiration, that I get through music.
I don't usually draw with music unless I'm drawing dragons :S


Lord of Altera
Thank for the advice guys! :)
Omg, that little guy is so awesome. :) I'd highly recomend getting a graphics tablet, they help so much. And maybe using some shortcuts for parts that you can't draw, when I first started drawing I couldn't do eyes so I kept drawing witches (with the big hats that cover there eyes) for like 3 months. It's actually quite easy to use some slight shortcuts, like if you can't draw hands you could draw a shield covering them or draw someone with their hands in their pockets/behind their back. You'd be surprised by how much it can help, and no matter how bad you might think you are at first you'll get better with time and other people would probably see it as amazing or at least quite good.

Hope all that helped, and I can't wait to see your amazing Anime. :D