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Active [Greyling] Grub Beans


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
Grub Beans
Cheekiest among Cheeks

Name: Grub.

Race: Greyling.

Class: Bard.

Alignment: Chaotic Good.

Height: 1 meter.

Weight: 18 kg.

Build: Scrawny athletic.

Hair: Black and messy.

Other Traits: Clawed hands and feet, large ears.

Languages: Greyling Speech / Common Tongue.

Distinguishing Features: White tattoos, dark yellow eyes.
Somewhat unsettling, his sharp teeth cause his mouth to be set in a continuous smile.
His left hand doesn't have clawed fingernails so he can play the banjo.

grub weapon.png

(Disclaimer: I don't have the above weapon, it's just cool)


Weaponry: None, is looking for a banjo and for a crossbow.

Occupation: Adventuring ambitious smolbean

Strengths: Evasion, Ranged, Stealth, Guile, Thievery.

Weaknesses: Handling, Fortitude, Lore, Might, Grappling, Melee, Crafting, Intimidation.

Fears: Losing his voice,

Intelligence: High, enjoys reading, has a way to gauge situations.

Religion or Cults: (Will find out when RPing)

Personality: A rather extroverted Greyling, who through his travels and performances has made a lot of connections with other people, which caused him to have fewer prejudices and regard the world as a complex and ever-changing web. This in turn has pushed him to a chaotic good alignment, because he understands that the world (and thus his own life) would be a better place if people helped each other out a bit more. However, due to the Greyling traits he's born with, he remains a chaotic factor, sometimes snapping back to neutral or even evil deeds, only to regret them and return to a path of light. This personal struggle has led to many moments of reflection and personal development, through which he's become rather soft for a Greyling. However, his enjoyment in scheming, trickery, and deception remains a large part of his identity. He enjoys being around others and they will find him an enjoyable, though somewhat uncontrollable, companion.

GrubTheGoblin (2).png

Be forewarned, I'm terribly bad at keeping relations updated.

JennyBean - Targ - Knowledgable, well-dressed, and kind. Basically took me into 'The Family' after one drink.
Irrukh & Runk - Lovely duo. Reminds me to live a little. Need to protect these guys at all costs.

Rich Folk
LuxTop - Reinhard - Menacing Demon associate with golden eyes. Unpredictable and interesting!
"Eyes of golden hue, regard both me and you. Tongue of silver quick, can't decide whose arse to lick"

Other Folk
ZeroOrgan - Ruckus - It's too easy to play around with this fella. I love it. Some harmless fun.
HedeonRP - Natir - An intimidating Eark with a bad temper towards poor little me, not too bright either.
I am Wake - Lana - A calm person who puts the right measure of thought into her words. A walking library.
hayhaiya - Eirlys - An applefriend, looks very vile on the outside but is soft and friendly on the inside, I'm sure.
Sadko - Captain Grundy - A frightening, yet very kind and fierce man. I think I owe him my life...
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An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
Updated with a couple of relations from the last week :)