Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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RP Thread Frostlight munitions- Reluctant commissions


Based on what?
Retired Staff
Posters would be put up in Frostlight, Linlea, the landing, and other active places of RP

Frostlight Village is in need of additional funding. So as of right now I am asking anyone who is interested to write north for commission. I will not be able to sell any masterpieces. But I seek coin for research projects and other things of intrigue.

My name Is Frost Fletcher. I am a master Jeweler, Bladesmith, and Bowyer.

If anyone is in need of objects I can design please write me to arrange an appointment.

(OOC: I need money, I don't like doing commission but I keep needing more. We need to finish an expansion and I find myself in a situation where I may be broke for a while. I should also mention that as of writing this, I am sick. But it should be easy to keep track of things over discord. If our characters might not get along, I suggest you look elsewhere for your commissions.)