Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Poster For the Good of the Realm


Events Staff
Very Sweet

Throughout Eldpoint and Storm's Landing, posters are pinned. A few stray posters can even be found on the outskirts of Candlewood. They are not signed, and are simply written as a warning;

" Athryl Mithtanil is a manipulator, a serpent seeking to twist the opinions of those who go against his own desires. He has often used his son in his efforts to demean and belittle others, and threatens the very lives of those who dare to stand against him despite their work within the lands of Candlewood. He calls for those of the realm to aid him, as he spreads mistruths and slander of those afflicted by this growing sickness. He has attempted to kill not one, but multiple of the afflicted, and in his failings he seeks to instead use those good men and women of the lands who know no better to do his work for him. "


Loyal Servant of Altera
" Athryl Mithtanil is a manipulator, a serpent seeking to twist the opinions of those who go against his own desires. He has often used his son in his efforts to demean and belittle others, and threatens the very lives of those who dare to stand against him despite their work within the lands of Candlewood. He calls for those of the realm to aid him, as he spreads mistruths and slander of those afflicted by this growing sickness. He has attempted to kill not one, but multiple of the afflicted, and in his failings he seeks to instead use those good men and women of the lands who know no better to do his work for him. "