Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Evenfall Underthing] Under The Path - The Sapphire Door


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
+[The Great Unlock]+
~Under The Path~


One door opens up into a winding space with three more doors, all of them locked.
With each answer given, another two questions arise.

The mystery of the Underthing is seemingly limitless.
A maze of pipes, old faded paintings, and a moldy journal dating back decades ago.
How do all these things connect? So many loose threads and so few clues!

And then there is that one Sapphire Key.
Can we already theorize what part of which story we're already unraveling? I wonder...
What will we find behind the Sapphire door? Answers... Or more questions...?

+[Event Two]+
~The Sapphire Door~

Date & Time
Sunday 29th of January - 20.00h CET (EU)

[!] All Underthing events are built around the dynamic lighting of Optifine. [!]

Having Optifine installed is an absolute must in order to attend and enjoy these events.

Everything with the [Underthing] tag must eventually be returned to its rightful place in the Underthing in order to complete the story.
Things without the tag are free to take home!

A big thank-you to LuxTop and The_VALKYRIE for digging out the rooms!

[More information about these events can be found in the Underthing Overview Thread]


I am Wake

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