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The Talking Pizza
Retired Staff
Elder Scrolls Online

So... comes out in a few days, or for those that have pre-ordered, today. I'm curious whether any of you folks are planning on getting it, having it, or are entirely against its creation.

I'm in possession of it... and liking it quite a bit for the small amount of time I have played it (cursed speech writing getting in the way.) So for any of you folks that are in possession of it... If you would ever like to hook up with nooby ol' Estes, give a holler!

And for those of you against it, I'm interested in hearing why... as I'm not exactly sure why and would like to know!


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
Elder Scrolls Online

So... comes out in a few days, or for those that have pre-ordered, today. I'm curious whether any of you folks are planning on getting it, having it, or are entirely against its creation.

I'm in possession of it... and liking it quite a bit for the small amount of time I have played it (cursed speech writing getting in the way.) So for any of you folks that are in possession of it... If you would ever like to hook up with nooby ol' Estes, give a holler!

And for those of you against it, I'm interested in hearing why... as I'm not exactly sure why and would like to know!
It just didn't feel like an Elder Scrolls game anymore....


Lord of Altera
I would say the reason that turned me away from it was the shear cost of it, I mean $60 for the game upfront then a further $15 a month? I don't think I would pay that for any game, regardless of how good it was. It annoyed me because it looks like a lot of fun. I can understand why they've done it though, I mean they spent something like 10 years developing it. I expect they over shot so much on budget that sales alone won't cover it. That's the only real reason I can think for using, quite frankly, such an old fashioned pay-to-play style. I dunno, maybe they'll make it free to play after 6 months or so if people are refusing to pay the fees, then I'd take a look. So I'm not really AGAINST the game as such, just against paying a small fortune for it.


The Talking Pizza
Retired Staff
I will agree with the price... such has typically stopped me from playing other MMO's in the past (and may lead to my disconnection of ESO if I find it isn't worth the fee). It has stopped me from purchasing other things as I have changed my budget some for it... so I shall find out if the Utility cost for it is worth it.

As to it not feeling like an elder Scrolls game... I dunno... with the little I have played so far, I'm fairly impressed. Playing in first person feels absolutely great, I've never been a huge fan of the 3rd person view in other MMO's. Because of it I still feel like I'm playing and ES game because I can freely move about while attacking instead of mashing 1-9 with special combos blah blah. (I'm really curious how they will set it up for the consoles, and had been debating waiting for that.)


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
I'll probably pick it up, so perhaps we could meet in game sometime :)


Lord of Altera
I really wanna get it but... No money.... Damned parent snot paying my damned pocket money for the past.... Um... 13-14 years