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Deceased { Elizabeth Kane }


The Lurker
Retired Staff
So what will she do now? Retiring at 30 is most unusual, I would assume, for nobility
Since I came back in Setpember, the plan from Day 1 was to make an Heir to Kane so Elz could get control of Queensport and Kane back ICly. This has been a long time plan, but came a liiiitle earlier than expected. Was gonna wait till Kat was 16, but went ahead and did it.

So she will stay on as an advisor helping in QP till Kat is 16, but will let Wolfgang handle the brunt of it. Otherwise, she'll bool with the Rangers like the plan has been, focus on her magic and students, and TRAVEL.


Lord of Altera
LOL It's foreshadowing for art to come...

But no, her eyes are black with black veins coming from her eyes. Magnum opus art baybee.
Oof owwie my demon possession.

Elizabeth isn’t ok, huh? ;-;


The Lurker
Retired Staff
With Katherine hitting 16, I decided to move Elizabeth into an older face cannon. Hello Eva Green, goodbye Katie McGrath. Yes, I know relations are old and outdated. Poke me if you want a new one.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
For those who seek out Elizabeth, they find she is not in the usual places. Off traveling, and doing her best to protect Varik. This is the ending of an era and, in a way, a departure. I have handed over the reigns of Animancy Magus to Jeroxia and he will be handling that role IC and OOC. If something extremely dire happens and she is needed for RP, you can always send me a message on discord, but I do not promise I'll log her in.

For now, Eastwatch is quiet. Producing enough to sustain its little band of NPC farmers, but it keeps to itself and stays quiet. I might transfer ownership to it later, if I decide not to return in a few months. But for now, it is quiet and does its own thing.

Closing this chapter on Elizabeth Kane for now. Mysteriously vanished and traveling.