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[Elf] Saelihn


Lord of Altera
*Scribble scrabble*



Why am I still here? Am I to suffer for an unfit life? Is this punishment for my sins?

Are you mad at me Mother?

What have I done to upset you? I thought I was living devout.

Why Mother?

Have you forsaken me? Have you left this world and turned your back?

Mother. I love you.


Lord of Altera
*Where is this even written?*

You have turned your back on me, you have forsaken me! Because of this I will forsake you. I lived a devout life, yet you do not come to my aid when I truly need you. I have lived the way you demand, yet you are absent. I need no Mother who is not there for her children. You are NOT my Mother!
You are no longer permitted to read my journal.
You are no longer my Mother.
You are nothing to me Sallana.



Lord of Altera
*A real journal entry with real ink and real paper, this one is definitely tangible. But in a new journal.*

Mother. Hello. How are you? I was busy being dead. Sorry I didn't write to you.
I died. and now I'm back. You must be watching over me. Thank you Mother, I love you so much.
There is so much I want to tell you. Do you already know these things? I always wonder if you know what I think.
Calan has new people living in it. There is common written every where. Your temple was taken down. A new stone structure was being put up.
I am so confused. I need to sleep. I'm sorry Mother, I'll write more tomorrow.

I love you Mother.
I love you.


Lord of Altera
*Journal entry*

Everyone is a liar. Kill myself? I should kill them for uttering such a thing. That's horse*expletive*. It really is.
I've been feeling very agitated since I got back. Very. Everything is setting me off. I really don't know what to do. I'm praying. I keep praying. But I don't know Mother, is it helping? I nearly got into ... 3 or 4 fights today with all these liars. I actually hit Eugene, who proceeded to curl up like a fool. I felt like kicking him, but I didn't. I know he was trying to be helpful, but damn if his voice isn't annoying. Dyra has decided to believe I killed myself. Even Padragin seems to believe it. Gosh. Damn. Damn it all. Mother, I'm so frustrated. I died and here I am again. Everyone is getting on my nerves, and it seems like there is just something foul in the air everywhere. Maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm so... I'm so mad Mother. I am so dearly angry. I was killed and am told I did it to myself! My body is MY temple. Why would I damage it?!

Damn them all.
Damn everyone.

Help me Mother, I need to feel you close to me.

I love you.


Lord of Altera

Mother. I may have said and thought some pretty rash things. As I told you at the cathedral... I'm very stressed. The whole being dead thing... That really bothered me. A lot. Everyone says I killed myself, when I know I couldn't. I hit people, said some mean things... Queen Sheila and Elrowen died mere hours after I cast them out of Calan. I could have prevented that if only I hadn't been so bull headed. I'm sorry Mother, I'm sorry Sheila, I'm sorry Elrowen. I love you all. Truly. Maybe. Maybe you'll come back like Padragin did, and like I did. Great Mother seems to still be strong. I hope you're strong too Mother. Please be strong Mother, if I don't have you. . . . there's nothing left for me.

I love you Mother.


Lord of Altera
*Current key items*
Saelihn has lost her robes and her bag of many things.
She currently has a note with a drawing of a spoon and a list of Chirayata, cinnamon, honey, pepper, fever nuts, potions of healing. It's folded around some coins.


Lord of Altera
Alright, we have the full robe outfit again. Yay.

I still have to do the big update, most of the relations need updating.

Saelihn's been much more fierce and devout since her return, it seems to be scary to some people.