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- [ Divine Presence - Requests ] -


Events Staff
Very Sweet


Many events are divine in nature, and characters may seek a sign or a note of approval, or some sort of guidance in the event they are holding. They may also take the time to create an event in order to cast Divination if they are able, in order to receive an answer. Please follow the format below in instances of these. Divination rituals may result in more of a conversation if they are successful, but they should begin with having one question in mind. Please ensure this is stated in the format below. More information on divine signs and presences can be found [here].
Note: Whilst Divinations are guaranteed a response, not all requests for divine presence will result in such. Divine signs and presences are in fact rare.

Event Link: (Link to your event thread)
Event Date/Time: (What day/time)
Event Type: (Divination? Just hoping for a presence? Something else?)
Divination Question: (If a Divination, tell us the question/vague questions you're hoping to ask.)



Event Link: [x]
Event Date: December 17th
Event Time: 5pm EST
Event Type: Sermon/T2 Rank (Sermon should take only 5-10 min or so)
Event Link: {X}
Event Date/Time: January 7th, 5EST
Event Type: Presence
Divination Question: N/A

entirely forgot till now so sorry!
Event Link: [X]
Event Date/Time: Friday 15th of Jan, circa 5pm EST
Event Type: Presence (there'll be shenanigans going on so Jish can do what he feels like)
Divination Question: N/A
Event Link: Rally on Hallowed Ground.
Event Date/Time: January 16th, 2EST
Event Type: Presence/Other. Nothing is really needed but discussion regarding the divine is intended—so it’s no bother if they are or are not present.
Divination Question: N/A
Event Link: The Bargain
Event Date/Time: 30th January | 2:00 PM EST
Event Type: Divination, I suppose.
Divination Question: Thryss is asking for a hand, with a "hand" to trade.

Edit: Will also be asking about making the wolf temple into a divine ground if allowed
Event Link:
Event Date/Time: tomorrow 1/14/21. 8pm est
Event Type: ignis followers fellowship/quasi sermon (Brit told me to host one)
Divination Question:N/A
Event Link: Invocation
Event Date/Time: Wednesday the 20th / 2:30 PM EST (flexible)
Event Type: Divination
Divination Question: "Will you join us?" Jorvun seeks support from Valiant in his fledgling campaign against Jishrim and his court (for more details, see: last Divination used in the log, regarding the Ashen Truth)
Event Link: x
Event Date/Time: 1/29/21 3pm EST [May change depending on Kosta.]
Event Type: Divination/ Desire for blessing of the grounds.
Divination Question: Would you be willing to work temporarily with Shallherana?
Event Link: [X]
Event Date/Time: Jan 24th, 12PM PST / 3PM EST
Event Type: Offering in hopes of a presence, to ask some questions
Divination Question: N/A
Event Link:
Event Date/Time: Feb 9th, 5pm EST
Event Type: Divination
Divination Question: Could the Figment of Cleansing be of use to your court, All-Mother, with regards to Life?
Event Link: Consecration & Retribution.
Event Date/Time: Monday, February 15--time tbd.
Event Type: A shrine is being commemorated--so presence, if possible, from Valiant or Murkztob. Divination is attempted, but not within Bennett's purview.
Divination Question: Asking if the Earthspawn patron Murkztob is a part of Valiant's court.
Event Link:
Event Date/Time: Feb 26th, 5PM EST
Event Type: A sermon and consecration of a shrine, a presence isn't expected but it was prudent to post here anyway just in case.
Divination Question: -
Event Link: {X}
Event Date/Time: Feb 19th at 4 PM EST (As per Jasper's schedule)
Event Type: Summoning Ritual
Divination Question: N/A but idea is on forum conversation.
Event Link:
Event Date/Time: Feb 25th at 2PM
Event Type: Summoning
Divination Question: N/A
Event Link:
Event Date/Time: Noon PST, 3pm EST
Event Type: Divination, Most likely just me..
Divination Question: Is She willing to curse a Skraagite?

I can push it back a few days if that's needed
Event Link: [X]
Event Date/Time: March 8th | 6PM EST
Event Type: Offering to bring the presence of Trade once more
Divination Question: N/A
Event Link: [link]
Event Date/Time: 13th of march 5pm est
Event Type: Consecration of the land and offering. Feasibly asking question.
Divination Question: Ask if it is possible to grant a boon to an unblessed, yet devoted Jishrim follower: Viktor/Leviathan
Event Link: [X]
Event Date/Time: March 19th | 2 PM EST
Event Type: Consecration
Divination Question: N/A
Event Link: Reconciling Differences
Event Date/Time: March 20th, 2021, 2:00pm EST.
Event Type: Divination if possible, but presence is acceptable!
Divination Question: What can be done to remove Rolland's curse? Will Valiant accept him back?
Event Link: [X]
Event Date/Time: March 26th, 5pm EST
Event Type: T'would just be a presence. :heart: Just an attempt to follow Ignis' tradition and saving the souls of the Landing's dead.
Divination Question: Not Applicable
(This may be too late and I acknowledge that.)

Event Link: {X}
Event Date/Time: Sunday (tomorrow) 6 PM EST
Event Type: Cassius's Sermon/Cult of Mystery attempt
Divination Question: If Cassius is given a sign, he will ask Ignis to give him a task to complete for her.

I know this is last minute, so I'll understand if it's too late. I've just never had an Ignis thingy in-game for Cassius, so I thought I'd try.
Event Link: Vigil for Jorvun Aersvar
Event Date/Time: 03/31/21, 2:00 EST.
Event Type: Presence, if possible.
Divination Question: None!
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Bring back angry react
Event Link: [x]
Event Date/Time: The 6th of April 4pm est (probably).
Event Type: Unveiling of a memorial pillar.
Divination Question: Prayer for the souls of those lost in the events of HotC.
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Ur mom
Retired Staff
Event Link: Event Date/Time: April 13th | 5pm EST
Event Type: A summoning/divination
Divination Question: We can talk about it over pms :heart:


Lord of Altera
Event Link: Link
Event Date/Time: 4/17/21, 3 PM CST (sorry for the short notice)
Event Type: Just hoping for a presence, preferably one of approval/disapproval
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One so Bereft of Light
Retired Staff
Event Link: Seeking Aid from on High
Event Date/Time: April 28th, 11am EST
Event Type: Presence, if possible. Bennett intends to speak with a being of great conviction (perhaps a figment of that name) and petition it for help dealing with the Jishrim/Life situation.


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Event Link: Seeking Aid from on High
Event Date/Time: April 28th, 11am EST
Event Type: Presence, if possible. Bennett intends to speak with a being of great conviction (perhaps a figment of that name) and petition it for help dealing with the Jishrim/Life situation.
Divine presences are possible, but figment summonings are separate from the divine stuff - Can still try it but there's a solid chance of a no show. I will also say the Life arc is still on the to-do but I'm still wrapping up things this month so I don't expect much progress to be made in terms of asking for assistance, I apologise, I know you've been trying (as have a few folks, it's not forgotten I just cannot prioritise it yet). I'm fine to chat on discord if desired.


One so Bereft of Light
Retired Staff
Divine presences are possible, but figment summonings are separate from the divine stuff - Can still try it but there's a solid chance of a no show. I will also say the Life arc is still on the to-do but I'm still wrapping up things this month so I don't expect much progress to be made in terms of asking for assistance, I apologise, I know you've been trying (as have a few folks, it's not forgotten I just cannot prioritise it yet). I'm fine to chat on discord if desired.
I am 100% okay if nothing comes of it! I just think it'd be out of character not to try.


Ur mom
Retired Staff
Event Link: X
Event Date/Time: May 28th, 2pm EST
Event Type: Summoning/Presence
Question: "Will Sallana welcome Mages back into her worship? What must they do to regain her love?"


Lord of Altera
Event Link: X
Event Date/Time: June 15th, 3 p.m. EST [Can also be discussed and moved.]
Event Type: Sanctification


Lord of Altera
Event link: x
Event Date: June 1st, 12pm EST
Event Type: Divination/Blessing
Question(ish): "Sallana, will you empose your great force of love and good harvest on this area to bear fruits of flower and hearth for those who find themselves here?"


One so Bereft of Light
Retired Staff
Event Link: An Obelisk
Event Date/Time: June 20th.
Event Type: Presence if necessary, but nothing happening is preferred.

Event Link: Once More
Event Date/Time: June 22nd, tentatively.
Event Type: A presence is preferred, but something happening isn't necessary.


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Event Link: X
Event Date/Time: June 15th, 3 p.m. EST [Can also be discussed and moved.]
Event Type: Sanctification
This is done

Event link: x
Event Date: June 1st, 12pm EST
Event Type: Divination/Blessing
Question(ish): "Sallana, will you empose your great force of love and good harvest on this area to bear fruits of flower and hearth for those who find themselves here?"
This is done

Event Link: An Obelisk
Event Date/Time: June 20th.
Event Type: Presence if necessary, but nothing happening is preferred.

Event Link: Once More
Event Date/Time: June 22nd, tentatively.
Event Type: A presence is preferred, but something happening isn't necessary.
Please poke divine staff the day before and probably the day of, I at least am terribly forgetful


One so Bereft of Light
Retired Staff
Event Link: X
Event Date/Time: June 30th.
Event Type: Mass Valiant Divination.*
Question: what’s the plan