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[Culture] Celebrations


Official Alteran



The celebrations are almost sacred. To disrespect one's craft and their way of life is a slap in the face. The family is honest with their work and way of life. Though, they won't share everything about it of course. It can be a bit private. Once being invited to these directly for the celebrations to not show up it a shame. As if a child is inviting a best friend or if their parent does not show up. The Meadow family holds these for their people to keep their spirits up. There will always be drama and fights but that does not mean they can't organize these celebrations for the residents to bring up good spirits.


Peo'nurk [Like/Neutral]: This is the gathering once the month where people that are religious can come together and embrace each other's beliefs. There is only two pantheon members they do not celebrate at this time. Jishrim and Skraag. But it is important for everyone to remain faithful and loyal. Even the lost this is for them to go and try to find themselves. To make it easier on travelers to pronounce they call it by the pantheon members on the flyers.

V'urk [Favored]: Once turning 18 and choosing to join the guild or choose a mentor. A festival is held more private to celebrate the students choosing to learn. It's a great day for them as they go out and hunt or gather what they need. Not everyone agrees at what the best mundane crafting route or path to do for their profession. But kindness is brave.


Sa'vok [Liked]: This is every 3rd sunday. It is a day of resting so people tend to go home and spend time with their family and friends. If not, then the tavern is always open or the small beach nearby to go swimming. This is optional but some things like guards have to work but the hours are more loose making sure every two months at least half the guards get to spend one with their family. This is a day to be prideful of your work. At the end of the day the community will take a time to pray over their each other's crafts and their home. The tables will be prayed over by their leader and the food of Korog will appear on them for everyone to eat their full. (Feast of the gods)

N'viku [Loved]: Due to their dead being taken away by Cor Votum. On the season of decay (October OOC) they will gather to mourn together. Who else knows what they have taken other than each other? This may be cruel, but it is not the family's choice. Their house has suffered from this and they do not wish for violence or someone to be killed because of this. Everyone even guards will be called off to proper mourn sept for Cor Votum guards nearby.


Coast Rune
[Like/Distaste]: This is a challenge, for those that dislike each other. Foreign or not. The sword will be gathered from the Queen to duel someone else. Only the queen, king, and the Knight Commander get to truly decide if you can duel them on behalf of the coast.
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