Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Cult] The Descendant's Line


Lord of Altera
CULT NAME: The Descendant's Line
FOUNDER(S): Azuran Thorne Mal'arn
  • Defend those that are incapable of defending themselves- the weak, the peaceful, or otherwise the lost; for it is the Descendant's Will that his followers be the vanguard between those that would live peacefully, and those that would seek to do them harm.
  • Garner strength, and develop skill; making use of such as a representation of power and unity under Valiant's gaze. To build strength and skill is to better utilize such to wage war and face against the ever growing odds of the realm; and win against said odds, wherever needed.
Azuran Thorne Mal'arn (A_Z_U_R | Azur )
Lirio Flores Mal'arn (Cukie1 | Cukie1 )
Aldren Storp (alduindie | Lavilethorn )

The Mantle of Conflict
| Valiant
Cult members are unaffected by the smells of carnage and blood, and seem more physically toned. On the battlefield they seem larger than life, easily noticed by friend and foe alike.

[x] Their touch can instill a subtle sense of bravery and courage.​


Lord of Altera
  • Generalized Mercenary Work-
    • Members of the Descendant's Line work as warriors and representatives of Valiant's will and deeper presence in the world; and this is shown clearly in their work as mercenaries or otherwise hired swords or hands in the field of duty. Whether it is to help guard a caravan, rescue missing persons, or face off against a ferocious creature or a rampaging bandit clan- these Descendants will take on the work offered to them with excitement, to better hone their skills and prove themselves stronger.​

  • Bodyguard/Guard Positions-
    • Whether it be to ensure safe travel, or guard over a cherished event or gathering; guard work is often cases a service that is easily enough accomplished. The positions manned are often done from a neutral standpoint; regardless of intent or moral code, so long as no harm is intended to come to those of weaker dispositions, the Descendants are often easily found among the populace of guardsmen for various events and the like.

[Note: All services provided by the Descendant's Line are common knowledge. If someone requires any current(or future) services; contact is as simple as requesting RP and working through it, or a PM. These are mainly here to help better fulfill the expectations of the RP world, and that security details and the like would probably be expected in various places. This is an easy fill in for that.]
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