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Finished [Crawford Athenaeum] Evening of Education


Soul stealer
Retired Staff

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The Crawford Athenaeum welcomes all to an evening of education. It is intended to give people a chance to walk around, see all the facilities and meet with people with similar interests and promote the importance of available education for all.

Some areas of the building will be temporarily dedicated to specific subjects so that you may convene with people who are specifically open to discussing and debating topics you enjoy.

Throughout the evening, visitors will be encouraged to donate books to the Athenaeum, with each donated book counting as a sort of 'raffle ticket' to go towards a prize that will be announced closer to the date. The more you donate, the higher chance you have of winning.

There will also be wine, cheese and music to accompany you as you walk around and talk.

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This is my first official Athenaeum event to introduce everyone to it IC as well as Laisa as its new Librarian, but really its just a little excuse for a party and book drive.

What: Bougie party
Where: Crawford Athenaeum
When: Saturday August 20th at 4 EST
Rating: For now I'm leaving it at moderate. It's fine if crazy stuff happens but I don't want it to completely take away from the event

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I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
aaaAAAA this couldn't be at a worse time for me :(

Not only am I going on holiday starting Saturday: my work has been chaos! I only just got home and its 8:30pm!
So I am so tired, I have no time to copy any books for you neither!

This makes me sad as Lana would absolutely love to be a part of this. I guess we'll say ICly Lana is busy trying to find a way to reverse Planar Convergence :(


Soul stealer
Retired Staff
Bumping this one last time to give people who might have missed it a chance to vote for a date and time on the poll. I'll pick a date sometime this weekend.


Soul stealer
Retired Staff
The votes are in. I'm setting this for Saturday the 14th of may at 4 est. I know theres a recurring event thats happening 2 hours before so if that runs over and conflicts at all I may start at 4:30 est instead. Im not expecting a huge turn out but as its an SL thing I do want as many people that want to come to be able to.

Hope to see you there.


Soul stealer
Retired Staff
I am gonna have to reschedule and I’ll be honest with y’all it is because I didn’t realise Eurovision is on that night so this would conflict with my annual tradition of getting as drunk as possible on wine and then trying to stay awake long enough to see who wins.


Soul stealer
Retired Staff
So I just completely forgot about this huh?

edit: I promise it will happen I’ve just had some very stressful life events going on. I will reframe it so it’s not a ‘welcome evening’ so I can give myself a longer time frame to get it scheduled. Sorry about this


Soul stealer
Retired Staff
This is being rescheduled and repositioned, no longer a welcome evening but just a party to encourage educational debate and try and get book donations.

I'm scheduling it pretty late in the month so I have time to put together a good raffle prize and so people have time to get their books in order.


Soul stealer
Retired Staff
Tentatively still going forward this Saturday but I will potentially have to play a temp char to host it because some IC things have made it pretty unlikely for laisa to attend let alone organise it. Dont want that to once again get in the way of this happening though.

The prize for the book raffle hasn't been completely decided but it's likely to be a HC item and maybe a free seance.


Soul stealer
Retired Staff
This is tonight at 4 est. The prize for the raffle is going to be a package of orange level HC materials and a free seance so if you got books bring ‘em!


Soul stealer
Retired Staff
This is now over, thank you to everyone who came it was a much larger turnout than I was expecting so that was nice. I also got, 100 book donations! and as such I'm going to work out a runners up prize for the raffle and then draw two numbers tomorrow and announce winners here and send them their prizes in the mail plugin.

Hope everyone had a good time.