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Council Running Notice


Lord of Altera

Eimar Ursae Announces he will be running for council.

After talking long with a few of the people in the landing I have decided to throw my helmet so to say into the ring of the landing council. For to long I have heard complaints against the corruption and nothing being done to help the people in the landing be they poor or rich, a trader or the simple fishermen. Many of you know me and have seen me I walk threw the slums daily handing out food and medicine to those who are in need, I gave up my wish for Yule to ensure that everyone could be happy together and children wake up with toys and gifts.

The topics I will help to address if you the people elect me to serve you upon the council are the following priorites.

1. A school and library so that both children and adults can learn trades and better themselves, to bring back the jobs that have gown outwards to the north to the university our good people need the chance to earn the educacation without having to go abroad to frostwarts and be able to be with the families and give their children a future.
2.The health and well being of our landing to update the sewers and repair the damage that has been caused due to the issues of the landing itself the last great undead horde we had, re routing the flow of the water further down stream to help eliminate the smell of the bay and make the water cleaner. To help clean the water to bring back a vibrant fishing industry as well as eliminate diseases in our fair city.
3. Installing various guard stations around the city itself, while we have the new guard central location having locations and small posts that guards can man that people can find them at will help in the rapid response to crime and help patrols have centralized smaller locations to patrol from.
4. Building a public bath house for all citzines to use along with public latrines and areas to use to help with the hygiene and waste in our streets.

As always if you want someone to represent you the people regardless of race creed or religion vote for Eimar Ursae he will fight for your rights on the council and ensure you are heard both on the council and in the courthouse for all are equal in the law and the city for we are one beating heart working together to provide a better future for our landing.​