Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Clear Skies


King of the north!
Clear skies is a fan made eve video trilogy that uses the half life engine in conjunction with eve footage and blue screening to make a movie trilogy.

I first came across this nearly 3 years ago and I'm still gob smacked by how amazing it is today! When I watched it the first time round there were only 2 episodes but I found the third was out tonight as I've sat and watched all three back to back and frankly, they are as good as any movie/tv show I have watched for a long time!

That's the link to their site. DO NOT skip the first two, download them here and watch them before returning to the main page and downloading episode 3. They really are amazingly well done for a fan made movie trilogy. Have a read of the about section of each episode too, the support people showed the guy making them is inspiring and I love how CCP gave him his own eve editing software to produce the series with.

NOW GO WATCH AND BE SAD WHEN IT ENDS!! I would pay for a fourth episode.


Lord of Altera
I've just downloaded and watched the first one, and I agree, it is so good! Properly well done, and I think I may go try EVE online as well when I've got the time, its a game which has always looked appealing.


King of the north!
eve is amazing fun if you find the right group of people to play with. Especially if you can stick with it long enough to get around 10mill + skill points (dedicated to either pvp or indy) which should allow you to join some starter 0.0 corps. 0.0 is where the fun really begins, hi sec is boring :p

This will all make sense to anyone that plays eve, anyone that doesn't will just be confused right now lol


Lord of Altera
I loved that movie. Especially the part where the...Uh the spaceship uh shot the other spaceship *mutters something* Yeh i didnt have time to watch it...yet....gotta go to sleep...but uh... I just watched Game of Thrones :cool: