Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Charybdis' Art Thread [NSFW] {Commissions Open - 1 Slot}


Guardian Of The Vibes
blood sacrifice guide: deviantart for tutorials, google for reference images
seriously, basically anything you need to know can be found on deviantart as a tutorial. ears, elf ears, swords, armour, scales, they goddit son.

brush packs, yo
hair [link]
painting [link] (basically all you need-textures, blending, particles)
this fantastic tutorial on skin, and palettes are provided woo [link]
video tutorial on armor [link] (thanks to MRPolo13 for sharing this)

elz's entire damn thread for inspiration/ideas and shit bless u Elz [link]
especially these two images attached (credit to elz, obviously)

