Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Charybdis' Art Thread [NSFW] {Commissions Open - 1 Slot}


Guardian Of The Vibes
right so this is a thing-here's the by and by of it: for the last while i've been too much of a lazy depressed asshole to do art, due to medication issues, real life occurrences, and the results of my ap portfolio not panning out. so:

un-queue yourself if you want, if you're pissed, i get you. digital art is something i've realized i can't feasibly do in a reasonable amount of time-i don't enjoy it, don't like the outcome, and overall it makes me a mad dissatisfied goober. so, from now on i'll be offering a much more... cartoony? digital style, but it'll be quicker, and a result that i'm ok with sharing. so, yeah, this is awkward. my bad, guys. i'll get the fuck to work now.

with that said here's some art

Ruckus ZeroOrgan

a wip of olive falling from like a thousand years ago Smurf


Lord of Altera
my luv

was that for a commission i can't remember (ofc i'll pay regardless bb)


Guardian Of The Vibes

Managing to drag my depressed ass out enough to try some new things. Still trying to learn, skintones are weird. Partially traced picture here and using palette from here.