Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Character Artwork


Roleplay keeper
I've been making some drawings of some special characters in hollowworld :p
I do take request's BUT you gotta go totally into details about the character.
I do this most for fun but i also need something to draw if i run out of ideas :D
Hope you like them!
1) Geo who i promissed to draw a avatar for forum :p
2) Cast (i misspelt the character name and there did'nt come colour sorry)
3) Bellon.
4) Itzza as i also promissed to make an example for an avatar maybe if he like it :3
5) Alpha! it was a bit hard though..
6) Koer who was the hardest to make but it turned out good
7) The Dwarfen High king Lars! who found the beer storage
8) My very best (fishy) friend Blue!



Roleplay keeper
At the moment I'm working on making some more drawings finish.
corently its Legion and Shadowsmalls who is'nt finish yet.


Lord of Altera
Wow those are really good! may i have one? just have a uthrandir cloak guy with blond hair and blond beard. glowing red eyes and just have him standing around or something, i don't really care about the pose :p



Lord of Altera
okay im only missing giving yours colours floop :p *cough* but i dunno if it looks right..
i dont care :D but if you want the robes are white, but the outline of the robes are yellow. i have red eyes and blond hair + beard. and that should be good...