Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Character Artwork


The original mute
Don't take this the wrong way, but are you still doing mine? Or did you find it too interesting or difficult to do? Tbh I don't care either way, just curious.


The original mute
New character, same skin. I tried to make a new one a couple of times preferred current one. And I just want it to look slightly scary? Daunting? Not sure if I'm using the right word.


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
Yeah that looks better than the one I did thanks again! :D


The original mute
Just had a look through, and two things. I can't tell who half of em are (rp character ignorance alert) and they are as good as always.


Lord of Altera
Bette, put me at the lowest place on your list, please. I would love to have a hand drawn picture of Rosa, but since you already made a paint one, there's no need to hurry. Look a bit back in this thread for my post.


Roleplay keeper
:p yes the two evil ones is Shadowsmalls and Justshadow! Oh and forgot to mention that im working on Deadpresses too. Oh and sorry Darko i totally forgot you :D


Roleplay keeper
What the.. just looked at deadpress' one and.. what is that long thin line? :eek: i think i allready got the answer.. *looks at her hair* ooops...