Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Character Artwork


Roleplay keeper
Okay guys i want you to make an Application insteed if you want a drawing!
Eye colours:
Hair colour:
Hair lench:
Clothes decorations:
Tools (sword, bow and arrows, flower and so on) :
Extra (animals, magic, other persons and so on) :
Body pose:


The Anime loving Brony
Eye colours: None visible
Hair colour: None Visible
Hair length: None Visible
Clothes: Armoured robes, Black with hood up, and face covered by shadows
Clothes decorations: Runes and pieces of armour
Tools (sword, bow and arrows, flower and so on) : A sword in one hand and magical sphere in the other
Extra (animals, magic, other persons and so on) : An aura of darkness surrounding him
Body pose: Standing straight up, head slightly bent forward with the sword touching the ground while the arm with the magic is bent forward pointing towards the "viewer".
Situation: On a battlefield

There we go, nice and generic so you can improvise if you want :p


King ForumStalker
Eye colours: Bright Blue
Hair colour: Dirty blond
Hair lenght: Medium straight
Clothes: White blouse-ey type thing, or white T-Shirt. Red trousers and knee lenght boots.
Clothes decorations: None
Tools (sword, bow and arrows, flower and so on) : Sword/Dagger in a case.
Extra (animals, magic, other persons and so on) : Parrot/Macaw flying about (If possible)
Body pose: Straight. Looking at bird/animal flying around.
Situation: Anywhere. Could be on a boat, on Shore, or on deck. :)

Cheers Bette :) U R Epic :D
But... but...

You're a pirate?


Roleplay keeper
Um when i said Situation: i ment.. the feeling the person had at the moment <.< what was the situation of the character :p but i can do background


Roleplay keeper
*sighs* i'll see if i can crop it <.< but not right now.. Im at school xD and im not getting home befor 7 pm..


Roleplay keeper
Yes unfortually.. We're doing school teater and we have to stay till evening cuz we're gonna show it once more :( and i have long home so..


Lord of Altera
Kinda like my avatar just bettefied.
Eye colours: Cyan (atleast thats what you told me...)
Hair colour: Not visible
Hair lenght: Not Visible
Clothes: Blue Robes (Just look at my Forum Avatar)
Clothes decorations: Wingy things like on my avatar
Tools (sword, bow and arrows, flower and so on) : A magic staff
Extra (animals, magic, other persons and so on) : Little dragon cub floating above me? :oops:
Body pose: Standing like in my avatar...
Situation: Like my avatar....


Lord of Altera
Bette, could you make one from my new character?
Eye colours: Green
Hair colour: Blonde
Hair lenght: Long
Clothes: Green vines covering a small part of her body
Clothes decorations: A necklace with a green gem
Tools (sword, bow and arrows, flower and so on) : No tools.
Extra (animals, magic, other ponies and so on) : Plants surrounding her, maybe vines growing out of the ground.
Body pose: Not flying, but levitating a little bit while using her magic.
Situation: Using her ancient plant magic to grow thick vines with thorns out of the ground, protecting herself.


Lord of Altera
Eye colours: Dark red.
Hair colour: Jet black.
Hair length: You can't see it, it's covered by a hood.
Clothes: A dark green and black suit like the one in my sig.
Clothes decorations: Maybe sprayed with blood?
Tools (sword, bow and arrows, flower and so on) : A small black knife.
Extra (animals, magic, other ponies and so on) : Make him laughing if it's possible.
Body pose: Kneeling on the ground, repeatedly stabbing a dead animal. (maybe a rat?).
Situation: Had a little fit of insanity, trying to kill and mutilate anything that gets close.


Lord of Altera
Eye colours: Dark red.
Hair colour: Jet black.
Hair length: You can't see it, it's covered by a hood.
Clothes: A dark green and black suit like the one in my sig.
Clothes decorations: Maybe sprayed with blood?
Tools (sword, bow and arrows, flower and so on) : A small black knife.
Extra (animals, magic, other ponies and so on) : Make him laughing if it's possible.
Body pose: Kneeling on the ground, repeatedly stabbing a dead animal. (maybe a rat?).
Situation: Had a little fit of insanity, trying to kill and mutilate anything that gets close.
Thats kinda brutal.....


Lord of Altera
Eye colours: gold
Hair colour: Cedar brown (dark brown almost black)
Hair length: You can see it, but most of it iscovered by a hood, so only my front bangs show.
Clothes: Standard Uthrandir robes with a Crimson trimming
Clothes decorations: A red necklace
Tools (sword, bow and arrows, flower and so on) : none
Extra (animals, magic, other ponies and so on) : staring blankly into space (try and make him absorbed into thought oblivious of the world around him)
Body pose: sitting on a bench (possibly reading a book)
Situation: Just thinking absorbed into thought.


Roleplay keeper
Ok guys! im veeeeeery sorry i somehow unwatched this thread.. so eh i first so them all today.. But i'll have a look at it :D


Lord of Altera
So I guess what has been watched can be unwatched?
Bette, if you make one from me, I might post it on my Wiki page :D