Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Capture the flag


Itzzaboy said:
The people developing it stopped updating it.
QQ but its so good :( would there be some way to make one using the kit plugin? Maybe one where both teams have to push a lever to open the gates and have kits on each side?


Legend of Altera
Thank you for input.

You make a good point about enchanted weapons. so heres my idea, Each team has a few chests with bows and arrows iron swords. The chests are placed in their fort maybe close to the flag. The only real problem (this is a big deal) Is that when someone dies they will re spawn far far away and have to take all the boats and portals back and then they will have to find their team again. So really by the time the person gets back the match could be over.
Any ideas on that?


King ForumStalker
Thank you for input.

You make a good point about enchanted weapons. so heres my idea, Each team has a few chests with bows and arrows iron swords. The chests are placed in their fort maybe close to the flag. The only real problem (this is a big deal) Is that when someone dies they will re spawn far far away and have to take all the boats and portals back and then they will have to find their team again. So really by the time the person gets back the match could be over.
Any ideas on that?
Use beds to reset the spawn maybe?

grimm reaper

Beds but not one live you keep respawning but there should be a cooldown before respawning on the battlefield. What are kits.


idea: what if in the battlefield the admins place hidden chests with potions and upgraded armaments. It would be interesting to see then if one team gunned straight for the flag or explored their surroundings a bit to get an advantage.