Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Active Camilla Veladana Black - The Black Cat


Lord of Altera
General Information:

Name: Camilla Veladana Black
Other Names: Cam, Cami

Age: 18
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Demisexual
Current Residence: N/A
Relationship Status: Single
Social Status: Petty Thief

Scion Information:

Mutation: Fiendish Scion
Parents: The result of two parents that followed both lineages of the Fiendish- a mother who held the Abyssal path, and a father who held the Infernal path. Camilla is often quiet about her upbringing, or the coupling that inevitably lead to her creation- yet she does seem to take a degree of pride in who she is, and what she is. Perhaps unnervingly so.
Description: Possessing heterochromia, the Scion's lineage is shown in one eye that holds an unnatural, white hue to it; alongside a deeper black colored eye to boot. Horns curl from the sides of her head, large and imposing- that seem often sharpened and cared for. Preened, even.

Physical Appearance:

Height: 6'3
Weight: 180 lbs
Eye Color: Mixed Colors, an unnatural white and a deep black.
Skin Color: A caramel tan.
Shape of Face: Angular, with softer features here or there.
Distinguishing Features: Heterochromia, a beauty mark upon the left cheekbone and above her lips.
Build of Body: A muscular body with defined curvature. More often than not, coats and other bits of clothing are used to keep themselves covered or hidden away.
Hair Color: A deeper red hue.
Hair Style: Long and messy, falling in waves around her head, unkempt.
Complexion: Well enough.
Posture: Strong, confident.
Is Seen By Others As:
Scars: N/A