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Inactive Brutus | The Ol' Soldier


Lord of Altera
Name: Brutus
Full Titles: Sir and Sergeant.
Nickname/Alias: Old Dog.

Young Brutus

Age: 62.
Gender: Male.
Race: Human.
Sexuality: Heterosexual, but is not interested in a relationship.
Height: 6'2
Weight: 210 lbs.
Status: ???

Build: Despite his years, Brutus flaunts a powerful stature: broad, square shoulders; a staunch chest, and muscled arms.
Hair: His head is cleanly bald but his prominent black beard adds a complimenting contrast.
Eyes: A turquoise blue.
Skin: White, and slightly tanned from his combat in the jungle and other sunny climates.
Identifying Marks: A tattoo on his right shoulder. The tattoo is an eagle with a spear and the words, 'sub hasta' below it. Damaged foot due to trench foot and his left ringer nail removed.
Appearance: Brutus is as visibly strong as he is old; but with a new smile and warm chuckle, it'll be easy to see that he is a strong man, but old and kind.
Clothing: A tunic with brown gloves and a turquoise undershirt and pants.
Weaponry: A gladius, carefully maintained over the years. An arming sword and a heater shield is also used.
Inventory: He always keeps his long pipe and tobacco on his person, often unscrupulously smoking it in public. He also lugs around a large tome of warfare and stratagem. But what one will never find him without, is his trusty gladius.
Voice: An older Ewan Mcgregor from Star Wars Episode 3.

Strengths: His wisdom and vast knowledge on military stratagems and tactics. He is now generally kind to people.
Weaknesses: He is often too kind or passive to violence. His health is still well, but is deteriorating. He's also getting too old to fight anymore.
Intelligence: High.
Languages: Common.
Profession: Praetor. Consul of Valerius. Commander.

Skills and Training:
Combat: Previously in his life, he was an extremely talented warrior and soldier. But now he's just getting too old to fight anymore.
Knowledge and Education: His knowledge mostly spans from military and political fields. Brutus is fairly educated and is not easily tricked.

Personality: Due to a change of heart, Brutus is now a nice and calm old man who strives for peace and liberty. He often chuckles and laughs, bringing a mood of joy where he goes (Unless he's at a funeral or something meant to be sad).
Religion or Cults: Brutus believes in the gods but doesn't take time to worship them. He doesn't mind most of them either.

Goals: To establish a Republic. To maintain and rule that Republic.
Others: His distastes towards nobility, royalty and monarchies is fueled by his democratic philosophies. But he doesn't generally come out about this.

Child: Brutus was born to a plebeian family in the city of Asrakos. His father was a levy to the king and his mother tended to him and his older brother. While his father was away on small campaigns, the family sold their produce and lived a normal life. When his father returned, he spent much time with Brutus and the family. Brutus's father taught Brutus to always stand up for himself and for the weak, but to be kind and smart. These lessons would have a moral and profound impact on Brutus.

Teen: But Brutus's life took a drastic turn in his teenage years. His family, and many other family farms, could no longer compete with the large slave run farms owned by patricians. With his family on the verge of poverty, Brutus heard about the King's reward for men who enlisted in his army for more than 10 years. He took up arms right away and joined the Asrakosian army. By the time he was 18, Brutus had already been involved in the successful defense of border forts. He had become a Decanus the next year and was on his way to become an Optio.

Adult: When Brutus turned 21, he was an Optio or the Centurion's officer and continued to defend border forts from various hostile tribes. But during one assault, the Centurion was slain and Brutus was promoted to the Centurion at the age of 26. He was one of the youngest commanders and often under estimated because of this. Brutus continued to stay in the army after the 10 year contract for double payment for his service. Brutus, when he was 32 years old, defended the fort from a barbarian onslaught. When the barbarians were in retreat, he dispatched his men to charge at the retreating barbarians while in a shield wall position. After many more hours of fighting, the barbarians had been routed. For this victory, Brutus was praised heavily by others including the king himself. After his famous victory, he continued his service until he finally retired at the age of 42. He then became a courtier, adviser and then emissary for the king after he served for the Asrakosian navy for a short time.
But when the king died and his son took over, things began to take a change. When the houses began to war over each other, Brutus was exiled by the new king due to his sympathies with another rival house. He has left his homeland for a new life.
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Lord of Altera

Friends and Acquaintances.
Althalos - Electric - "I slightly miss his company some times."

Idon Marr- Ddaug02 - "Fun lad and I'm glad to fight with him."

Howard - VargSkeleton - "My oldest friend. He's getting too old though."

Raemus - WizardTaffy - "A good archer and sailor."

Semic - Rainbow Goat - "Smart man in general. He's skilled as being a medic."

Eisa - Halendar - "Seems good enough."

Gabe - ZeroOrgan - "She'll be good for one moment, and then she'll attack me. Strange indeed."

Vesryn - Raphael_Payne - "He has changed a lot from the first time I met him. Makes me laugh seeing a child in such an armor or rank. Hopefully he'll learn and become a strong leader."

Berndt - Paint - "He was usefully during Azerport, but haven't seen him in a while."

Theo - Thomas Herena - "A good friend of mine. He is from my homeland too. Although he's young, I don't mind his company."
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professionally deranged
Retired Staff
I've always imaged Brutus as the personification of Obi Wan- voice and all



professionally deranged
Retired Staff
Althalos is exiled? O_O
I feel like making a trip just to test the security...
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professionally deranged
Retired Staff
My bad. I'll add you in a bit. Althalos is exiled, he can ask for it to be removed ICly. But you'll have to appeal to the other people of Valerius though xD.
No appeals necessary.
He will come, even if not invited :)