Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Big Foot Born


I think I might like it here
Name: Ninja_Kaboom
Nickname/Alias: Kaboom

Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Race: Big Foot
Height: 7ft
Weight: Unknown
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Big Foot
Identifying Marks: Ummmm... big feet!
Appearance: Woolly creature with enormous feet
Strengths: My strenght
Weaknesses and fears: Majic and Sorcerers
Religion and cults: BigFootian
Profession: Big Foot helper

A long time ago, there was a tribe of, well lets not say human, creatures. These creatures were huge and very loyal to their town. No-thing could get away with any crime. These creatures are the formidable Big Foot. They are kind hearted, loyal, noble, a good friend and best of all a great builder.

One day, in the middle of December, or as the BigFootians say Degrmber, there was a festival, for all new borns, big foot children are very rare and for a tribe they are the best thing since Magma Cream on Toast, Big Foots favourite food. The new born was a big baby*, I was a terrible baby, always crying and never giving his town, Skara_Brae, time to sleep, the Skara (human people of Skara) were getting annoyed at this, after 13 years, and banished me from town. I was only 13 at the time, no food, no water, and moreover, his only possession, diamonds, freshly mined from the great mines in the Sorrowlands.

This is all I can remember from the day I was banished from Skara_Brae, I was arguing with this Dwarf, called NinjaTangerine, he is a friendly fellow, he was one of my closest friends in Skara_Brae in fact. He helped me build the magnificent, Light House, and donated some materials for the Church. My father Giant Foot 1st, was the war hero, for the Skara area, he was the strongest thing in the area, he could beat anyone, apart from some people. These people were Sorcerers, they arrived by boat the day before I was kicked out of Skara, they came from Ulthrandir, they faught my father, until he died from insufficient Magma Cream in his blood, he died on his own on the top of the snake statue. I was so scared that night I cried and cried until I threw up, my father gone, mother lost at child birth and my friends hating my becuase they couldn't sleep. The day of by banishment came, I knew something was up when NinjaTangerine threw his beloved Diamond Pick at my door to wake me up, they wanted my head. I ran and ran, but knowing my memory I lost my diamonds, to them, all but one covered in Magma Cream, my father's.

*human's can be big but big foot baby are 3 times their size.


Lord of Altera
Nice :)

Side note: Could you please remove the shop from the storage room? We have a market now.