Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Avisis - Application [Approved - Sally]

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1. Your Minecraft username:

2. Your real name:
Alva Söder
3. Age:

4. Gender:

5. Country:

6. Have you read the Tome of Citizenship or agree to do so before signing into Hollow World for the first time?
Yes I have, and I found it very intersting. I will probably read it at least once a week, to get updated.

7. How do you feel about the 'roleplay' aspect of our server? Do you have any experience roleplaying?
I love the fact of a real RP server. I've been looking for a good one a long time, and here it suddenly is! And in a matter of I'm not new in RP, but I haven't done it this way before. I normally just RP by writing to my friends, often Medival styled. These posts is usually at least 2000 characters long, but let me give you an example.
Angela walked down the small path. The sun was high, and it was about noon. The wheather were calm, but the air felt heavy, just like a thunderstorm was about to start. The horse by her side neighed and she felt twitchings in the rope that was attached to the horses halter.
"Calm down Prislo."
When Prislo heard her demanding voice her calmed down, but still she had a feeling that he wasn't pleased about being in the dim forest. So she decided to get out of there as quick as possible.
8. Please introduce yourself to the community; explaining who you are, your interests / hobbies and why you are here in 8 sentences or more.
I'm a (mostly) postive girl who loves roleplaying. I play piano and swim. My big passion is an artist, whos name is Eric Saade. I love what he does and he's a great inspiration for me. In school I work hard and I got good grades. My friends started playing Minecraft, and so I decided to try. I found it fun, and when I discovered that you could RP at the same time I fell in love. That's how I found this server, that seems to be awesome.

I'm usually a strong character, a leader. My friends sometimes think it's too much, and when I think it over I agree. Still I always follow the rules, and I freak out if I accidently does. Just last week was the first time I was late to school, because of a car crash. I felt horrible the whole day.

I like to get to know new people, and I'm not afraid of speaking to strangers. At least not in a game! I'm not the funny person who tell jokes, but more the serious and definite one. If I have a goal I will achive it, but I don't work very good under time presure.

Oh, and sorry if you can't understand some of my English!
9. If you have examples of your work please attached them to this post using the "upload a file" button or link to the image or videos
Sorry, I don't have any pictures. Just because of one reason. I don't know how to take a screenshot in Minecraft. Forgot to say, I'm very honest.
If you want to know how I usually build I do it with cobble and wood. I don't like houses that's rectangular with straight walls, and I like to use my imagination to create new layouts. Sometimes I take a paper and draw a quick picture of what I want to make.

10. Is there anything else you would like to share with us?
Ehm, I could maybe say that I've never been banned from a server, and that servers usually like what I'm building.
Is there anything you want to ask, do it!

11. Are you aware that the use of black magic (xraying and xray texture packs) is not allowed on our server, and a banishable offense?
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