Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Active Atlas


Lord of Altera
Tariel Jolynn
"I am. I think. I will."

[Artist's deviantart]

*He has these tattoos - also this page is a WIP*​
Name: Tariel Jolynn
Other Names: Atlas
Titles: None

Age: 163 years of age
Race: Silver Elf
Gender: Male
Relationship Status: Solitary
Social Status: Nearing the bottom of the barrel

Physical Appearance
"Reality can be beaten with enough imagination."
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 165 lbs.
Eye Color: A light shade of hazel
Skin Color: Light as is expected of his race, with minimal tanning from outdoor activity.
Shape of Face: Diamond, his features are defined relatively well.
Build of Body: Light weight with little muscle, though he is more lithe than might be expected.
Distinguishing Features: Facial tattoos
Hair Color: Burgundy
Hair Style: See above picture.
Well maintained while sitting and standing, rare to find him slouching.

"Know yourself and you will win all battles."

Likes: Learning, listening, rain, night time, observing, thinking.
Dislikes: Belligerent people, militants, pungent smells, strong liquor.
Strengths: Intelligent, creative, "worldly"
Weaknesses: Little practical knowledge, physically weak
Values: Education, teaching, introspection, understanding
Education: He received a light formal education, but supplements his knowledge daily.
Languages: Elven, Common
General Attitude: Optimistic
Religious Inclination: Sallana
General Intelligence: Slightly above average, more important is his willingness to absorb.
General Sociability: Medium.
Alignment: Chaotic Good.

"We faced it and did not resist. The storm passed through us and around us. It's gone, but we remain."

download (1).png

Wardrobe: See above picture!
Jewelry: Multiple earrings that are gold, silver, and an interesting blue feather at the end of each ear.
General Inventory: Quills, sketchbooks, ink, a small coin purse, and the odd knick knack or two
General Wealth: Low


Illnesses: None to speak of.
Allergies: Peanuts.
Sleeping Habits: Strange, as he is an astrologist. Often sleeps through the day.
Energy Levels: High.
Eating Habits: Normal.
Memory: Quite good.
Drinking Habits: Will indulge in light alcohols, but he has a very hard time holding it.

"Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much."

Peaceful or violent: Peaceful.
Weaponry: Lasers from his mind.
Combat Training: None.
Training & Skills:
- Well versed in rudimentary astrological knowledge
- Decent knowledge of various plants and herbs
- Exceptional teacher
- Knows a fair amount of history

Occupation: Astrologist


This section won't be filled in!
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Lord of Altera
"I have already begun to realize I am not liked.

It has been only a few days, but it is already clear to me. I am far older than many I have met on the mainland, yet I feel so small and young. Solitude has done me no favors for those years. I encounter people and I believe the social norms here are simply not what I am used to. I can sense discomfort when others are in my presence and I do not come across as I perhaps would like to. Personally, I see nothing wrong with being excited in public, investigating your curiosity and expanding knowledge. Perhaps I am doing it in a way that does not garner approval from others, but I don't think my mentality is common.

I've learned that the circumstances of how you gather information is extremely important. I overheard a woman asking a returned warrior about the welfare of her husband. The next day I saw the woman and asked her if she had heard from her husband. I believed it courteous and polite to inquire about the whereabouts of others' family, but she seemed taken aback and angry... Kharn was his name, I believe. I hope he is well, even if his wife harbors resentment for me.

Starting conversations is much more difficult than it was in my village. People seem to want to keep to themselves and indulge in superficial chatter most of the time. A woman asked about my facial tattoos and once I finished explaining them she barely responded and seemed to think I was queer for my reasons. It is difficult to understand how and why these things bother me, or even if they should bother me. I want to keep track of these thoughts, lest I remain fully the same.

I don't want to alter my core personality, but I think I should stay to the sides, as they say. The wallflower never bothered anyone."


Alteran Cryptid and Renowned Hat-wearer
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
Tarron! :eek: :D Long lost buddy ol' pal!
I won't crowd your profile though. But Hello!


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Oh hey- I didn't realize this was the same character I RP'd with a few days ago. Hello again.