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Active Aspen Telfarn - The Brewer


Bird, Knows What's Good
Retired Staff


[Art by Ruulu]
[Updates] In purple.

Current Thoughts/Status:


Given Name: Aspen Telfarn
Full Name: Aspen
Nickname/Alias: Old Man/Caparii/Fuffy/Sir Aspen the Asshole/Aspen the Undying

Age: 180
Gender: Male
Race: Caparii
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Height: 6' 5''
Weight: 210
Social Status: Wanderer
Homeland: The Northern Kingdoms
Current Home: --
Born: Wibble wobble
Died: (2.) Siege of Breakwater, Undead Attack - Grafjell
Profession: Brewer | Mercenary

Build: Practical muscle. May appear somewhat pudgy, but he's stronk.
Hair: White-Grey. Think aspen tree.
Eye: Emerald Green, with a bloody red "bleed", in the day. A deep, dark red at night.
Skin: Lightly tanned, but paler in the daylight.
Identifying Features: For a Caparii, the white-grey hair is telltale. The tip of his right horn is discolored due to being false. His left hand is without ring finger, and he is missing some teeth.
Appearance: If Aspen's personality doesn't make him the center of a room, his height does. He towers over most folks, and leads with his chest. Nine out of ten times, he walks around strapped with weapons, always having his yew longbow. He keeps both his hair and beard tied into ponytails, with some errant bangs hanging over his forehead.

Usual Attire: Aspen wears medium armor consisting of scalemail to cover the middle, shoulderplates, and other smaller plates on his arms, legs, all held together with leather straps.

Accessories: His signature attire tends to come with a worn leather sash, with many pouches. His belt has just as many pouches, if not more. He keeps a quiver strapped to the small of his back, and a sheath sits at his hip for a longsword. On his right wrist, he wears a charm bracelet with a whistle dangling from it, given to him by Leila.

Hygiene: Bathing regularly

A small scar on his left side
+Two large gouge scars in his back
+Other small, miscellaneous nicks and scratches

Voice: [X] Iron Bull from Dragon Age: Inquisition. Similarly gruff, maybe not quite as deep. Aspen speaks at a markedly slow pace, but stutters when nervous or excited due to a head injury.

Personality: Bombastic in a sense, but it's best if you find out specifics IRP.

+The Undead
+Peter Hallon

Sense of Humor: Finds humor both where it is appropriate and where it is inappropriate. Less-than-subtle Schadenfreude.

Religion or Cults: As a former Acolyte, knows the most about The Grey Lady, but is much more preferential to Shalherana. Has some respect for Silas from his upbringing.

Alignment: Chaotic Good - with a twist of lime.

Short-Term/Immediate Goals:

[ ] Wander

Long-Term/Life-Long Goals:
[-] Expand Business
[-] "Work" in Queensport
[ ] Scratch an Itch

| Ongoing/Progressing: - |
| Failed: x |
| Successful/Completed: V |
| Possibly Completed: ~ |

Hobbies: Brewing, Cooking, Writing, Drawing, Singing
Spending Habits: Gifts for friends, supplies for business, weapons
Nervous Tics: Pulling out hair in various clumps depending on severity
Posture: Chest forward, shoulders back, chin up. This Caparii stands proud around strangers. His friends, however, will find him practically dragging his knuckles.

Dead Things:
Unnamed backstory Dwarf - Broken neck
James Harrister of Haven - Arrow to the throat
Arnt - Arrow to the throat (Joint effort with Leila)
Many Zombies
Undead Greathorn - Split head open
Undead Earthspawn - Joint effort
Epithet - Thrown off a cliff
Crab of Unusual Size - SMASH!
Gryphon - Shanked in the belly

Storm's Landing
Pastime: Brewing
Food: Blood Sausage
Drink: Mead
Colour: Royal Purple
Animal: Oxen

Least Favourite...
Queensport Castle
Pastime: Recovering from Wounds
Food: Raw Tomatoes
Drink: Goat Milk
Colour: Pink
Animal: Gyphons
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Bird, Knows What's Good
Retired Staff

+[Lost] Windlass Crossbow - Avignon Armory
+7.5' Steel-Capped Quarterstaff - Urist Eisenfaust
+[Lost] 7' Lucerne Hammer - Roy Beledrent
+Yew Longbow, "The Seeker" - Jaden Seeker
+Longsword - Sapphire Ball Payment
[Lost] Shoddy Dagger
+[Stored] Dane Axe, "Vladimir" - Avignon Armory

+ His steel 'quarter-plate' armor, consisting of only a few plates, and scalemail.

Items Carried:
+Quiver - With as many arrows as possible

General Wealth: Secretly somewhat wealthy.

Prized Possessions:
+ His whistle, given to him by Leila.

Aspen's primary trade, favorite hobby, life. He's spent long sleepless nights mulling over the perfect brew, tweaking ingredients, and taking down data. This Goatman looks a bit unwieldy anywhere else, but in the brewery, he is as meticulous as a master alchemist.

Aspen's third love in this world. Though somewhat demanding in the kitchen, Aspen cares greatly for the quality of his dishes and ingredients. Luckily, this carries over even when ingredients must be scrimshawed from nature.

Aspen's upbringing gave him some time to train the most basic of archery skills. Malek Tarren trained him further before the Siege of Breakwater. After this, Jaden Seeker took him under his wing. He has a standing offer to join the Rangers' Guild.

Another pastime from his youth. Aspen's skills have been enhanced thanks to his time The Rangers' Guild.


+Gutting fish
+Carpentry (Minor)

Hand-to-Hand Combat:
Barfights, spars.

Prefers staffplay.

Quite enjoys comparing staves with his good friend, Ater.

Though bulky, Aspen's regimen of running has helped his stamina greatly. However, his speed may have declined thanks to multiple leg injuries in quick succession.

In terms of doctors on Altera, Aspen is not quite the last person you would want to call, but certainly not the first.

+Healing and regeneration potion application
+Wound cleaning/infection prevention
+Glorious opium
+Some herbalism

A hobby, but he prefers whittling.

Aspen is a previous student of the alchemist Athryl Mithanil

Arcane Knowledge:
+ Elementals
+The Planar Infinity
+The Sisterhood of Shalherana
+Some information on the Schools of Magic

+Strings: Beginner
+Flute: Intermediate
Singing: Intermediate-Advanced

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Bird, Knows What's Good
Retired Staff

Pain in the Tail [Courted]:

Friends 'til the End:


Close Comrades:

You give too much of yourself, it'll be your downfall, I fear. Yuki_The_Witch.
Sunflower de Spring: More of a business partner, but she gave me a good deal. She seems like a good lass. Yuki_The_Witch.
Theodosius Herennius: I feel like there's more to you than your milquetoast appearance lets show. You're a better man than I thought. But for the Gods' sake, watch that nephew closer. Blorbis83
Connor Hayden: I was just as confused once upon a time as you are now. I'll find a way to help you out. Mudpaw11
Jaden Seeker: I did mention being nostalgic about saving the world again. I guess I should be careful what I wish for. CloakedReaper [

Elizabeth Kane: You've been nothin' but hospitable to my business, and I will return that favor. NIAH
Sigmund Von Hallon: The charm of bein' a Vyre wore off pretty quickly, and honestly, I'm happy to find you were right. Scardrac
Jin Elsattir: All the times I've met you have been vastly different experiences, but you seem alright. Olligreen
Kitrana Dawnriver: A fine woman, who I haven't had much time to speak to on a personal level. She's allowed me to set up shop, and I'll appreciate that for all my day. French Roast
Podric Flanders: I look forward to possibly workin' with you. Strict as you are, you're a good man. Luam
Southgate: Heh. The ""Vyre Queen"". Old-Seadog
Aerith: Enjoys the product! Also to be protected. Miki
Raigo Tideborne: Friendly fellow. From the Old World, as well. GhostKairo123
Remus: Typical scrappy youth, sorta reminds me of myself.
Cymic Seymour: Sangria's changed, and Halbed is nice. Lots of trouble about the city, though. Cymic_
Emily: Hasn't been much of an exchange, but she took the time to introduce herself. Seems friendly. Sizzix
Aelin: Lots of interestin' questions, but what will you do with the answers? Smurf
Garrett L. Herennius: A lad of repeated misfortune, but one who keeps moving forward. You'll be great someday, I reckon. Galaxy
Helena Valdis: A woman of fine tastes and fair looks. Cordial, but I wonder what goes on beneath the surface, sometimes. Your life must be complicated. Elz

Little to Say:
Branko Callas:
Grouchy. Welcome to the fold. Kostadim
Ashna Kov'Gra'Sek: Cold. A warm memory, encased in ice. Solus
Dove Hiraeth: I dunno if we've met, but I can't deny that trouble follows you. Bishop
Uriel Valhart: A lad of honor who needs a vacation. Maybe he should take one with Podric. BoredBrit
James McGuffin: I truly d'nno how you live like this. I miss food. You helped me, but your motives are comin' under some scrutiny, in my eyes. Tot
Leighton Altham: It's a good thing you're rather light, lad. Mapboy

Pain in the Tail [Actual]:

The Vile:

Isabell Goodman
Elros Taradhiel
Elwyn Talviel
Ater Impes
Russell "Snerus" Snedd Castor
Malek Tarren



Sire of:

[Aspen has not, and will not be public about his Vyre progeny, or status as their progenitor.]

"Are those horns buried so deep in your skull that there is not a place left for sense?" - Grey
"You did what you did. It's over. Let it out." - Malek
"You'll always mean something more to me." - Leila
"It's okay. You probably would have broken her heart anyways." - Chestnut
"You're so.. /drooly!/" - Knox
"Ye' mus' learn.. Nah' ta' smut.. Wit' me /MOOR/." - Cymic
"I s'ggest you shut your mouth, or else I'll make you leave without a tongue." - Snerus
"Have you ever been in love, Aspen?" - Leila
"..I'm not as brave as you'd believe... But that's for another time..." - Jaden
"Aspen, don't leave me.. I've been so terribly bored and alone on this rock." - Elros
"...And she will be the last." - Grey
"I don't think Malek would approve of that." - Jaden
"Gentlemen, gader over here." - Ater
"Aspen, you /ass!/" - Eltsir
"But at that point, what's the diff'rence 'tween livin' an' dyin', Aspen?" - Snerus
"Would you.... walk me down the..." - Leila
"Wanna do the marriage thing?" - Aspen to Malek
"...We will be okay." - Isabell
"You're my light." - Isabell
"Love him, Aspen." - Leila
"There's a baby in me." - Isabell
"Do you ever feel like it isn't enough?" - Elros
"'Spen not leave.. Right 'Spen? Stay with Olive!" - Olive
"Much more than thriving, old friend." - James McGuffin
The Great Exploding Necklace
A few nights of ghostly terror in Castle Queensport
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Bird, Knows What's Good
Retired Staff

[None of Aspen's current theme songs work much.. I'll find some soon.]

Main Theme
[Water Wars by Emily Axford]

"My story..? Heh.. Well.. le'see.. I grew up, uhh.. With my grandmum, granddad. Parents.. Couldn't take care of me, I guess. They had a little farm, real humble, yeah? Turnips, corn, wheat, carrots.. A cow or two. I had a real fondness for the oxen. Real strong animals. Anyways, when I was young, I was pretty normal. I helped my grandfolks out with plowing the fields, harvests, all that. It was good. The older I got, the more bitter I got about not knowing my parents much. I got mad that my grandfolks had to toil away on some farm, pushing damned near one-ninety a piece. It wasn't right. Turned my aggressions on the more privileged folk. Why's it gotta be that they have it so easy? And then I started drinkin'. Couldn't hold my liquor then like I can now. It was ugly. Petty theft, ruinin' property, pickin' fights.. All that. I left home without that much warning.. Left my grandfolks to deal with the farm. I thought, in some way, I was doin' them some kind of service.

This one night, I was at some tavern, and uh.. This dwarf. He was pickin' on the Elfy barmaid. Gropin' and whatnot, right? Me, thinking I was some kind of just-caused youth, decided to say somethin'. Though, it may have seemed more to the Dwarf like a string of drunken insults. He pulled a dagger on me, gave me a good cut, right on the side. I.. went for a chair. Swung it right into him. He was on the floor, and.. I got carried away. At first it was a hoof, down on his hand. Then a hoof to the chest. Another one. And.. and another. I'll never forget that.. crack, under my hoof.. I can't say I regret it.. Found out later that night this Dwarf in particular was no good.. Abused his kids, his lass. It was a real bad thing for 'em. His wife, she.. she thanked me personally. Gave me this sick feeling....

I lived with his wife for a bit... Help her recover, get back on her feet.. I wouldn't say we were married, but we were.. in love, maybe. I lost her to a fever two winters later.

In grieving, I decided to go home.. It was a long ride, for sure. Thought about family, and the feck-all I'd done for my grandfolks that last.. ten.. fifteen.. twenty years? I only got to work on the farm with 'em one last year. In the time I was gone, things got bad. They couldn't tend to everything themselves.. Granddad's back was no good.. Grandmum was sick. Farm was in disrepair... I.. It was all me. I still think.. No, I know that. During that year, I started getting into some minor brewin'... Turned into this pretty decently payin' affair. Folks in the home town were buyin' my swill.. I decided to take a ship up North after my grandfolks passed. Get a new start in a new place.. And here I am."
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Bird, Knows What's Good
Retired Staff
This post is mine forever. To do with what I see fit.​
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Bird, Knows What's Good
Retired Staff
I... Don't remember Roy making him a hammer that big... Are you sure you got that from him?
To my knowledge, the hammer was from Roy, but it was indirectly bought, through Jaden Seeker. If the length ought to be cut down, that's fine, I just had it such that it would suit his size.