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Asero Crow // Echelon V


professionally deranged
Retired Staff
Screen Shot 2023-06-18 at 2.59.55 AM.png


In-Game Name

Asero Crow []

Current Echelon

Chosen School

Chosen Specialization

Spell Points

Past Mentors
Kaelin Cerridwen // Eviscism
Fronslin Caldwell // Eviscism
Kethron Dramaign // Eviscism

Current Mentor(s)
None needed.


Perhaps it's time to look.

[ C R O W ' S S E A L ]
Asero’s arcane power begins to engrave itself into his body, leaving a physical reminder. A set of tattoos covering his entire upper body, including his arms and hands, reminiscent of esoteric symbols and geometric designs. During times of heightened emotion or spellcasting, these tattoos glow a pale white; enough to be seen in dark areas, but not bright enough to use as a light source.
[] []

[ G R E Y SC A L E F L A M E ]
Asero’s body grows closer to the fire he claims, creating harmless flames on various parts of his body. These flames are stark white at its core and melding into a black outline, creating grey patches as it blends. Small wisps rise up and separate from the ombré of flames, dissipating into nothingness. Even when not casting, Crow's flames manifest behind his weapon of choice in embers of black and white.


[ P Y R O M A N C E R ' S T O U C H ]
Asero’s heavy use of Thermal energy has left a permanent mark on his body; his fingers blacken as if perpetually covered in a thick layer of soot, unable to be washed off. They tend to leave ash in their wake, the soot seeming to shed from his fingers but never quite coming off. The soot does not remain long enough to write or draw with.

[ I M M O L A T I O N ]

Asero's command over fire is affirmed further. When casting certain Pyromancy spells, or in times of heightened emotion, flames thematic to Crow manifest upon him, coating his hands, shoulders, and head, as well as filling his eye sockets. The flames are purely aesthetic. While he is not casting, the opposite happens; dark wisps of smoke wafting off his body and clothes every so often.

[ C E L E S T I A L I N F E R N O ]
A translucent gemstone containing a starscape of gentle
purple and strong blue. It is held by a fancy silver bail. When a spell is cast, the constellations are set aflame with a firestorm, spreading throughout the stars, starlight shimmering through the all consuming fire until the blaze fades away. Retired upon Frost's request.
An Anchor Arcana: when worn by a mage, their spells are halved in contribution to Planar Convergence.

Sustained Effects

Elemental Scarring
Through violent experimentation with elemental lifeforms, Crow has suffered a litany of different fire based injuries to his skin. These will heal as normal, but the residual scar tissue will cover approximately 20% of his body (at player discretion as to location).

Sanctum Location
In the Ashlands, warded by Invite Only.
{ 2769.5, 35, -12987.5 }

Invite Only
A Warm Welcome

Current Status

Researching. Riding the high. Ablaze.


[ S P E L L S K N O W N ]

Siphon Flame | 10 casts
Wail | 1 cast
Chill | 0 casts
Shock | 2 casts

E C H E L O N 1

Flame Wreathe | 11 casts
Thaw and Boil | 4 casts | Frost
Fire Familiar | 19 casts | Crow
Evocatio Imperium | 2 casts | Albert
Climate Command | 0 casts
Heleg Ihim | 1 cast | Artesia

E C H E L O N 2

Elemental Volley | 9 casts
Ward of the Extremes | 13 casts | Frost
Burning Parry | 1 cast | Matthias
A World On Fire | 6 casts | Crow
Snow Globe | 1 cast | Anya

E C H E L O N 3

Heavensfall | 0 casts
Hoarfrost's Grip | 4 casts
Pyromancer's Wrath | 6 casts | Crow
Frost Bolt | 3 casts | Frost

E C H E L O N 4

Pyromancer’s Embrace | 4 casts | Crow
Whiteout | 3 casts
Ascension in Flames | 13 casts | Crow
Elemental Fury | 2 casts | Crow
Pyromancer's Conflagration | 0 casts | Crow

[ A R C A N E L O G ]

{ Sparked in Eviscism - pre-rework } - 9/6/20

{ Grandfathered at Echelon III } - 8/12/22

{ New focus - glimmersteel, steel, drakodo bone } - 8/22/22
{ Learned Thaw and Boil from Frost } - 8/23/22
{ Learned Ward of the Extremes from Frost } - 8/24/22
{ Taught Thaw and Boil to Ayda and Arvyth } - 8/24/22
{ Researched Pyromancer's Wrath } - 8/26/22
{ Taught Pyromancer's Wrath to Frost } - 9/5/22

{ Researched Fire Familiar } - 9/13/22
{ Learned Burning Parry from Matthias } - 10/15/22
{ Researched A World on Fire } - 10/21/22
{ Created his first sanctum, in the Ashlands } - 11/6/22
{ Given his Anchor Arcana by Lana: the Celestial Inferno } - 11/7/22
{ Performed Invite Only at his sanctum } - 11/10/22

{ Achieved Echelon IV } - 11/14/22
{ Learned Shock } - 11/14/22
{ Learned Frost Bolt from Frost } - 11/19/22
{ Learned Evocatio Imperium from Albert } - 11/19/22
{ Researched Pyromancer’s Embrace } - 11/20/22
{ Learned Whiteout } - 12/19/22
{ Researched Ascension in Flames } - 12/21/22
{ Researched Elemental Fury } - 1/31/23
{ Performed A Warm Welcome at Frostlight } - 2/10/23
{ Learned Snow Globe from Anya } - 2/27/23
{ Taught Fire Familiar to Artesia } - 3/12/23
{ Taught Fire Familiar to Netari and Arvyth } - 3/15/23
{ Sacrificed the Cloth of Power to Lady Sunfall } - 3/25/23
{ Learned Heleg Ihim from Artesia } - 4/2/23
{ Research #1 } - 5/1/23

{ Achieved Echelon V } - 5/2/23
{ Research #2 } - 5/2/23-7/2/23
{ Research #3 } - 8/4/23-8/16/23
{ Taught Fire Familiar to Lerina } - 8/29/23
{ Learned Pyromancer's Conflagration } - 9/23/23
Last edited:


professionally deranged
Retired Staff
See, this is why I had fire gifs on the profile from day 1. Back with a vengeance ;)


professionally deranged
Retired Staff
it's Echelon 4 time. Aesthetic updated slightly to match the new flame colors. And a new knack unlocked.