Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Art from the nothing


Lord of Altera
Because I still feel new here. I do some art in my pass time but never really feel its good enough to show Im kinda going out on a limb and showing some of my old art. Some are traces others are from scratch. Any useful tips are welcome, I really do want to get better at this.
IMG_0174.JPGultimo v4.jpgultimo v3.jpg

1st: One of my character Rose from the server when she still had her scythe.
2nd and 3rd: Two traces of Ultimo from the manga.


Lord of Altera
These are epic O_O Why would you hide this?! I suck at drawing so i cant really comment on a professional note.. but i dont really think you need any help... Just keep chugging :D


Lord of Altera
I would love to do more. I just dont know what to draw. Not very good at coming up with that part.


Lord of Altera
Finally got some free time to make something. Sadly its just a re-color that took a few hours. So yay for making over looked art. Still had to be made for an rp.

