Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Active Arnoldus Shephard


Lord of Altera
[No Picture Yet]

General Information:

Name: Arnoldus Shephard

Age: 31

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual [Gay]

Current Residence: Random Travelling

Relationship Status: Single

Social Status: A Random

Physical Appearance:

Height: 6’4

Weight: 223 lbs

Eye Color: Blue

Skin Color: Caucasian

Shape of Face: about

Build of Body: Muscular and Fit

Hair Color: Blond

Hair Style: Shaggy and short scuffed beard

Posture: Straight back, confidence in posture

Voice: Irish/Celtic Accent that very rarely get aggressive


Likes: Heavy Weaponry, helping people, traveling, Stars.

Dislikes: Light weaponry, Wars, dealing with obnoxious people, failing, hurting people.

Fighting: Swinging his weapons fast enough, despite the heavy disadvantage.
Carrying: He can lift fair loads, of course the heavier the item, the more help he needs.
Stances: His poise is well enough a simple punch or blow to him with rarely cause him to flinch, but of course heaver blows, or bigger wounds will cause a fair flinch out of him

Fighting: is weaker against agile opponents, big reason why he stays out of fighting, but not his biggest.
Sleep habits: Sleeps over the needed amount, generally around 12-13 hours at times… record is 14

Fears: Fear of Heights, and fears the loss of losing friends or becoming anti-social.

Values: Believes no ones life should be caste away so easily, unless the life is truly a vile person and have commit atroshious. Wars are a nuisance, but understands that they can bring some good. But generally hates fighting unless there is reason to it IE: Training, for what one believes in, defending ones name. Genocidal, preying on weak type of stuff he looks down upon

Education: Basic Academic Educations. Knowledge in heavy weapon training [Above average].

Languages: Common

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Possessions: Crude Hatchet

Wardrobe: Leather Pauldron, “Swordsmans” Cloak (sleeveless, Hooded), Chain shirt, Ordinary Pants, a Sheath/carry on for the Hatchet, and Rugged boots.


Allergies: Roses, Pet Dander

Sleeping Habits: 12-14 hours or 6-8 hours.

Memory: Strong memory

Drinking Habits: Couple cups a day of ordinary Ale.


Romantic Interests:

Trusted Friends:

Friendly With: Cymic Seymour, Azariah Ralotumal, Adeline Dosineau, Luciah Melody

Loose Acquaintances: Jacob Reckless, Spirit Lucas, Vendryn Allfin

Disfavored Individuals:


Wary Of:

[Forgot to tag]:
IanAwesomePants SovietReindeer SpiritTheLightning Asirel Luik Sir Saltington
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