Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Architect] Rhett Architecture Services


Lord of Altera
Hello Hollowworld! I'm sure by now many of you know of my gift for building.
Now, I am building a rather large city called Azerport, and a fort called Kaet Morhen and helping the old Azerwinds rebuild Twilight Falls to it's former glory.

Now I have a problem. It's plots. I do receive a steady amount of income coming in to buy plots but with expanding to Twilight it's has slowed down abit.

So I am finally doing something to actually make a good bit of money and I guess I might as well do something I enjoy while making it. So I'm offering my building services for a reasonable price for each build.

What I'm Best At
  • Walls
  • Mediterranean (Azerport styled)
  • Small Forts
  • Smaller cozier things
  • Tudor
  • Medieval
  • Nordic (just starting to delve intuit but hey, challenge me)
  • Smaller cozier builds is my strong point.
Do not limit me to just those. This is also a thread I hope will challenge me and force me to think outside the box. My whole goal for this is to supply the community with amazing builds and for myself to grow as an architect. Altho I'm best at smaller cozier builds, don't be afraid to ask me of something big either. So other things you might want to ask me of may be.

    • Elven
    • Dwarven
    • Temples
    • Underground
    • Tribal
Just don't judge those TOO harshly ;)

Current Contracts
  • --
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  • --
Here is a few Screenshots of some things I've made.

Blacksmith and Bakeryimage.jpg

The Paralus (additional credit to @Gregor @Ddaug02 and @Woolsey , without them we would have never made it and attended the Kavdek event) image.jpg
A shot of Azerports Docks
image.jpg image.jpg
Shots from a single player castle I was working on.
image.jpg image.jpg

Here's a form to fill out when making a request
What you want built w/ description:
A forge/blacksmith that can double as a home.
Single player download or creative world:
Style: Creative world so I can export it to my town in the NK
Other notes: Can the workshop area be open to the wind? Also can there be an underground storage for all his material he uses when making his wares.

Note: I work at my own pace. If it's not that big of a build it shouldn't take long. But if it is a bigger build, it will naturally take longer.

Also, I expect to be supplied with resources to make whatever you want and if not I will gather them. But there will be an additional resource fee.

Also, all of this will be ICly. If your in a faction Tybalt would never do business with however, that will be OOC.

Lastly, I prefer to work bigger things in Creative and WE them over. But I can also go to your town and build them by hand.

@IceandFire ;) you may wanna see this.


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
I player love it


Nice work. I've seen his builds and know his work ethic. Stamp of approval.

If I was still active and had any money left, I'd work with you!