Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[ Arcane Rank Up Requests ]


Metaiyyehmorphosis Master
Retired Staff
Character name: Trefor Nesterin
Character Profile: [x]
Mage profile: [x]
IGN: Skelepunbeanie

Applying for Ech. 3:

Achieved Ech2: June 8th

Custom Spell Created: Oozing Grasp [2022/06/16]
Custom Spell Created: Retch [2022/07/22]

Usage of Spells learnt:
[21:02:57] [Render thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §e[§aRP§e]§r§7[§7Galerunner§7] §f§fKeone§f: §e*You appear to have sprained your ankle and received a 1st degree burn. The only option is amputation.*
[21:02:58] [Render thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §e[§aRP§e]§r§e[§6Physician§e] §f§7+§fTrefor§f: §e*Trefor places his hands gently around the broken knee once more, eye glowing brighter as he casts a spell*
[21:03:03] [Render thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §e[§cYell§e]§r§5[§5Legend§5] §f§fCamp DM§f: §c*Miya: The man flails in the bed as the bleeding is mostly stopped.*
[21:03:04] [Render thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §e[§aRP§e] §5+Trefor: §5[§f§3Casting spell: Mend Bone§r§5]
[21:03:14] [Render thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §e[§cYell§e]§r§5[§5Legend§5] §f§fCamp DM§f: §c*His legs are still badly burned.* "D-do something!"
[21:03:15] [Render thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Jasper151627237 vanished in a burst of smoke!
[21:03:18] [Render thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Prince_Akuma27 entered the realm from the south.
[21:03:29] [Render thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §e[§cYell§e]§r§5[§5Legend§5] §f§fCamp DM§f: §c*The two untended patients quietly groan.*
[21:03:41] [Render thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §e[§aRP§e]§r§3[§3Tailor§3] §f§fAnwar§f: §e*Anwar keeps his hold firm as Trefor does his thing to ensure that it heals correctly aligned.*
[21:04:05] [Render thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §e[§aRP§e]§r§5[§5Scholar§5] §f§fLuna Crow§f: §e"Right." *Luna would reach into Nilsa's bag, retrieving the aformentioned salve and applying it to the bandages.*
Approved! Please update your Arcane Profile at your earliest convenience while I sort your IGN grimoire out!


Events Staff
Very Sweet
}{ 1 month elapsed since Echelon 1
Sparked on 19th August.

}{ Fulfill at least one alternate progression goal
'Create a custom spell' - She created the 'Dancing Stars' spell.

}{ Provide a situation or use for the spells learnt this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment.

[ Weaver of Rushes ] Her first spell, she tried to cast it a few times to 'learn', and eventually succeeded at a meeting in New Soolera, able to move and pull water from one of the small springs. This was the revealing of her gifts to others, however minor.
[ Dancing Stars ] She used this when she could not reach her daughter without risking herself, aligning the 'stars' into a sort of outstretched arm to try and bring her comfort. It resulted in Aleksei letting her embrace her daughter, after a moment, despite hesitation.
[ Boulder Blockade ] She sought to try and use it to help break her out of a cell by creating it in the doorway, but the spell is not strong enough for such things. She realises the strength is instead more based on projectiles than lifting strength, and notes it for the future, the process of imbuing something with an elemental being understood.


Metaiyyehmorphosis Master
Retired Staff
}{ 1 month elapsed since Echelon 1
Sparked on 19th August.

}{ Fulfill at least one alternate progression goal
'Create a custom spell' - She created the 'Dancing Stars' spell.

}{ Provide a situation or use for the spells learnt this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment.

[ Weaver of Rushes ] Her first spell, she tried to cast it a few times to 'learn', and eventually succeeded at a meeting in New Soolera, able to move and pull water from one of the small springs. This was the revealing of her gifts to others, however minor.
[ Dancing Stars ] She used this when she could not reach her daughter without risking herself, aligning the 'stars' into a sort of outstretched arm to try and bring her comfort. It resulted in Aleksei letting her embrace her daughter, after a moment, despite hesitation.
[ Boulder Blockade ] She sought to try and use it to help break her out of a cell by creating it in the doorway, but the spell is not strong enough for such things. She realises the strength is instead more based on projectiles than lifting strength, and notes it for the future, the process of imbuing something with an elemental being understood.
Approved; please update your Arcane Profile at your earliest convenience! Will have you updated in game shortly


Lord of Altera
IGN: Juvix_
Character Name: Quill Emiryn
Character Profile: [
Arcane Profile: [

Echelon 5:
5 months elapsed since Echelon 4
Quill reached Echelon 4 0n March 28th, 2022

Fulfill at least six alternate progression goals since reaching Echelon 4
Created Burgeon, L2 Life spell

Created Copse, L3 Life spell

Created Blooming Barrow, L4 Life spell

Created Flowering Familiar, L1 Life spell

Created Overgrow, L4 Life spell

Quill has, for OOC and IC years now, been an active healer. She believes life should be nurtured and preserved. Quill will always answer the call to heal others, no matter who the injured person is, what their believes are, or what they stand for. She believes it is not her place to play god and choose who lives or dies, and for as long as she is able, it is her job to assure nobody falls into an early grave.
This as her philosophy, and while she is a capable physician, Quill more often than not uses Formistry to heal to assure the patients are comfortable and recover faster.

This is her list of patients she's healed using Formistry specifically, through 2022 so far. A couple roleplays have also been lost due to my dumbass.

12th of February
Cieren | Burns and cuts - Cast Numb, Cleanse on burns and cuts, Fleshwarp on cuts, rest treated without magic
Nywyn | Burns and cuts - Cast Numb, Cleanse on burns and cuts, Fleshwarp on cuts, rest treated without magic

~28th of March
Leviathan | Lost arm and leg - Cast Regrow twice, attached new limbs about a week later

Sometime after Blightlands
Halvar | Broken arm - Cast Recover and Numb

26th of April
Jacob | Lost finger - Cast Regrow, attached new finger

9th of May
Cieren | Broken nose - Cast Recover

17th of May
Jorvun | Jishrim's eye - Cast Regrow, replaced the old eye a week later

19th of June
Halvar | Fractured leg and arm, bruised leg - Cast Recover on fractured leg and arm, Greater Hasten on bruised leg

25th of June
Jacob | Injuries to face - Cast Recover and Numb

Never found the date
Som | Serious injuries - Cast Recover

14th of July
Lysander | Lethal injuries - Cast Resuscitate

15th of July
Ced | Broken ribs - Cast Numb and Mend Bone, the others healed with alchemy
Sayuire | Treated arrow punctures - Cast Numb and Recover
Frost | Broken ribs and bruises | Cast Numb and Recover, rest healed with alchemy
Jacob | Burns on arms and face | Cast Greater Hasten on all

20th of July
Jaden | Nerve damage - Cast Recover

22nd of July
Marian | Sliced shoulder - Cast Recover

25th of July
Kharn | No injuries - Cast Blooming Barrow for safety
Quill | No injuries - Cast Blooming Barrow for safety

1st of August
Aelyth | Lethal injuries - Cast Resuscitate

6th of August
Jacob | No injuries - Cast Blooming Barrow for safety

8th of August
Jacob | Injury to head - Cast Recover and Numb
Jorvun | Near lethal injuries - Cast Resuscitate
Jaden | Lethal injuries - Cast Resuscitate and Numb

10th of August
Amelia | Lethal injuries - Cast Purify and Resuscitate

14th of August
Maple | Lethal injuries - Cast resuscitate
Hysope | Near lethal injuries - Cast resuscitate

15th of August
Somnastra | Lethal injuries - Cast Resuscitate
Quill | Mutilated arm - Repeatedly cast Numb, Recover after amputation, Regrow and attached limb after a week

17th of August
Cieren | Broken ankle - Cast Recover

10th of September
Halvar | Broken arm and leg - Cast Numb and Resuscitate
Kharn | Broken arm, head injury - Cast Numb, Mend Bone and Greater Hasten
Joseph | Healing injuries - Cast Numb
Alyssa | Broken arm - Cast Numb and Recover

11th of September
Nilsa | Near lethal injuries - Cast Numb and Resuscitate
Fjord | Burned legs and wounded arm - Cast Resuscitate

Provide a situation or use for the spells learnt this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment.
Burgeon - A custom made to be used for traversing difficult grounds, but in its latest RP was used to make a 'platform' over coursing rapids to sit on and fish from.

Hasten - This spell has not seen too much use on the side of her other healing ones, but it has been used to speed up the healing of a minor cut to Quill's own palm, after a garden incident.

Greater Hasten - Quill has used this spell to both remove scars, and to heal burns. Healing Jacob's burns after an attack in Eldpoint's lands was a time she was especially pleased to have made the spell.

Alter Self - Once upon a time some years ago, Quill used a similar Fortis spell to dye her now husband's hair green, as a joke. After losing her Matter Formistry and learning Alter Self,
she thought it'd be nostalgic to surprise him by dyeing his locks a vibrant shade of green again. This time, the color faded back to its original dark shade by itself, too.

Recover - The most useful custom she has made, Recover has healed plenty of difficult injuries and saved Quill headaches when it comes to realigning bones and figuring out internal damage.
Most notable one probably being healing Jacob's head injury.

Copse - During a picnic interrupted by dark clouds and rainfall, Quill thought to offer some shelter via casting Copse over her and her partner. It was a little cramped, but still a sweet scene.

Purify - After a visit to the North with Frost, Quill was caught in a snowstorm on her way back south. Upon reaching Stormhall, she, and others, realized the cold she had. The next morning, she cured herself with Purify.

Verdant Guardian - Awkwardly, the towering Guardian is mainly used as a helping hand in the garden and around Stormhall, though it also participated in a fight inside of a fortress in the Nether.

Resuscitate - A spell that has been used to save plenty of people, including an NPC whose arms and legs were cut off. Another memorable time would have been casting it on Som before she could die in the Nether.

Blooming Barrow - While the spell hasn't brought back anybody as of now, Quill has let her companions know that she is willing to cast it on any of them to assure a safe return.
She has cast it over a couple of the Rangers before their fights against Demons.

Floral Familiar - Quill created this custom after she'd lost her arm to bring herself some comfort with a new companion, and to have some assistance with gardening while she recovered from her injury.

Overgrow - A river near Quill's home is surrounded by rough, craggy rock. To expand the nearby forest and claim a new picnic spot, she turned a patch of its shoreline into a new clearing.
New plants and wildflowers grow there, alongside a young willow tree, symbolic.


Metaiyyehmorphosis Master
Retired Staff
IGN: Juvix_
Character Name: Quill Emiryn
Character Profile: [
Arcane Profile: [

Echelon 5:
5 months elapsed since Echelon 4
Quill reached Echelon 4 0n March 28th, 2022

Fulfill at least six alternate progression goals since reaching Echelon 4
Created Burgeon, L2 Life spell

Created Copse, L3 Life spell

Created Blooming Barrow, L4 Life spell

Created Flowering Familiar, L1 Life spell

Created Overgrow, L4 Life spell

Quill has, for OOC and IC years now, been an active healer. She believes life should be nurtured and preserved. Quill will always answer the call to heal others, no matter who the injured person is, what their believes are, or what they stand for. She believes it is not her place to play god and choose who lives or dies, and for as long as she is able, it is her job to assure nobody falls into an early grave.
This as her philosophy, and while she is a capable physician, Quill more often than not uses Formistry to heal to assure the patients are comfortable and recover faster.

This is her list of patients she's healed using Formistry specifically, through 2022 so far. A couple roleplays have also been lost due to my dumbass.

12th of February
Cieren | Burns and cuts - Cast Numb, Cleanse on burns and cuts, Fleshwarp on cuts, rest treated without magic
Nywyn | Burns and cuts - Cast Numb, Cleanse on burns and cuts, Fleshwarp on cuts, rest treated without magic

~28th of March
Leviathan | Lost arm and leg - Cast Regrow twice, attached new limbs about a week later

Sometime after Blightlands
Halvar | Broken arm - Cast Recover and Numb

26th of April
Jacob | Lost finger - Cast Regrow, attached new finger

9th of May
Cieren | Broken nose - Cast Recover

17th of May
Jorvun | Jishrim's eye - Cast Regrow, replaced the old eye a week later

19th of June
Halvar | Fractured leg and arm, bruised leg - Cast Recover on fractured leg and arm, Greater Hasten on bruised leg

25th of June
Jacob | Injuries to face - Cast Recover and Numb

Never found the date
Som | Serious injuries - Cast Recover

14th of July
Lysander | Lethal injuries - Cast Resuscitate

15th of July
Ced | Broken ribs - Cast Numb and Mend Bone, the others healed with alchemy
Sayuire | Treated arrow punctures - Cast Numb and Recover
Frost | Broken ribs and bruises | Cast Numb and Recover, rest healed with alchemy
Jacob | Burns on arms and face | Cast Greater Hasten on all

20th of July
Jaden | Nerve damage - Cast Recover

22nd of July
Marian | Sliced shoulder - Cast Recover

25th of July
Kharn | No injuries - Cast Blooming Barrow for safety
Quill | No injuries - Cast Blooming Barrow for safety

1st of August
Aelyth | Lethal injuries - Cast Resuscitate

6th of August
Jacob | No injuries - Cast Blooming Barrow for safety

8th of August
Jacob | Injury to head - Cast Recover and Numb
Jorvun | Near lethal injuries - Cast Resuscitate
Jaden | Lethal injuries - Cast Resuscitate and Numb

10th of August
Amelia | Lethal injuries - Cast Purify and Resuscitate

14th of August
Maple | Lethal injuries - Cast resuscitate
Hysope | Near lethal injuries - Cast resuscitate

15th of August
Somnastra | Lethal injuries - Cast Resuscitate
Quill | Mutilated arm - Repeatedly cast Numb, Recover after amputation, Regrow and attached limb after a week

17th of August
Cieren | Broken ankle - Cast Recover

10th of September
Halvar | Broken arm and leg - Cast Numb and Resuscitate
Kharn | Broken arm, head injury - Cast Numb, Mend Bone and Greater Hasten
Joseph | Healing injuries - Cast Numb
Alyssa | Broken arm - Cast Numb and Recover

11th of September
Nilsa | Near lethal injuries - Cast Numb and Resuscitate
Fjord | Burned legs and wounded arm - Cast Resuscitate

Provide a situation or use for the spells learnt this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment.
Burgeon - A custom made to be used for traversing difficult grounds, but in its latest RP was used to make a 'platform' over coursing rapids to sit on and fish from.

Hasten - This spell has not seen too much use on the side of her other healing ones, but it has been used to speed up the healing of a minor cut to Quill's own palm, after a garden incident.

Greater Hasten - Quill has used this spell to both remove scars, and to heal burns. Healing Jacob's burns after an attack in Eldpoint's lands was a time she was especially pleased to have made the spell.

Alter Self - Once upon a time some years ago, Quill used a similar Fortis spell to dye her now husband's hair green, as a joke. After losing her Matter Formistry and learning Alter Self,
she thought it'd be nostalgic to surprise him by dyeing his locks a vibrant shade of green again. This time, the color faded back to its original dark shade by itself, too.

Recover - The most useful custom she has made, Recover has healed plenty of difficult injuries and saved Quill headaches when it comes to realigning bones and figuring out internal damage.
Most notable one probably being healing Jacob's head injury.

Copse - During a picnic interrupted by dark clouds and rainfall, Quill thought to offer some shelter via casting Copse over her and her partner. It was a little cramped, but still a sweet scene.

Purify - After a visit to the North with Frost, Quill was caught in a snowstorm on her way back south. Upon reaching Stormhall, she, and others, realized the cold she had. The next morning, she cured herself with Purify.

Verdant Guardian - Awkwardly, the towering Guardian is mainly used as a helping hand in the garden and around Stormhall, though it also participated in a fight inside of a fortress in the Nether.

Resuscitate - A spell that has been used to save plenty of people, including an NPC whose arms and legs were cut off. Another memorable time would have been casting it on Som before she could die in the Nether.

Blooming Barrow - While the spell hasn't brought back anybody as of now, Quill has let her companions know that she is willing to cast it on any of them to assure a safe return.
She has cast it over a couple of the Rangers before their fights against Demons.

Floral Familiar - Quill created this custom after she'd lost her arm to bring herself some comfort with a new companion, and to have some assistance with gardening while she recovered from her injury.

Overgrow - A river near Quill's home is surrounded by rough, craggy rock. To expand the nearby forest and claim a new picnic spot, she turned a patch of its shoreline into a new clearing.
New plants and wildflowers grow there, alongside a young willow tree, symbolic.
This is approved; Congratulations! Our newest Echelon 5 Mage.

Please feel free to update your Arcane Profile to reflect this change at your earliest convenience; one of the team will get your IG Grimoire sorted within the next few hours.


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
Echelon 3:
2 months elapsed since Echelon 2
Fulfill at least two alternate progression goals since reaching Echelon 2 ✓:
Created the custom spell: #1 [Intendi Lucerna], #2Created a Sanctum in Forthyr's Rock: { 6940 53 2917 }
Provide a situation or use for the spells learnt this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment.
Do this for every spell learned since your latest rank-up. ✓:

1. { Zap } In the defense of Eldpoint from an invasion of demons, Albert lets out his anger on a dying demon by jolting it with an arc of electricity, using {Zap}.

2. { Elemental Volley } In the same aforementioned battle, Albert used an arc of lightning volleys to signal a forward advance to his men after holding their line against a push of demons. Trying to inspire them in the wake of a greater power being present in the background, suiting his spells to the themes of said power. (Valiant?)

3. { Intendi Lucerna } Having acquired his new wand from Lady Frost, Albert brought it to the test by having Frost hold together a set of manacles. Using Intendi lucerna in an impressive display to cut through them. Though his intent was to see how the wand would be able to resist the heat of his spell, the casting itself managed to impress Frost and other bystanders.

4. { Brimstone Battlements } In the aftermath of being exorcised from his possession, Albert took a break to spend time in Storm's Landing to heal what was left of his soul. In doing so, he took up research and attempted an experiment with three strangers by casting a line of fire between them and seeing how they would react. Though inherently stupid, earning him a punch or two from said individuals(Raz & Eibisch), it came far to remind him how battered he was from his possession. As it still held some influence over him, despite being far gone.
Last edited:


Legend of Altera
Retired Staff
Character Name: Arvyth Torvald
IGN: xAbsentUser
Character Profile:
Arcane Profile:

Echelon 2:

}{ 1 month elapsed since Echelon 1: ✓ 8/23/22
}{ Fulfill at least one alternate progression goal: ✓ Created a sanctum
}{ Provide a situation or use for the spells learnt this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment.
Do this for every spell learned since your latest rank-up.

Shock: Tested conductivity of metal, leading into future studies. (We don't talk about the other uses)
Flame Wreathe: Cauterized Guinevere's ripped arm sockets. It didn't save her, but it was the first time he gave anything resembling medical aid.
Thaw & Boil: Cooked a pot of stew with his fiance.
Zap: Zapped an Elchbar to help distract it, giving other fighters an opportunity to strike.

Sergeant Freedom

Lord of Altera
Character Name: Matthias von Ivanov
IGN: EdgeLordCryptic
Character Profile: X
Arcane Profile: X

Echelon 2:
☠ 1 month elapsed since Echelon 1 - 8/2/22 - 10/2/22
☠ Fulfill at least one alternate progression goal - Created spell "Flaming Bulwark"
☠Provide a situation or use for the spells learnt this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment.

Flame Wreathe: Saving his friends and ally's Matt set alight a tower using flame wreathe causing it to fall behind them crushing hellspawn that followed. This allowed everyone to escape without being pursued

Flaming Bulwark: Using this spell Matt was able to shield Jerr'co during an attack on the Ivory King's stronghold. The shield protected the Earthspawn from catching arrows while his back was turned and allowed the fight to continue

Thaw and Boil: He boiled some soup. It was good soup


Metaiyyehmorphosis Master
Retired Staff
Character Name: Arvyth Torvald
IGN: xAbsentUser
Character Profile:
Arcane Profile:

Echelon 2:

}{ 1 month elapsed since Echelon 1: ✓ 8/23/22
}{ Fulfill at least one alternate progression goal: ✓ Created a sanctum
}{ Provide a situation or use for the spells learnt this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment.
Do this for every spell learned since your latest rank-up.

Shock: Tested conductivity of metal, leading into future studies. (We don't talk about the other uses)
Flame Wreathe: Cauterized Guinevere's ripped arm sockets. It didn't save her, but it was the first time he gave anything resembling medical aid.
Thaw & Boil: Cooked a pot of stew with his fiance.
Zap: Zapped an Elchbar to help distract it, giving other fighters an opportunity to strike.
My apologies, I had meant to action this last night~

Approved! Please update your Arcane Profile accordingly while we sort out your IG grimoire!


Metaiyyehmorphosis Master
Retired Staff
Character Name: Matthias von Ivanov
IGN: EdgeLordCryptic
Character Profile: X
Arcane Profile: X

Echelon 2:
☠ 1 month elapsed since Echelon 1 - 8/2/22 - 10/2/22
☠ Fulfill at least one alternate progression goal - Created spell "Flaming Bulwark"
☠Provide a situation or use for the spells learnt this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment.

Flame Wreathe: Saving his friends and ally's Matt set alight a tower using flame wreathe causing it to fall behind them crushing hellspawn that followed. This allowed everyone to escape without being pursued

Flaming Bulwark: Using this spell Matt was able to shield Jerr'co during an attack on the Ivory King's stronghold. The shield protected the Earthspawn from catching arrows while his back was turned and allowed the fight to continue

Thaw and Boil: He boiled some soup. It was good soup
Approved! Please feel free to update your Arcane Profile at your earliest convenience while we sort you out IG!


Legend of Altera
: LuxTop

Character profile
: [{X}]
Arcane profile: [{X}]
2 months elapsed since Echelon 2
<>Fulfilled ≽≼7/10/22≽≼

}{ Fulfill at least two alternate progression goal since reaching Echelon 2
<>Researching of the spell Beastly Fixation
<>Researching of the spell An Eye of Caution

}{ Provide a situation or use for the spells learnt this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment.
<>Beastly Fixation: when Uriel, an exalt of Valiant, attacked Reinhard at the outskirts of the Landing, - he was not ready to stand off, for he was shocked, literally. A lightning spear pierced past his armour, catching him off guard, if not for the spell, he might had lost the grip of his weapon, thus failing to deflect an ensuing afterward ruthless strike aimed to finish him - through the gaps of his helmet. But he prevailed.

<>An Eye of Caution: a recently developed spell, driven by paranoia conceived by the attack. Was used to persuade Raenyr into cooperation in Arcane research, with it falling flat - but the presentation of the spell was flawless - Reinhard was able to evade in time an incoming pebble thrown at him.

<>Pact of Dominance: when was severely wounded, summoned the demon soldier to fight in his stead against the camp of Ivory King's minions. Used to intimidate foes, and once - to row impractically, due to short duration of the spell and the nature of the summon, a rowboat for him and his date.
Last edited:


Metaiyyehmorphosis Master
Retired Staff
Echelon 3:
2 months elapsed since Echelon 2
Fulfill at least two alternate progression goals since reaching Echelon 2 ✓:
Created the custom spell: #1 [Intendi Lucerna], #2Created a Sanctum in Forthyr's Rock: { 6940 53 2917 }
Provide a situation or use for the spells learnt this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment.
Do this for every spell learned since your latest rank-up. ✓:

1. { Zap } In the defense of Eldpoint from an invasion of demons, Albert lets out his anger on a dying demon by jolting it with an arc of electricity, using {Zap}.

2. { Elemental Volley } In the same aforementioned battle, Albert used an arc of lightning volleys to signal a forward advance to his men after holding their line against a push of demons. Trying to inspire them in the wake of a greater power being present in the background, suiting his spells to the themes of said power. (Valiant?)

3. { Intendi Lucerna } Having acquired his new wand from Lady Frost, Albert brought it to the test by having Frost hold together a set of manacles. Using Intendi lucerna in an impressive display to cut through them. Though his intent was to see how the wand would be able to resist the heat of his spell, the casting itself managed to impress Frost and other bystanders.

4. { Brimstone Battlements } In the aftermath of being exorcised from his possession, Albert took a break to spend time in Storm's Landing to heal what was left of his soul. In doing so, he took up research and attempted an experiment with three strangers by casting a line of fire between them and seeing how they would react. Though inherently stupid, earning him a punch or two from said individuals(Raz & Eibisch), it came far to remind him how battered he was from his possession. As it still held some influence over him, despite being far gone.
My sincerest apologies for the delay on this; we missed this one! Please count from the date of your post for the OOC time requirement for Echelon 4 as way of apology
Approved! Please update your Arcane Profile accordingly, and we'll get you sorted out in game.


Metaiyyehmorphosis Master
Retired Staff
: LuxTop

Character profile
: [{X}]
Arcane profile: [{X}]
2 months elapsed since Echelon 2
<>Fulfilled ≽≼7/10/22≽≼

}{ Fulfill at least two alternate progression goal since reaching Echelon 2
<>Researching of the spell Beastly Fixation
<>Researching of the spell An Eye of Caution

}{ Provide a situation or use for the spells learnt this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment.
<>Beastly Fixation: when Uriel, an exalt of Valiant, attacked Reinhard at the outskirts of the Landing, - he was not ready to stand off, for he was shocked, literally. A lightning spear pierced past his armour, catching him off guard, if not for the spell, he might had lost the grip of his weapon, thus failing to deflect an ensuing afterward ruthless strike aimed to finish him - through the gaps of his helmet. But he prevailed.

<>An Eye of Caution: a recently developed spell, driven by paranoia conceived by the attack. Was used to persuade Raenyr into cooperation in Arcane research, with it falling flat - but the presentation of the spell was flawless - Reinhard was able to evade in time an incoming pebble thrown at him.

<>Pact of Dominance: when was severely wounded, summoned the demon soldier to fight in his stead against the camp of Ivory King's minions. Used to intimidate foes, and once - to row impractically, due to short duration of the spell and the nature of the summon, a rowboat for him and his date.
Approved! Please update your Arcane Profile to reflect this!


Lord of Altera

Character Name:
Adda Horym


Character Profile:

Arcane Profile:

Echelon 2:
1 month elapsed since echelon 1: 9/11/22 - 10/11/22
Fulfill atleast 1 alternate progression goal: Researched custom spell 'Mimicry'

Provide a situation or use for the spells learnt this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment.
Telekenesis - Adda used the spell telekenesis to spill a tankard of mead onto Guinevere from a distance, nearly causing a barfight between her
and someone who was innocent.
Heart's Reach - Adda used this spell to demonstrate to Frost and Kethron his skill in learning the arcane, to which he was complimented for! It might've not
been memorable for them but it was Memorable for Adda.
Luxstone - Adda imbued an emerald with the spell luxstone, causing Naneki to gaze awe at the wondrous shiny rock!
Locksmith - Adda unlocked the bathroom door in Isabelle Belmont's mansion during a game of tag, allowing him the upper hand in the game eventually
leading to his victory.
Mimicry - Adda created the spell for Frost to use in case she ever lost her voice, allowing her to pursue higher magical goals. It worked very well and she was pleased with the result!
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Metaiyyehmorphosis Master
Retired Staff

Character Name:
Adda Horym


Character Profile:

Arcane Profile:

Echelon 2:
1 month elapsed since echelon 1: 9/11/22 - 10/11/22
Fulfill atleast 1 alternate progression goal: Researched custom spell 'Mimicry'

Provide a situation or use for the spells learnt this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment.
Telekenesis - Adda used the spell telekenesis to spill a tankard of mead onto Guinevere from a distance, nearly causing a barfight between her
and someone who was innocent.
Heart's Reach - Adda used this spell to demonstrate to Frost and Kethron his skill in learning the arcane, to which he was complimented for! It might've not
been memorable for them but it was Memorable for Adda.
Luxstone - Adda imbued an emerald with the spell luxstone, causing Naneki to gaze awe at the wondrous shiny rock!
Locksmith - Adda unlocked the bathroom door in Isabelle Belmont's mansion during a game of tag, allowing him the upper hand in the game eventually
leading to his victory.
Mimicry - Adda created the spell for Frost to use in case she ever lost her voice, allowing her to pursue higher magical goals. It worked very well and she was pleased with the result!
Approved! Please update your Arcane Profile to reflect this at your earliest convenience

Magic Intern

Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
Character Name: Maebh Alraun
IGN: Magic_Intern
Character Profile:
Arcane Profile:

◈ Echelon 4 ◈

3 months elapsed since Echelon 3

✢ 10/5/21 - 07/11/22

Fulfill at least five alternate progression goals since reaching Echelon 3

[!] Raise a protégé to at least Echelon 2, and teach them at least one spell.

✢ Sparked a protegé, Mourin, and gave him a dozen lessons to Journeyman tier. He was then grandfathered in to Echelon 2

[!] Create a custom spell
✢ First Tongue
✢ Familiar

[!] Other: Significant acts relevant to magical research or related themes
Since becoming an Adept Animancer (And subsequently, Echelon 3), made use of her magical abilities in the events below, exercising her craft as a soul-worker and a hired witch.

✢ Exorcised two hostile spirits and subdued another in the City of Tears campaign [X] [X] [X]
✢ Exorcised a wraith in the Queensport Chasm [DM’d by Solus, 05/01/21]
✢ With the help of Life, rescued Maple’s soul from the hands of Evil and magically bound it to a keepsake, later revived. [DM’d by Elz, 26/06/21]
✢ Made use of Elementals to help defeat a rampaging Elchbar [X], a warped Wendigo [X] a colossal spider [X], a Fluich [X] and a towering Undead [X]
✢ Other uses of magic throughout the Life Campaign and Immortal arc.
✢ Performed successful Unbonding rituals on Raelur and Maria.
✢ Managed to cast a Master Level curse upon Dorothy, by the skin of her teeth.

Provide a situation or use for the spells learnt this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment.
[!] Familiar
✢ While trespassing on the forbidden grounds of the Isle of Wolves, Maebh's seeing-eye crow was used to make a distraction, leading the authorities away and allowing her party to escape.
✢ Ferried a message to the Lord of Chance, leading to Maebh defeating him in a wager of her lifelong worship.

[!] First Tongue
✢ Used to commune with and succesfully barter magic from a den of Fae.


Metaiyyehmorphosis Master
Retired Staff
Character Name: Maebh Alraun
IGN: Magic_Intern
Character Profile:
Arcane Profile:

◈ Echelon 4 ◈

3 months elapsed since Echelon 3

✢ 10/5/21 - 07/11/22

Fulfill at least five alternate progression goals since reaching Echelon 3

[!] Raise a protégé to at least Echelon 2, and teach them at least one spell.

✢ Sparked a protegé, Mourin, and gave him a dozen lessons to Journeyman tier. He was then grandfathered in to Echelon 2

[!] Create a custom spell
✢ First Tongue
✢ Familiar

[!] Other: Significant acts relevant to magical research or related themes
Since becoming an Adept Animancer (And subsequently, Echelon 3), made use of her magical abilities in the events below, exercising her craft as a soul-worker and a hired witch.

✢ Exorcised two hostile spirits and subdued another in the City of Tears campaign [X] [X] [X]
✢ Exorcised a wraith in the Queensport Chasm [DM’d by Solus, 05/01/21]
✢ With the help of Life, rescued Maple’s soul from the hands of Evil and magically bound it to a keepsake, later revived. [DM’d by Elz, 26/06/21]
✢ Made use of Elementals to help defeat a rampaging Elchbar [X], a warped Wendigo [X] a colossal spider [X], a Fluich [X] and a towering Undead [X]
✢ Other uses of magic throughout the Life Campaign and Immortal arc.
✢ Performed successful Unbonding rituals on Raelur and Maria.
✢ Managed to cast a Master Level curse upon Dorothy, by the skin of her teeth.

Provide a situation or use for the spells learnt this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment.
[!] Familiar
✢ While trespassing on the forbidden grounds of the Isle of Wolves, Maebh's seeing-eye crow was used to make a distraction, leading the authorities away and allowing her party to escape.
✢ Ferried a message to the Lord of Chance, leading to Maebh defeating him in a wager of her lifelong worship.

[!] First Tongue
✢ Used to commune with and succesfully barter magic from a den of Fae.
This is approved! Please update your Arcane Profile to reflect this new Echelon; one of the team will get you sorted IG ASAP!


professionally deranged
Retired Staff
Character Name: Asero Crow
IGN: electricwisekid
Character Profile: [Asero's profile]
Arcane Profile: [Asero's mage profile]

Echelon 4:
}{ 3 months elapsed since Echelon 3
8/12/22 - 11/12/22

}{ Fulfill at least five alternate progression goals since reaching Echelon 3

Created three custom spells: Pyromancer's Wrath (Echelon 3), Fire Familiar (Echelon 1), and A World On Fire (Echelon 2).
Created a sanctum for himself in the Ashlands, a perfect spot for a pyromancer vying to reach his arcane potential.
Created and performed a gestalt, Invite Only, with his old Eviscism teachers, Kaelin and Kethron.

}{ Provide a situation or use for the spells learnt this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment.
Do this for every spell learned since your latest rank-up.

Pyromancer's Wrath - The first custom Asero created. In a fight with a demonic woman from hell at the fairgrounds of Storm's Landing, as a last-ditch effort, Asero cast this spell and threw a ball of fire at the woman to set her aflame and help bring her down, aiding in ending the fight.

Fire Familiar - Asero's second custom has led to many fun RPs, but the most memorable was when Soup, from a balcony where he couldn't see, sniped Asero's familiar out of existence using a leek fired from her crossbow. Soup loves bringing it up to tease him and tries chucking things at the familiar as often as she can.

Thaw And Boil - Using this spell learned from Frost, Asero cooked a tasty meal of freshly caught, boiled-then-fried fish for himself, Eibisch, Bor, and Noisy Noira (NPC) on a boat.

Ward of the Extremes - Most memorably for Asero, he cast this spell on himself, Kaelin, and Kethron as they journeyed into the Ashlands to his sanctum in order to perform their gestalt.

Burning Parry - A spell learned from Matthias, the most memorable moment came right during the lesson. Matthias cast the spell and struck Crow's sword, resulting in annoyed confusion as nothing happened - only to discover, Asero's drakodo-bone grip nullified the effect. The moment came much to Crow's amusement, and aided him in better understanding the spell.

Ruu Darling

ʕ •́؈•̀ ₎
Aware Single
Retired Staff
Character Name: Isabelle Belmont
IGN: RuuDarling
Character Profile: [X]
Arcane Profile: [X]

Echelon 3:
}{ 2 months elapsed since Echelon 2
A bit over 2 months since being approved on 6/9/22
}{ Fulfill at least two alternate progression goals since reaching Echelon 2
}{ Create a custom spell [Repeatable]
Created the spell Enkindled Rush
}{ Other: Significant acts relevant to magical research or related themes [Repeatable for unique acts]
Demonstrated her ability in magic in the Mage's Tournament hosted in Astrakhan and won.

}{ Provide a situation or use for the spells learnt in this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment.
Do this for every spell learned since your latest rank-up.

Impish Delight
Isabelle sometimes uses this spell to summon a small imp to help her with daily chores or keep her infant child entertained while she was busy. It's grown to have a private presence in her home as a sort of endearing pet.​
Candelabra Conflagration
Isabelle often uses this to light candles and unlit fireplaces when she is unable to handle fire mundanely. It also makes a nice show-off spell to others.​
Boulder Blockade
Isabelle usually uses this as a practice means to summon forth a wall, in cases of combat, she attempts to better utilise it in certain ways if a situation arises.​
Enkindled Rush
Upon creating the spell, Isabelle used this first as an experiment on Amund, who is a consumed biter vyre known for their slowness, which was a little comical. The next use was within the Mage's Tournament in Astrakhan, where she would cast it on Alek and he demonstrated to the crowd what it was capable of.​


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
Echelon 3: Myrddin
IGN: Retro_hagrid
Link to profile: [Myrddin]
}{ 2 months elapsed since Echelon 2 ✓
}{ Fulfill at least two alternate progression goals since reaching Echelon 2:
1#: Created the spell Demon of Corruption
2#: Created a sanctum: [1238 147 -7833] ✓
}{ Provide a situation or use for the spells learnt this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment:
1#: [Pact of Dominance] ✓
in the heat of a skirmish in the tavern between Branko and opposing characters(Sylva, Arv & Others I cant recall), Myrddin summoned a demon guard to create a scene and opportunity to Branko to flee the battle, while giving Myrddin the room to operate on those wounded. A clever way to ward off an ally without exposing oneself.
2#: [Demon of Corruption] ✓
Within the same aforementioned tavern, Myrddin cast an aspect of the underworld to comfort himself in the absence of any plantlife to corrupts due to the encroaching winter cold. Warranting the presence of three strangers(Erwin, Soup & Maebh), before realizing the discomforting heat and demonic influence would disturb everyone else not affiliated at the price of his own comfort. Creating a distant lesson for himself to take others into consideration, before snapping the totem in half and destroying it.
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