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Inactive Antone Rosenthal


Retired Staff
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them


Names: Antone Rosenthal
Titles: N/A
Nicknames: Brass, Rosie, Anty
Mage Profile: [x]

"Ye care carefully, ye know that?" - Cymic
Updates posted in this color! #eac484 | #DC9E32

"Anyone can see this much, I'm afraid."

: Alive

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Race & Culture: Human - Southerner

Relationship: Married

Social Status: Middle Class

Profession: Tailor

Current Home: Halbed

Frequents: --

Quick Info: A somewhat short man with freckles scattered across his face. He keeps a keen gaze on those around him.

Currently: Retired.

"The pattern I follow."

: Athletic

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 145 lbs.

Hair: Dark blond and short. He keeps it neatly trimmed, parted in the center. It's usually brushed to the sides, out of his face.

Eyes: A muted brown, and somewhat round.

Physical Features: Antone would count himself as something rather unremarkable, and perhaps he is. His skin is somewhat pale and heavily freckled, his work keeping him inside along with a general aversion to the sun leftover from younger days. His jaw is angular, face betraying a previous gaunt nature that he's never fully shaken. A razor-thin scar is visible above his left temple.

Signature Clothing: Antone usually dresses in muted colors, green being his usual adornment if any. His wardrobe consists of a heavy woolen coat, brown in color and neatly crafted. Whilst roaming, he typically layers a gambeson beneath it, thin leather gloves either worn or kept in his pocket. His boots are sturdy leather, meticulously polished, though he would never admit to the habit. His selection beyond this is limited to vests and tunics laced to the neck- it is his personal philosophy that no one should see skin beyond his face, his reasoning generally unclear.

Weaponry: While he keeps a short knife tucked into his leftmost boot, he also carries his halberd, which also serves as his focus. It's typically carried in a sling on his back, and he's accepted hauling it about as part of his daily life.

Inventory: The tailor travels light, though the pockets of his coat bear a small hoard of necessities. A small tailoring kit is kept in one, also housing a selection of bandages- a habit forced upon him after a few too many close calls. A flask of whiskey is held in another, cheap cigars tucked alongside it. Finally, he carries a small travel log and a stick of charcoal.

Hygiene: He's near meticulous in his upkeep, face always clean-shaven and clothes clean. Each detail is tended to with the focus of a perfectionist- something which likely slows his mornings to a crawl. Antone usually carries the scent of cedarwood, though it is occasionally accompanied by whiskey or cigar smoke, depending on the day.

"The material I'm made of."

: Focused, Quiet.

A reserved man, Antone has made a name for himself through attention to detail and keen ears. Outwardly nervous, he's learned to navigate the world with relatively little impact. He's devoted to his work, rarely one for small talk, though the few he keeps in company often bring out a less withdrawn version of the tailor.


Temperament: Even and steady. At least in public, Antone keeps his opinions to himself and can maintain a level head when under pressure. He's slow to rile and quick to switch to a diplomatic tone if things are getting dicey. He's not above playing meek to keep the attention off of himself.

Diligent: When set on a task, he'll see it through to the end as best he can. He finds it easy to devote time to meticulous tasks, and will actively seek out whatever information or skills he needs to accomplish his goals. While his utter focus shines in his crafts, it can make him somewhat distant from anything he's unprepared to dedicate 100% of his attention to.


"By any Means": He knows what he wants. It's no matter to dirty his hands getting it.

Spite: Antone can hold a grudge- It may never show, but actions of the past are burdens he carries with him for the rest of his life. He's careful with his words. Business depends on them, after all.

Vice: He's managed to shake the years of dread, but the cost is steep. He's prone to vice, escaping through his flask or cigars, though more rarely the latter. His habits are likely a point of some tension in his life- but if they are, he's never shown it.


Isolation: His past gives him a terrible fear of being left behind, or being forgotten. While he may despise crowds, he also finds himself lost without a solitary companion or small group. On his own, he tends toward past vices and quickly spirals.

"Eyes on Me": Another shred of the past. Antone cannot handle being watched or stared at- once prone to making him a nervous wreck, now it simply pisses him off.

Intelligence: Well-Educated

Character’s soft spot: ???

Values: Family, Privacy, Information

General Sociability: Antone will generally seek out small groups, though he finds his greatest comfort in one on one conversation.

Religion or Cults: ???

Affiliations: ???

Alignment: Lawful ???

Motivation: ???


"Things in my pockets."

Halberd Focus - "Savvytooth":
A halberd made by Ventare and named by Cymic, "Savvytooth" is roughly 5ft in length, made of unpolished steel and dark wood. A blue gem is embedded near it's head, and its grip is wrapped in red cloth. The heartstone itself is the Northern Sapphire.
Name: Northern Sapphire
: A blue gemstone, that if stared at for a lingering moment or more, seems to show the scenes of snowfall.
Effect: Should this heartstone be activated, it will always glow a soft blue hue, and any spells cast with it follow the same theme.

His Letters - "Reminders": A small collection of letters from Cyrus. He keeps them at home, now- on his bedside. They are, unfortunately, bloodstained.
"Small reminders from a time thankfully past."

Hatchet - "Callous": A rusted hatchet, its blade dulled.
"It's rather handy, you see."

((@pandushkie on Instagram))

"The Function of my fabric."

Tailoring [8/10]
- Antone has trained in this trade for the better half of his life. He’s quick with needle and thread, and finds it simple to create patterns and designs.

Combat [5/10] - He can hold his own, to an extent. His training lies with halberds.

First Aid [3/10] - Turns out that you learn things when you live with a doctor.


Rede [5/10] [Barely-Fluent] -
A language he's picked up from his time working with Rowley and focused lessons on such.

Common [9/10] [Fluent] - His native tongue.

"You get the idea by now."

Short Term Goals
- Continued Rede Lessons
-Returning letters

Long Term Goals:
- Fire

Completed Goals:
- Revisit Home
-A proposal

Other Content

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Retired Staff
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them

"Embroidery, Stitches, and seams- that which marks me."
- Player Tag - Association


Cyrus - Magic Intern - Purpose
"Do not go where I cannot follow."
Cyrus seems to be the only one who can understand the inner dialogue of Antone. They're constantly on the same page, and while they might appear somewhat distant to any onlooker, that's just how Antone prefers things. His love for Cyrus knows no bounds, and while he holds endless concern for him, he'll carry that love no matter his form.
Theme: [x]


Cymic - Cymic_ - Foolsgold
"Guess we're both shite at taking care of folk."
Antone trusts Cymic, as insane as that might sound. He knows he can rely on the man to have his back- and while they might disagree on what that means, he's never doubted that he cares. He doesn't quite look up to the man; as he grows older and more assured, he views him as less of an uncle and more of a brother.
Theme: [x]

Maebh - Magic Intern - Lil Sis
"Ever at your side."
The first person he cared for in a while, since himself. He's learned- she doesn't need him to keep her safe, nor could he if he tried. He's there when she needs him, a shred of stability in unsure times. For her, he can try to shine.
Theme: [x]

Rowley - Philipe - Whiskey Knight
"A toast to the end of dark times. We make our own light."
A truly unexpected friendship- shaky roots and a burning hatred split them into different paths early on. They crossed back into each other's tale at the lowest point, very nearly the final chapter for both- but neither faltered. Antone has never been afraid to let the man see him at his worst. They both carry some of that anger, still.
Theme: [x]

Fronslin - Fronslin - Returned
"Progress made, heedless of the cost."
Fronslin was, in many ways, the inciting incident for Antone's departure from Vyrism and his "family." It's an odd tie that binds them- not quite friend, not student & teacher... though Antone would not trade it for the world, and is honored to be among Fronslin's closer company.
Theme: [x]

Stitches and Seams:

Kethron - Heie - Keen Gaze
"I enjoy our talks, and the stories you hold."
Antone will never shake his unease from the man's careful gaze, though he's accepted that it's hardly personal. He finds Kethron curious, and greatly enjoys working with him, or simply sharing idle chatter.

Bennett - TheDeester - Pillars
"So much weight on one person."
He cannot move past the guilt, avoiding Bennett's gaze when able. He would not forgive himself for actions taken to save his own skin- and while he feels he's paid his own price for such, it pains him to see the burden it has placed on the boy. He'll go far out of his way to assist him, no matter if it's a poor idea.

Loose Threads:

Ezra - Dusty - Wings
"It's been so long."
Ezra is truly one of the people who can bring Antone from his shell- though he has not seen the man in far too long. Dearly missed.

Unraveled Edges:


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Retired Staff
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
He's back- Changes to the profile detailed below.

He got hurt! Antone is now missing his right hand and is generally more beat up than before. Sleep deprived and very, very angry. Recovery will take a while.

All relations have been cleared except one- interactions will determine how those relationships return.

Antone's traits have been shifted and increased! New fears have been added.

Antone has changed his focus- and plans to pursue his new goals. There's a debt to settle.


Retired Staff
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
Update after a few interactions.

Updated some personality things, trivia, appearance, and changed his theme!

-Added Kazu
-Updated Cyrus
-Updated Rowley​


Retired Staff
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
Update time!

Updated the profile format, moved all the art to a separate gallery, and changed a few minor details.
Added Cymic's gift. Adjusted alignment.

-Updated Kethron
-Updated Cymic
-Updated Rowley
-Updated Fronslin
-Updated Cyrus​


Retired Staff
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
Quiet update for relations and some housekeeping, plus some new art!

Commissioned by Phil from the lovely @pandushkie on Instagram!



Retired Staff
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
Heavy, heavy rework on the whole thing- much new content reflecting character changes. A full set of new relations, plus mage profile linked- we reached apprentice, hell yeah!