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The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
So did anyone else see that Steins: Gate is getting a new full game and anime, not a tiny spin off. If it reaches even half the level of masterpiece that was the original I'm gonna be the happiest guy ever. :D

Have a trailer.


Lord of Altera
I enjoyed what's out so far, but that's not really very much. It could get very fan-servicey very fast.
I doubt its going to drift into fan service.

Since you already saw it up to EP 4, here a list of censors I can think of compared to the manga - My guess is that they were done on request of the Japanese Self-Defense Force. (or JSDF).
Note those are just a few I actually remember I didn't read the Manga before the EP 3 Happenings.

EP 1:
- The Empire planted a flag on a pile of Bodies in the middle of Tokyo (Iwo Jima anyone?)
- corpses, deaths, 60'000 Empire soldiers actually died when attacking Tokyo; It imho even looked like some of the Shields were deflecting the bullets - and no they didn't. The bullets went right through.
- The rising sun flag when the entered the gate (don't question it... Likely the JSDF being afraid that China would claim they areusing interdimensional gates to prepare an attack on them, after China claimed they were building a real working Gundam a while ago (【video】/ LOL LOL LOL)
EP 2:

Mount Arnus
- battle again
- A real load of corpses

Elven Village:
Likely corpses again

EP 3:
Bandit camp (loads of stuff):
- Dead, undressed woman behind the cart;
- Rori brutally butchering all the bandits for it.
- Rori trying to incite the last surviving one to necrofilia (failed attempt)
- Rori literally making the last bandit dig his own grave (seriously)

No censors here I can remember, She actually really just sat on his lap and refused to get off, just like in the anime.
However, the scene was shortened ans mostly shown from behind the car instead of inside. (Which made it look more fan service than it was)

Dragon Fight:

- The dragon butchering/burning about half the village
- the Dragon's arm falling down to the ground (visibly)

Dragon Fight Aftermath:
There was a rather huge mass graveyard; The anime however made the scene look almost beautiful

EP 4:
The Tavern, Princess Pinya and the L.A.M.(aka the rocket launcher):

- The L.A.M. (Rocket launcher) was referred to as 'Rod of Steel' in the manga; Yes 'rod of steel'. CR just translated it as 'great iron c***'
- The bar maid teasing Pinya when she asked how it looked like, telling her that she shouldn't pretend to be so innocent it looks like a 'rod' looks like.

Military Base - Part 1 - Name registration:

Lelelei: 15 years old (was added as adult as she'd be considered one in her own world)
Touka: 165

Itami: Are you sure, she doesn't look older than 15
Lelei: Wrong not a child. She is much much much much much much older.
Itami: So how old exactly'
Lelei: 'Too scary can't ask...'

A certain village - Pinya and Dulan
Pinya actually threatened to annihilate his entire Kingdom if he doesn't give her information on the enemy. Dulan wasn't impressed by it though and told her to do as she pleases if she wants to waste her soldiers.

Military Base Part 2 - The bath
Don't remember this having happened at all

Military Base - Part 3 - the reason for the Dragon Scale selling; In a tent

The girls were actually worried they had to pay for everything (with their bodies - and no they didn't have to, they were just worried about it. The girls are thinking by their own worlds rules here.). The old mage then talked about the dragon scales and they decided to ask if they could have them.

They then asked Itami if they could have them and he said sure, as they were useless to them and they were only using them for target practice (shocked old mage here)

Oh and as for Charlotte:
Aparently the Director things will have a huge twist at EP 6
- Expect drama and what do I know; Just expect the usual Key stuff from Little Busters, Clannad, and Angel Beats to happen.
Last edited:


Lord of Altera
Anyone seen the new Anime out on crunchyroll called Gate? Its pretty damn awesome I recomend you all watch it or try it out. Im currently addicted to it XD


The Arbiter of the Gods
Anyone seen the new Anime out on crunchyroll called Gate? Its pretty damn awesome I recomend you all watch it or try it out. Im currently addicted to it XD

You can have a 30 day trial of Crunchyroll and support your favourite TotalBiscuit by using Just sayain.


You can have a 30 day trial of Crunchyroll and support your favourite TotalBiscuit by using Just sayain.
If anyone wants any crunchyroll 30 day thingys just ask bc I don't redeem mine and they just end up expiring.


Lord of Altera
Anyone seen the new Anime out on crunchyroll called Gate? Its pretty damn awesome I recomend you all watch it or try it out. Im currently addicted to it XD
As described in my review ;).
Although it is sadly full of censor compared to the Manga. (Mostly Rory shenanigans and Rising Sun flags)