Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Active <> Airblessed <> Faith Meadow


Loyal Servant of Altera


[ x ] Markings appear upon the body, usually focused on the upper arms and shoulders (though not unheard of being elsewhere) akin to silvery or light golden feathers. In some instances, they glow very faintly when the air blessed is actively moving.
She has various golden and silvery feathers on her arms that glows when she moves around.

[ x ] The eyes change, from light golden or silver colored streaks throughout the iris, a ring forming around it, or the entire eye becoming a shimmering iridescent hue akin to a pearl.
Faith has a silver-colored streaks throughout the iris.

[ x ] Their bodies appear slightly lither, some losing mass to become lighter, with more definition forming as a result.
She appears skinnier and more fit losing a bit of a beer belly she had before.

Airblessed find a more notable change in their personalities; a restless nature forming where there wasn’t one before. This can take on many forms, be it restless in progression, always wanting to move around, or needing to occupy their hands with items like coins or string. Some become more aloof, fleeting, whilst others gain a discomfort at the notion of commitment. You may choose how your character is changed, be it a minor or more dramatic trait.
Faith has become more aloof always having to do SOMETHING or she becomes agitated and restless. Especially around large groups of people.

They find a thrill in being in stormy, windy conditions and find they are less likely to be knocked off balance whilst within them. Many find they are somewhat more flexible, agile, and excellent at catching small stray objects such as coins (harmless, not arrows). Some make for great dancers and athletes.
She seeks thrill in situations but as time goes on she becomes more flexible and agile along with her dancing that she keeps private.

Staying in the same place for too long begins to grate on them, and they tend to fidget with things or pace in an effort to alleviate it. Closed in locations without even a breeze make them feel breathless and uncomfortable, and it is not uncommon for airblessed to become light sleepers too.
Faith becomes more agitated and has a fear of tight places.

Airblessed are able to manipulate small items within arm’s reach, making them float or twirl idly in the air at will, as well as flick small bursts of air in the same radius for minor effects (ruffle hair, scatter papers, extinguish candles). They also find themselves drifting to the ground from any jump under ten metres/blocks.
She is normally helping people where she can helping people keep hair from their eyes.
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