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Finished A Night To Repent


Loyal Servant of Altera
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them

Where: Frostlight [ask for TPA]
When: Saturday December 23rd, Noon, MST / 11AM PST
What: Small sermon and mini event. You will in role play write your characters biggest sin they wish to repent for on paper, and cast it into a bonfire
Host: Priestess Lerina Fletcher​
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Loyal Servant of Altera
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
The transcript, 3 others intended IC

[A fire pit burns in Frostlight. Stacked high, the heat rages. The ward protects it from spreading. A priestess walks forward]

Lords, Ladies, People of titles and those who just follow, I welcome you to the Frostlight.

We gather here tonight to repent for our sins. As the colder times are upon us, we must reflect on our actions, good and bad and not wait until death to seek forgiveness and judgement. We are all guilty of sinning, of doing bad deeds, breaking the tenets of the gods. But how many of us are willing to admit it?

How many of you are brave enough to show your weakness before the gods and ask for forgiveness? How many of you are bold enough to confess your sins?

We are here today to reflect not just on our past, but to guide our future. Todays sermon is a bit different than past ones. In front of you all is paper and quill. I ask you to write down one sin or one thing you regret. Then come up to this fire, toss the paper in and ask the gods to forgive you. Ask the gods to cleanse your soul, as much as I can cleanse your mind. For us to do better, we must not repeat the cycle of wrongdoing.

There is a saying I tell the men and women of Gallia, and I bring it here for you to reflect on. We march forward. We march to either victory, or we march to defeat. But none the less, we march. We do not stand still. We do not idle. We go into the unknown.

That’s what I ask you all to do, spiritually today, even if you don’t know how to do better, even if you do not know how to correct the past. Make a pledge to go forward. Make the effort. Make the first step, with me, and everyone today. Confess your sins among the gods, burn them and ask for guidance.

[Lerina would walk towards the fire, paper in hand]

You may say what you wrote out loud, or say it In your mind

[She casts the paper into the flames]

Divine Goddess of death and judgement. My confession I wish to cleanse is that of betrayal. I made a promise to a group of native settlers to protect and honor their society and gods, and I betrayed them by desecrating their holy sites and putting many to the sword. I confess I gave into the temptation of Greed and pledge before you to do better. [Lerina slices her palm and lets her blood flow into the fire] May the blood of the wicked, be burnt like the soul of the sinner. May my blood I offer you represent my sins, as the All Mother has given me this blood and I have tarnished her glory with my trespasses. May the blood of the whicked, mine included, flow to the river of judgement. I ask forgiveness.

[She looks at the crowd]

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