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A Lovely Choice


Legend of Altera
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
I, Miya Bellamy Bluet, am running as a candidate for the Council of Storm's Landing and am a member of the Worker's Party of Storm's Landing. I have recently seen many fantastical proposals from the other candidates to council. While I agree with most of them , they are- mostly, very vague or have no actual plans attached to them. So, I have come here with my personal proposals which also partially reflect with the ideology of the Worker's Party. All explained in detail with the ways they might be achieved

Proposal 1-
As most of us know, the slums are extremely dangerous. The violence is often borne out of desperation from poor living conditions. I propose that we begin renovating the housing in the slums to resemble the rest of the housing available in the city. The cost of these projects would be covered by a new tax system, in which the wealthy pay a larger proportion of taxes than the poor. In the end, this will create a safer, more comfortable Storm’s Landing for everyone, where none need to struggle to live happily, having everything they need at their disposal.

Proposal 2-

I feel the way Vyres are seen in this city is not ideal. Too often are they viewed with hatred or are unfairly associated with violence. While these concerns are understandable considering the city's past history with vyres, nowadays, many vyres are normal people, trying to live their lives like you and I. As it has always been, many did not ask to be vyres, and I would like vyres to be able to be open about it. They should not live with the constant fear of losing friends, family, loved ones, their jobs, or even their lives because of something they did not ask for. Seeing such, I would like to propose the creation of an institution for anonymous donation of blood to help the needs of vyres, making it unlikely that they would commit violence to obtain such, lifeblood included. Also, for lover vyres, as they have a rather unique form of feeding, scheduling would be needed, so volunteers are able to help them. But of course, there would also be bloodvine available if preferred.

Proposal 3-

Personally, I feel that many councilors were not transparent enough with the city. They rarely consulted the citizenry or were too difficult for a commoner to speak to, seeing such, I would like to propose a system in which the citizenry is able to send letters to the council, asking for changes to the city and allowing for a more interactive form of governance, in which the wants and needs of the people are sure to be fullfilled, even before such, I request that anyone who wishes to ask questions, voice concerns, or simply speak to me, to write a letter addressed to my home in Storm's Landing. And, hereby I make this promise; I will do my best to aid this city and to make sure all of you help in it. Together.

Love guide,

Miya Bellamy Bluet

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
Honestly, despite the fact Miya is a odd character, it would be nice to have an active council for once that might actually make a change. I feel like Miya with the current candidates would be a really nice change of pace. I look forward to the voting :)