Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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A Fond Return - With News


Lord of Altera
Dear Altera,

As you may or may not know I have been absent fro Altera over the pas 2 months. I would first like to say that it is good to be back amongs such honourable people that inhabit this realm. I have certainly mised you all and I wish all of you that have received new ranks since my absence congratulations and I see that an awful lot has changed.

I now move on to tell you why I have been away from the Alteran realm for such a long time. I have been exploring beyond Alteras borders looking for Ents as usual as well as exploring new lands that seemed strange and alien to me. This leads me on to the news I bring of a particular importance to Ents, Wood elves and all other forest loving life in Altera. There is a new virus that is spreading through some of the trees in other neighbouring realms. It enables trees to grow tall and allows these strange cats to inhabit the forests. The forests had become thick and densley populated with trees, I failed to find signs of life but I did find that the virus is spreading and is slowly making its way into Altera. I ust admit though that I did enjoy the beautiful forestry the virus created but at the same time I had slight worry for the forests.

Once again it's good to be back.

Skinbark, The Great Ent