Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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A bounty on Leo Lonmar


Lord of Altera
Hail people of Altera! There is a man wanted, the man known as Leo Lonmar. May you be mercenary, assassin, soldier, or peasant, a reward of 10,000 rads will be given to the one who brings his dead body.


In return, a 15k bounty is on your head. 15k for bringing me evidence, 18 if you bring the head to go with my collection.


Lord of Altera
I did not consent to this.
Kill me and it's unconsented pvp, enjoy.

Also this is rather out of the blue, as I haven't been on in a week or so.
What reason is it this time?


Lord of Altera
I did not consent to this.
Kill me and it's unconsented pvp, enjoy.

Also this is rather out of the blue, as I haven't been on in a week or so.
What reason is it this time?
You are right, I should have asked your consent, I thought I was missing something when I posted this...
And no, its not out of the blue, I've been waiting for this for a loooooong time now.