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Finished [2/21/18 | 4pm est] {Public} Signing of the Canonical Law


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
A festival held in the capital of Sanardu, celebrating The Canonical Law Imposed, and marking the date it will be officially signed and enforced across the Fuvurian empire, the largest reform in the history of the Fuvurian Dominion.

Fuvurian vassals are required to arrive in person or send someone as an expy in their place to sign The Law Imposed, while foreign dignitaries shall be welcomed as witnesses to the signing. Those that wish to join the empire, entreat its nobility for some manner of service, or otherwise desire a conference with Nwalme or those of the empire, are equally welcomed in this ceremony. There will also be a feast in which foods and drinks will be provided from every corner of the Fuvurian Empire.

After the event there will be a mock combat hosted in the ruins north of Sanardu, sponsored by the house.


Time: 4PM EST
Date: Wednesday 21st Feb
Rating: Moderate, Public
Location: Sanardu
(Follow the blue banners)

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Lord of Altera
Hmm... If I am able I will attempt to come, I've been playing as Evangelinn occasionally, she'd like a trip to granddad's


Events Staff
Very Sweet
This is in like, four hours. Am looking for dancers/musicians/servants if anyone is interested in that. ; )